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websites hacked | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — websites hacked
Syrian Electronic Army Hacks UK based Media Websites

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks UK based Media Websites

Nov 27, 2014
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) , a pro-hacker group supposed to be aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has again gain media attention by compromising a number of popular news websites and displayed a Thanksgiving popups informing people that they've been hacked. The Forbes, The Independent, The Chicago Tribune , The Daily Telegraph , The London Evening Standard, broadcaster CNBC, PC World and the US National Hockey League were among those popular websites affected by the group. This time they apparently targeted a third-party widget that is used by all those compromised websites. It is being reported that the hacker group found a way into registrar GoDaddy to compromise DNS records for the Gigya , a customer identity management platform used by all the sites. Although all site visitors were not affected by the attack, but some visitors using a line of Javascript were redirected to SEA web pages with the message " You've been hacked by the Syrian Elec...
Researchers caught espionage malware mastermind on webcam

Researchers caught espionage malware mastermind on webcam

Oct 30, 2012
In march 2011 CERT-Georgia has Discovered Cyber Espionage Attack Incident on country of Georgia.  Advanced Malicious Software was Collecting Sensitive, Confidential Information about Georgian and American Security Documents and then uploading it to some of Command and Control Servers. After a challenging investigating by CERT-Georgia researchers they found that this attack was linked Russian Official Security Agencies, Moreover investigators was able to turn on the webcam of mastermind behind the malware and they caught him on camera. Hacker hack some Georgian news sites and inject " Georbot Botnet " behind that, after visiting that page most of the readers get infected and malware take control of their systems. Malware was able to send any file from the local hard drive to the remote server, Steal certificates, Record audio using the microphone and web cams,  Scan the local network to identify other hosts on the same network. Malware was...
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