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Category — Android
Google Makes it Mandatory for OEMs to Roll Out Android Security Updates Regularly

Google Makes it Mandatory for OEMs to Roll Out Android Security Updates Regularly

May 11, 2018
Security of Android devices has been a nightmare since its inception, and the biggest reason being is that users don't receive latest security patch updates regularly. Precisely, it's your device manufacturer (Android OEMs) actually who takes time to roll out security patches for your devices and sometimes, even has been caught lying about security updates , telling customers that their smartphones are running the latest updates. Since Google did not have direct control over the OEM branded firmware running on billions of devices, it brought some significant changes to the Android system architecture last year with Project Treble gain more control over the update process. Although Google and device manufacturers have made some progress in the past year, the problem with the security update remains because of OEMs not delivering all patches regularly and on a timely basis, leaving parts of the Android ecosystem exposed to hackers. But here's good news—starting wi
Cybercriminals Hijack Router DNS to Distribute Android Banking Trojan

Cybercriminals Hijack Router DNS to Distribute Android Banking Trojan

Apr 16, 2018
Security researchers have been warning about an ongoing malware campaign hijacking Internet routers to distribute Android banking malware that steals users' sensitive information, login credentials and the secret code for two-factor authentication. In order to trick victims into installing the Android malware, dubbed Roaming Mantis , hackers have been hijacking DNS settings on vulnerable and poorly secured routers . DNS hijacking attack allows hackers to intercept traffic, inject rogue ads on web-pages and redirect users to phishing pages designed to trick them into sharing their sensitive information like login credentials, bank account details, and more. Hijacking routers' DNS for a malicious purpose is not new. Previously we reported about widespread DNSChanger and Switcher —both the malware worked by changing the DNS settings of the wireless routers to redirect traffic to malicious websites controlled by attackers. Discovered by security researchers at Kaspersk
How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

Sep 17, 2024GenAI Security / SaaS Security
When you connect your organization's Google Drive account to ChatGPT, you grant ChatGPT extensive permissions for not only your personal files, but resources across your entire shared drive. As you might imagine, this introduces an array of cybersecurity challenges. This post outlines how to see ChatGPT activity natively in the Google Workspace admin console, and how Nudge Security can provide full visibility into all genAI integrations. Since launching ChatGPT in 2022, OpenAI has defied expectations with a steady stream of product announcements and enhancements. One such announcement came on May 16, 2024, and for most consumers, it probably felt innocuous. Titled  "Improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT," the post outlines how users can add files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. It's worth mentioning that other genAI tools like Google AI Studio and Claude Enterprise have also added similar capabilities recently. Pretty great, right? Maybe.‍ When you connec
VirusTotal launches 'Droidy' sandbox to detect malicious Android apps

VirusTotal launches 'Droidy' sandbox to detect malicious Android apps

Apr 05, 2018
One of the biggest and most popular multi-antivirus scanning engine service has today launched a new Android sandbox service, dubbed VirusTotal Droidy , to help security researchers detect malicious apps based on behavioral analysis. VirusTotal, owned by Google, is a free online service that allows anyone to upload files to check them for viruses against dozens of antivirus engines simultaneously. Android Sandbox performs both static and dynamic analysis to automatically detect suspicious applications by executing and monitoring applications in a simulated Android OS environment. Behavioral reports for Android applications (APKs) is not new to VirusTotal, as the website already had service since 2013 that worked based on Cuckoo Sandbox , an open source automated malware analysis system. Replacing this existing system, VirusTotal Droidy has been integrated in the context of the multi-sandbox project and can extract "juicy" details, such as: Network communicatio
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DevOps Security Best Practices

websiteWizDevOps / Secure Coding
Develop securely from code to cloud with this DevOps Security Cheat Sheet from Wiz. Take a deep dive into secure coding, infrastructure security, and vigilant monitoring and response.
New Android Malware Secretly Records Phone Calls and Steals Private Data

New Android Malware Secretly Records Phone Calls and Steals Private Data

Apr 03, 2018
Security researchers at Cisco Talos have uncovered variants of a new Android Trojan that are being distributed in the wild disguising as a fake anti-virus application, dubbed "Naver Defender." Dubbed KevDroid , the malware is a remote administration tool (RAT) designed to steal sensitive information from compromised Android devices, as well as capable of recording phone calls. Talos researchers published Monday technical details about two recent variants of KevDroid detected in the wild, following the initial discovery of the Trojan by South Korean cybersecurity firm ESTsecurity two weeks ago. Though researchers haven't attributed the malware to any hacking or state-sponsored group, South Korean media have linked KevDroid with North Korea state-sponsored cyber espionage hacking group " Group 123 ," primarily known for targeting South Korean targets. The most recent variant of KevDroid malware, detected in March this year, has the following capabilit
Facebook Collected Your Android Call History and SMS Data For Years

Facebook Collected Your Android Call History and SMS Data For Years

Mar 25, 2018
Facebook knows a lot about you, your likes and dislikes—it's no surprise. But do you know, if you have installed Facebook Messenger app on your Android device, there are chances that the company had been collecting your contacts, SMS, and call history data at least until late last year. A tweet from Dylan McKay, a New Zealand-based programmer, which received more than 38,000 retweets (at the time of writing), showed how he found his year-old data—including complete logs of incoming and outgoing calls and SMS messages—in an archive he downloaded (as a ZIP file) from Facebook. Facebook was collecting this data on its users from last few years, which was even reported earlier in media, but the story did not get much attention at that time. Since Facebook had been embroiled into controversies over its data sharing practices after the Cambridge Analytica scandal last week, tweets from McKay went viral and has now fueled the never-ending privacy debate. A Facebook spokespe
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