Comodo Hacker - "Comodogate" Iranian hacker claims all internet is insecure !
Mar 27, 2011
Comodo Hacker - " Comodogate " Iranian hacker claims all internet is insecure Message By Comodo Hacker : Hello I'm writing this to the world, so you'll know more about me.. At first I want to give some points, so you'll be sure I'm the hacker: I hacked Comodo from, their CEO's e-mail address Their Comodo username/password was: user: gtadmin password: [trimmed] Their DB name was: globaltrust and instantsslcms had a dll called TrustDLL.dll for handling Comodo requests, they had resellers and their url was: Enough said, huh? Yes, enough said, someone who should know already knows...Am I right Mr. Abdulhayoglu? Anyway, at first I should mention we have no relation to Iranian Cyber Army, we don't change DNSes, we just hack and own. I see Comodo CEO and others wrote that it was a managed attack, it was a planned attack, a group of cyber criminals did i...