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World War C report - Motives behind State Sponsored Cyber Attacks

World War C report - Motives behind State Sponsored Cyber Attacks

Oct 03, 2013
Nation-state driven cyber attacks are routinely conducted on a global scale to defend national sovereignty and project national power. We are living in the cyber era, human conflict is involving also the fifth domain of warfare , the cyberspace . As never before disputes take place with blows of bits, militias of every government are developing cyber capabilities dedicating great effort for the establishment of cyber units . Network security company, FireEye, has released a report titled " World War C: Understanding Nation-State Motives Behind Today's Advanced Cyber Attacks " which describes the effort spent by governments in cyber warfare context, the document analyzes in detail the different approaches adopted by various countries in conducting nation-state driven cyber attacks . Security experts highlight the intensification of state-sponsored attacks for both cyber espionage and sabotage purpose, campaigns such as Moonlight Maze and Titan Rain or the destruc
Richard Clarke Highlights Overlapping Techniques in Cyber Crime, Espionage, and Warfare

Richard Clarke Highlights Overlapping Techniques in Cyber Crime, Espionage, and Warfare

Oct 31, 2010 Cybersecurity / Cyber Defense
The difference between cyber crime, cyber espionage, and cyber war is often just a matter of a few keystrokes, as they use the same techniques. Richard Clarke, chairman of Good Harbor Consulting, highlighted this during his keynote at the RSA Europe 2010 conference in London. Cyber Crime Cyber crime is not just a theory; it happens every day. Clarke explained that just two weeks ago, there were arrests of a cyber cartel in the US. However, those arrested were students acting as mules. These mules simply open a bank account and allow money to flow in and out of it, being the lowest level in the cyber crime hierarchy. Clarke elaborated that these cartels are often based in Moldova, Estonia, Belarus, or Russia. After lengthy investigations involving warrants to search computers and servers, crimes are traced back to these countries. However, cooperation from these countries is often nonexistent, making them effective cyber sanctuaries. As long as attacks happen outside their borders an
Say Goodbye to Phishing: Must-Haves to Eliminate Credential Theft

Say Goodbye to Phishing: Must-Haves to Eliminate Credential Theft

Sep 13, 2024Device Security / Identity Management
Even as cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, the number one attack vector for unauthorized access remains phished credentials ( Verizon DBIR, 2024 ). Solving this problem resolves over 80% of your corporate risk, and a solution is possible.  However, most tools available on the market today cannot offer a complete defense against this attack vector because they were architected to deliver probabilistic defenses. Learn more about the characteristics of Beyond Identity that allow us to deliver deterministic defenses.  The Challenge: Phishing and Credential Theft Phishing attacks trick users into revealing their credentials via deceptive sites or messages sent via SMS, email, and/or voice calls. Traditional defenses, such as end-user training or basic multi-factor authentication (MFA), lower the risk at best but cannot eliminate it. Users may still fall prey to scams, and stolen credentials can be exploited. Legacy MFA is a particularly urgent problem, given that attackers
A Quick Guide for Small Cybersecurity Teams Looking to Invest in Cyber Insurance

A Quick Guide for Small Cybersecurity Teams Looking to Invest in Cyber Insurance

Oct 19, 2022
In the world of insurance providers and policies, cyber insurance is a fairly new field. And many security teams are trying to wrap their heads around it.  What is it and do they need it? And with what time will they spend researching how to integrate cyber insurance into their strategy?  For small security teams, this is particularly challenging as they contend with limited resources. Luckily, there's a  new eBook  dedicated to helping small security teams better understand cyber insurance policies and how they may impact an organization's cybersecurity measures. Background In 1997, the "Internet Security Liability" (ISL) insurance policy was launched at the International Risk Insurance Management Society's convention in Honolulu. Underwritten by AIG, ISL insurance was designed to protect ecommerce retailers like Amazon that were collecting sensitive customer data and storing it on internal networks. It is credited as one of the very first cyber insurance policies to be made ava
cyber security

DevOps Security Best Practices

websiteWizDevOps / Secure Coding
Develop securely from code to cloud with this DevOps Security Cheat Sheet from Wiz. Take a deep dive into secure coding, infrastructure security, and vigilant monitoring and response.
Cyber 9/11, cyber doomsday...between fear and need for action

Cyber 9/11, cyber doomsday...between fear and need for action

Mar 15, 2013
It's not a mystery, every nation is worried of the level of security of its infrastructure, the United States are among the most concerned governments due the high number of cyber-attack against its networks. US Government representative such us former States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano warned in more than one occasion on the possible consequences of a cyber offensive and declared the necessity to improve the cyber capabilities of the country.  Senators are interested to evaluate the level of protection of nuclear stockpile of foreign governments against cyber attacks, question has been raised after that Pentagon's chief cyber officer admitted to ignore if countries such as Russia or China have adopted efficient countermeasures. Nelson and Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. will request to national intelligence an assessment about the ability of foreign states to safeguard networked
Cybrary Offers Free Online Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Training

Cybrary Offers Free Online Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Training

Apr 15, 2015
I frequently receive emails and messages on how to hack my friend's Facebook account , how to become a hacker, how to penetrate networks , how to break into computers, and how to compromise routers? These are some of the most frequent queries I came across, and in this article I'll attempt to answer these along with a solution on how to get started as a beginner. Before we begin, first let's know… ...What is Ethical Hacking? Most people want to learn hacking just for fun to hack into their friend's Facebook account or Gmail. Remember, Hacking is a skill and if you are here for the same reason, sadly but this platform may not work for you. Ethical hacking is testing the IT resources for a good cause and the betterment of technology. Ethical hackers are none other than computer security experts and researchers who focus on penetration testing and weaknesses in the organization's information systems they associated. A way to become an ethical hacker is to get C
[eBook] A Step-by-Step Guide to Cyber Risk Assessment

[eBook] A Step-by-Step Guide to Cyber Risk Assessment

Apr 11, 2023 Cybersecurity / Guide
In today's perilous cyber risk landscape, CISOs and CIOs must defend their organizations against relentless cyber threats, including ransomware, phishing, attacks on infrastructure, supply chain breaches, malicious insiders, and much more. Yet at the same time, security leaders are also under tremendous pressure to reduce costs and invest wisely.  One of the most effective ways for CISOs and CIOs to make the best use of their limited resources to protect their organizations is by conducting a cyber risk assessment. A comprehensive cyber risk assessment can help: Identify vulnerabilities and threats Prioritize security investments Assess cybersecurity maturity Communicate cyber risk to executives Provide the basis for cyber risk quantification A new guide by cybersecurity optimization provider CYE ( download here ) explains how this can be accomplished. The guide outlines several approaches to cyber risk assessments and describes the necessary steps that can yield solid in
“Cyber China”, from Operation Aurora to China Cyber Attacks Syndrome

"Cyber China", from Operation Aurora to China Cyber Attacks Syndrome

Feb 08, 2012
" Cyber China ", from Operation Aurora to China Cyber Attacks Syndrome Security Expert, from  Security Affairs  -  Pierluigi Paganini takes us on a visit to China via The Hacker News January Edition Magazine Article and makes us wonder just how influential China's hacking is on world internet security. Read and decide for yourself : When we think of China in relation to cyber warfare, we imagine an army of hackers hired by the government in a computer room ready to successfully attack any potential target. China is perceived as a cyber power and ready to march against any insurmountable obstacle using any means. In this connection we read everything and its opposite, and we are ready to blame all sorts of cyber threat to the Country of the Rising Sun. The truth, however, is quite different, at least in my opinion, and understands that the Chinese people before others have understood the importance of a strategic hegemony in cyber space. However, many doubts are beginning to gather
Re-Focusing Cyber Insurance with Security Validation

Re-Focusing Cyber Insurance with Security Validation

Nov 10, 2022
The rise in the costs of data breaches, ransomware, and other cyber attacks leads to rising cyber insurance premiums and more limited cyber insurance coverage. This cyber insurance situation increases risks for organizations struggling to find coverage or facing steep increases. Some  Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP's  law firm clients, for example, reported a three-fold increase in insurance rates, and carriers are making "a huge pullback" on coverage limits in the past two years. Their cybersecurity practice co-head, Michelle Reed, adds, "The reduced coverage amount can no longer shield policyholders from cyber losses. A $10 million policy can end up with a $150,000 limit on cyber frauds." The cyber-insurance situation is so concerning that the U.S. Treasury Department recently issued a  request for public input  on a potential federal cyber-insurance response program. This request is in addition to the assessment led conjointly by the Federal Insura
Unleashing the Power of the Internet of Things and Cyber Security

Unleashing the Power of the Internet of Things and Cyber Security

Oct 20, 2023 Penetration Testing / IoT Security
Due to the rapid evolution of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way business is conducted around the world. This advancement and the power of the IoT have been nothing short of transformational in making data-driven decisions, accelerating efficiencies, and streamlining operations to meet the demands of a competitive global marketplace. IoT At a Crossroads IoT, in its most basic terms, is the intersection of the physical and digital world with distinct applications and purposes. It is devices, sensors, and systems of all kinds harnessing the power of interconnectivity through the internet to provide seamless experiences for business. Up until today, we, as security professionals, have been very good at writing about the numerous and varying IoT applications and uses and have agreed upon the fact that the security of the IoT is important. However, have we really understood the big picture? And that is for IoT to really reach its full potential as a fully inter
I hack, reflection on the role of hacker

I hack, reflection on the role of hacker

Jan 25, 2013
The role of hacker is recognized as crucial today in cyber security, these specialists are the nightmare of security experts but their knowledge is fundamental to understand the vulnerabilities of our infrastructures … think like a hacker if you want really protect your system . But hacking is a culture, a way of life that is hard to match ago with the business logic, true hackers don't do this for money, money are fundamental but not all, the must for them is always to put into question their capabilities, try to consistently exceed their limits. Fortunately industry, private business and governments have understood it and have re-evaluated the importance of hackers, these specialists were once seen as shady individuals to avoid, today they are highly sought professionals in both private business and government sectors. Discover vulnerabilities before attackers could exploit them is essential, millions of people and devices are connected to the network, a unique oppo
Hands-on Review: Stellar Cyber Security Operations Platform for MSSPs

Hands-on Review: Stellar Cyber Security Operations Platform for MSSPs

Aug 30, 2022
As threat complexity increases and the boundaries of an organization have all but disappeared, security teams are more challenged than ever to deliver consistent security outcomes. One company aiming to help security teams meet this challenge is  Stellar Cyber .  Stellar Cyber claims to address the needs of MSSPs by providing capabilities typically found in NG-SIEM, NDR, and SOAR products in their Open XDR platform, managed with a single license. According to Stellar Cyber, this consolidation means faster security analyst ramp time and customer onboarding with far less manually intensive tasks required. Stellar Cyber currently counts 20+ of the top MSSP providers as customers, providing security for over 3 million assets. In addition, stellar Cyber claims after deployment, users see up to 20x faster mean time to respond (MTTR), a bold claim. We recently took a closer look at the Stellar Cyber Security Operations Platform.  Before we begin Before digging into the platform, here are
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