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Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers

Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers

Mar 27, 2012
Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers Dominican Republic Police has arrested six hackers , Milton Corniell David Jimenez (Zerohack), Juan Rafael Leonardo Acosta (Nmap), Cristian de la Rosa Jose de los Santos (Mot), Robert Reynoso Delgado (Frank-Ostia) linked to Anonymous and accused by the authorities of attacking websites of state and private companies. Public Prosecutor German Vasquez alleges the six hacked into government websites, including ones for the president and the education ministry. He says the suspects range in age between 17 and 23. The members of combat cyber crime unit made the arrest in an joint operating in the country early Sunday in the capital Santiago. Defense lawyer Carlos Guerrero denies the accusations and says the government has no evidence. The defendants are accused of cyber terrorism, which the prosecution defined as a new form of threats and vulnerabilities in the Internet. denunciations of the "hacks" to institutions DG Int...
Oxford University launches Cyber Security Centre

Oxford University launches Cyber Security Centre

Mar 26, 2012
Oxford University launches Cyber Security Centre Cyber crime is not going away. As the world becomes ever more interconnected and dependent on networks, laptops and personal handheld devices, the opportunities are just too great. The personal information stored on such devices credit card information, drivers' licenses and Social Security numbers is at high risk and is often targeted by criminals because of the price it can bring on the black market. The Oxford Cyber Security Center is the new home to cutting-edge research designed to tackle the growing threats posed by cyber terrorism and cyber crime, and to safeguard the trustworthiness of electronically-stored information. In addition to being a springboard for new research, is an umbrella for current research activity worth in excess of £5m, supported close involvement of over 12 permanent academic staff, and in excess of 25 research staff, 18 doctoral students. Each year brings its own set of risks and chal...
Product Walkthrough: How Satori Secures Sensitive Data From Production to AI

Product Walkthrough: How Satori Secures Sensitive Data From Production to AI

Jan 20, 2025Data Security / Data Monitoring
Every week seems to bring news of another data breach, and it's no surprise why: securing sensitive data has become harder than ever. And it's not just because companies are dealing with orders of magnitude more data. Data flows and user roles are constantly shifting, and data is stored across multiple technologies and cloud environments. Not to mention, compliance requirements are only getting stricter and more elaborate.  The problem is that while the data landscape has evolved rapidly, the usual strategies for securing that data are stuck in the past. Gone are the days when data lived in predictable places, with access controlled by a chosen few. Today, practically every department in the business needs to use customer data, and AI adoption means huge datasets, and a constant flux of permissions, use cases, and tools. Security teams are struggling to implement effective strategies for securing sensitive data, and a new crop of tools, called data security platforms, have appear...
Hacktivism Breached 174 Million Records in 2011

Hacktivism Breached 174 Million Records in 2011

Mar 22, 2012
Hacktivism Breached 174 Million Records in 2011 According to the Verizon 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report released on Thursday, Hacktivists stole more data from large corporations than cybercriminals in 2011, according to a study of significant security incidents. The report surveyed 855 data breaches, where a combined 174 million digital records were purloined. Although a large number of records were compromised in 2011, the year was only the second-highest since Verizon began collecting breach information in 2004. " While a few 2011 breach victims estimated their losses to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars, most did not get near to that amount ," it said. " In fact, the large majority of them emerged relatively unscathed from their troubles. " In the report, Verizon, pointing to the " Arab Spring " protests, called 2011 " a year of civil and cultural uprising ."Certainly, hacktivists such as LulzSec did hog a good deal of the...
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Pakistani Hackers attacks 31 government and 46 educational institutions Websites

Pakistani Hackers attacks 31 government and 46 educational institutions Websites

Mar 20, 2012
Pakistani Hackers attacks 31 government and 46 educational institutions Websites Maharashtra police said, websites of more than 46 educational institutions and 31 government websites based in the district were allegedly hacked by a group reportedly based in Pakistan. KhantastiC, a hacker who claimed to be a part of Pakistan Net Army (PNA) reported on 'zone-h.net' the number of 'Rajasthan.gov.in' domain named websites hacked by him since January 16, 2012. Muslim Liberation Army (MLA), an obscure group said to .be based in Lahore, allegedly hacked into  46 educational institutions websites. Cyber Crime Branch has launched investigations after receiving complaints in this regard.
Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses

Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses

Mar 18, 2012
Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses Web based underground market service currently selling Millions of harvested U.S government and U.S military harvested emails addresses to potential spammers, and find out just how easy it is to purchase that kind of data within the cyber crime ecosystem. Cyber criminals are getting more sophisticated in their scams and phishing schemes, which are designed to steal personal data and financial information. Spammers and virus creators are motivated by money and backed by organized crime on a global scale. They are also launching massive attacks on anti-spam organizations in an attempt to bring them down. In respect to targeted malware attacks, the service is currently offering 2.462.935 U.S government email addresses, and another 2.178.000 U.S military email addresses. A Screenshot of the inventory of harvested emails currently offered for sale: Spammers buy lists from brokers that continuously harvest email ...
Australia's first national cyber security competition Announced

Australia's first national cyber security competition Announced

Mar 18, 2012
Australia's first national cyber security competition Announced Australia's first national cyber security competition, the 2012 Cyber Defence University Challenge, was launched today by broadband minister Senator Stephen Conroy. If you are an undergraduate with top cyber problem-solving skills then Australia's first national Cyber Defence University Challenge is probably for you. The Challenge runs for 24 hours on 3 to 4 April, and will test the cyber problem-solving skills of teams of Australian undergraduates in a virtual network environment.The ultimate prize, sponsored by Telstra, is travel and entry to the Black Hat 2012 Conference in Las Vegas in July 2012. Senator Conroy sxays the competition is a partnership between the federal government, universities and Telstra. " The Government is committed to working with industry to develop a safe and secure digital economy for Australians ," Senator Conroy said in a statement. " We are also committed to i...
Role of free Hosting in Cyber Crime

Role of free Hosting in Cyber Crime

Mar 14, 2012
Role of free Hosting in Cyber Crime Zscaler experts notice that free hosting and DNS providers abused for hosting Phishing Pages, Spamming, Botnets or Malwares. Many free hosted sites considered as spam. They list " x90x.net " Free hosting Provider which used to host many Facebook Phishing sites. Like Other Blacklisted serviecs ( co.cc, pastehtml.com ) this free hosting can also be blacklisted by Google or Browsers soon.  Few Phishing Pages hosted on x90.net: faceb000k.x90x.net jebemtakra-pisdfa-asdasdsds-ddfs.x90x.net mesnaindustrija-goranovic-m-e-s-n-a.x90x.net dft3.x90x.net/fbcd.html d3xt0pcr3w.x90x.net When you're on a shared server it's important to find out if anyone else on your server has been blacklisted for spamming. Why? Because on a shared server you're IP address and their IP address will be the same, and it does not matter if your domain name is different, you'll still be blacklisted along with every other person on that server. Not Eve...
10 Lessons learnt from Kim Dotcom

10 Lessons learnt from Kim Dotcom

Mar 13, 2012
10 Lessons learnt from Kim Dotcom Article Cross Post from InternetServices. Kim Dotcom, a hacker that was able to take his knowledge and create a site called Megaupload, was recently arrested due to alleged copyright infringement allegations. Even though he was the top dog in the company, he did not commit these crimes alone, and many other key players were also arrested in the wake of these crimes. Unfortunately, while this guy is obviously intelligent, he should have been using those brains for good instead of evil. However it wasn't all bad, and some good did come from it. Check out 10 things the Internet learned from Kim Dotcom. Cyberlocker technology: This has also been referred to as a 'cloud storage infrastructure'. Basically this technology allowed you to store files that were too large to e-mail for free on the Internet. For instance, you could upload a big long wedding video and your family could go there to download it at no charge. If they wanted to watch it or downlo...
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