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Category — BlackHole Exploit Kit
Angler Exploit Kit Uses Domain Shadowing technique to Evade Detection

Angler Exploit Kit Uses Domain Shadowing technique to Evade Detection

Mar 05, 2015
The world's infamous Angler Exploit Kit has become the most advanced, much more powerful and the best exploit kit available in the market, beating the infamous BlackHole exploit kit , with a host of exploits including zero-days and a new technique added to it. Angler Exploit Kit's newest technique is dubbed "Domain Shadowing" which is considered to be the next evolution of online crime. Domain Shadowing, first appeared in 2011, is the process of using users domain registration logins to create subdomains. WHAT IS DOMAIN SHADOWING ? With the help of Domain Shadowing technique used in a recent Angler campaign, attackers are stealing domain registrant credentials to create tens of thousands of sub-domains that are used in hit-and-run style attacks in order to either redirect victims to the attack sites, or serve them malicious payloads. Security researcher Nick Biasini of Cisco's Talos intelligence team analysed the campaign and said the "massive...
Israeli Think Tank Compromised to Serve Sweet Orange Exploit Kit

Israeli Think Tank Compromised to Serve Sweet Orange Exploit Kit

Sep 10, 2014
The official website of a prominent Israel-based, Middle East foreign policy-focused think tank, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) , has been compromised and abused by attackers to distribute malware . The Israeli think tank website JCPA – an independent research institute focusing on Israeli security, regional diplomacy and international law – was serving the Sweet Orange exploit kit via drive-by downloads to push malware onto the computers of the website's visitors by exploiting software vulnerabilities, researchers from security firm Cyphort reported on Friday. The Sweet Orange is one of the most recently released web malware exploitation kits, available for sale at selected invite-only cyber crime friendly communities and has been around for quite some time. However, Sweet Orange has also disappeared but in October 2013, shortly after the arrest of Paunch, the author of BlackHole , experts observed a major increase in the use of Sweet Orange. The ...
Want to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management? Start Here!

Want to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management? Start Here!

Dec 05, 2024Attack Surface / Exposure Management
Vulnerability Management (VM) has long been a cornerstone of organizational cybersecurity. Nearly as old as the discipline of cybersecurity itself, it aims to help organizations identify and address potential security issues before they become serious problems. Yet, in recent years, the limitations of this approach have become increasingly evident.  At its core, Vulnerability Management processes remain essential for identifying and addressing weaknesses. But as time marches on and attack avenues evolve, this approach is beginning to show its age. In a recent report, How to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management (Gartner, How to Grow Vulnerability Management Into Exposure Management, 8 November 2024, Mitchell Schneider Et Al.), we believe Gartner® addresses this point precisely and demonstrates how organizations can – and must – shift from a vulnerability-centric strategy to a broader Exposure Management (EM) framework. We feel it's more than a worthwhile read an...
'Paunch', Blackhole exploit kit creator and Gang arrested in Russia

'Paunch', Blackhole exploit kit creator and Gang arrested in Russia

Dec 07, 2013
In October, we had reported that the creator of the infamous Blackhole  exploit kit was  arrested in Russia  and now the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has also confirmed that ' Paunch ', the mastermind behind infamous  BlackHole  exploit kit, along with Gang of 12 other criminals were arrested on October 4, 2013 in Russia. Russian security firm Group-IB has disclosed that it has assisted the police in the investigation of Paunch, who was residing in the city of Togliatti . 27-years old ' Paunch ' is the author of the notorious BlackHole and Cool exploit kits that are today popular among cybercriminals and costs $500 to $700 a month in for buyers. Cool and Blackhole exploit kits are the ready-made hacking tools for easily serving malware from compromised sites, in result to install malware on users' computers using exploits of zero-day vulnerabilities in latest web browsers. The general damage caused by the criminal gang is estimated aroun...
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Paunch, the author of Blackhole Exploit kit arrested in Russia

Paunch, the author of Blackhole Exploit kit arrested in Russia

Oct 07, 2013
According to a Security Analyst ' Maarten Boone ' working  at Fox-IT company, the Developer of notorious Blackhole Exploit Kit  developer ' Paunch ' and his partners were arrested in Russia recently. Blackhole Exploit Kit  which is responsible for the majority of web attacks today, is a crimeware that makes it simple for just about anyone to build a botnet . This Malware kit was developed by a hacker who uses the nickname "Paunch" and his Team, has gained wide adoption and is currently one of the most common exploit frameworks used for Web-based malware delivery. The Blackhole exploit kit is a framework for delivering exploits via compromised or third-party websites, serve up a range of old and new exploits for Oracle's Java, Adobe's Flash and other popular software to take control of victim's machines. It the point of writing No Police Authority or Press has confirmed the claim made by Maarten about the arrest of Malware author. Plea...
New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

Apr 27, 2013
A new sophisticated and stealthy Apache backdoor meant to drive traffic to malicious websites serving Blackhole exploit kit widely has been detected by  Sucuri recently. Researchers claimed that this backdoor affecting hundreds of web servers right now. Dubbed Linux/Cdorked.A , one of the most sophisticated Apache backdoors we have seen so far. The backdoor leaves no traces of compromised hosts on the hard drive other than its modified httpd binary, thereby complicating forensics analysis. All of the information related to the backdoor is stored in shared memory.  The configuration is pushed by the attacker through obfuscated HTTP requests that aren't logged in normal Apache logs. The HTTP server is equipped with a reverse connect backdoor that can be triggered via a special HTTP GET request. This means that no command and control information is stored anywhere on the system. ESET researchers  analyzed the binary and ...
Carberp botnet developers team arrested in Russia

Carberp botnet developers team arrested in Russia

Apr 05, 2013
Cybercriminals, underground hacking communities, hacker's market and Exploit packs.... Russian  cyberspace is well known for such crazy hacking stuff. Recently, the original Carberp botnet developer   ring that stole millions from bank accounts worldwide has been arrested. According to a report from Russian newspaper, a group of 20 people who served as its malware development team, were arrested by the Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrayiny and the Federalnaya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii (federal security service of Russia, FSB) in cities around Ukraine. Over $250 million has been stolen by the members of the botnet ring, which had roughly 20 members aged between 25 and 30. " Our experts did an enormous amount of work, which resulted in identifying the head of this criminal group, the owner and operator of a specialized banking botnet, identifying the control servers, and identifying the directing of traffic from popular websites in order t...
Zeus banking Trojan targeting five major banks in Japan

Zeus banking Trojan targeting five major banks in Japan

Feb 14, 2013
Zeus continues to strike online bank accounts and users, and technology designed to thwart these Trojan attacks continually fails to keep up. Symantec recently came across a new Zeus file targeting five major banks in Japan. The malware, which has caused serious problems to banking customers in Europe and the U.S, now having maximum concentration on Japanese banks. Target information was reveled by Symantec after decryption of configuration file from new sample. The attacker uses Blackhole exploit kit in order to install Zeus. Zeus, a financially aimed malware, comes in many different forms and flavors. It can be tweaked to hijack personal PCs, or come in the form of a keylogger that tracks keystrokes as users enter them. But once installation over, Zeus malware aims to steal online-banking credentials, and phishing schemes and drive-by downloads are most often the avenues hackers use to spread this increasingly sophisticated and evo...
Exploit Packs updated with New Java Zero-Day vulnerability

Exploit Packs updated with New Java Zero-Day vulnerability

Jan 10, 2013
A new Java 0-day vulnerability has been discovered, already wind in use by an exploit pack, taking advantage of a fresh zero-day vulnerability in Java and potentially letting hackers take over users' machines. Java 7 Update 10 and earlier contain an unspecified vulnerability that can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system. The flaw was first spotted by 'Malware Don't Need Coffee' blog . This vulnerability is being attacked in the wild, and is reported to be incorporated into exploit kits. This exploit is already available in two Exploit Packs, that is available for $700 a quarter or $1,500 for a year. Similar tactics were used in CVE-2012-4681 , which was discovered last August. Source of this new Exploit available to download Here . The two most popular exploits packs used by hackers to distribute malware, the BlackHole Exploit Kit and the Cool Exploit Kit already having thi...
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