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IoT/connected Device Discovery and Security Auditing in Corporate Networks

IoT/connected Device Discovery and Security Auditing in Corporate Networks

Feb 07, 2022
Today's enterprise networks are complex environments with different types of wired and wireless devices being connected and disconnected. The current device discovery solutions have been mainly focused on identifying and monitoring servers, workstation PCs, laptops and infrastructure devices such as network firewalls, switches and routers, because the most valuable information assets of organizations are being stored, processed and transferred over those devices, hence making them the prime target of security breaches and intrusions. However, a new trend has been emerging in the past four years,  where attackers have been targeting purpose-built connected devices  such as network printers and video conferencing systems as an entry point and data exfiltration route. These devices cannot be identified properly by the current IT asset discovery solutions for the following main reasons: Proprietary protocols are often used for managing and monitoring such devices that are not know
Red Team — Automation or Simulation?

Red Team — Automation or Simulation?

Sep 28, 2020
What is the difference between a penetration test and a red team exercise? The common understanding is that a red team exercise is a pen-test on steroids, but what does that mean? While both programs are performed by ethical hackers, whether they are in-house residents or contracted externally, the difference runs deeper. In a nutshell, a pen-test is performed to discover exploitable vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that would potentially serve unethical hackers. They primarily test the effectiveness of security controls and employee security awareness. The purpose of a red team exercise, in addition to discovering exploitable vulnerabilities, is to exercise the operational effectiveness of the security team, the blue team. A red team exercise challenges the blue team's capabilities and supporting technology to detect, respond, and recover from a breach. The objective is to improve their incident management and response procedures. The challenge with pen-testing and red te
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Cynet Offers Free Threat Assessment for Mid-sized and Large Organizations

Cynet Offers Free Threat Assessment for Mid-sized and Large Organizations

Feb 18, 2020
Visibility into an environment attack surface is the fundamental cornerstone to sound security decision making. However, the standard process of 3rd party threat assessment as practiced today is both time consuming and expensive. Cynet changes the rules of the game with a free threat assessment offering ( click here to learn more ) based on more than 72 hours of data collection, enabling organizations to benchmark their security posture against their vertical industry peers and take actions accordingly. Cynet Free Threat Assessment (available for organizations with 250 endpoints and above, from North America and Europe) spotlights critical, exposed attack surfaces and provides actionable knowledge of attacks that are currently alive and active in the environment. 1.) Indication of live attacks — active malware, connection to C&C, data exfiltration, access to phishing links, user credential theft attempts, and others: 2.) Host and app attack surfaces — unpatched vulnera
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
The Rise of the Open Bug Bounty Project

The Rise of the Open Bug Bounty Project

Feb 06, 2020
Can you imagine launching a global bug bounty platform with almost 500,000 submissions and 13,000 researchers without consuming a cent from venture capitalists? If not, this success story is for you. The once skyrocketing bug bounty industry seems to be not in the best shape today. While prominent security researchers are talking about a growing multitude of hurdles they experience with the leading commercial bug bounty platforms, the latter are trying to reinvent themselves as "next-generation penetration testing" or similar services. You be the judge of how successful they will be. Generous venture funds have poured many millions into rapidly spending bug bounty startups that have not replaced Managed Penetration Testing (MPT) services (as some declared). However, these startups have positively improved the price/quality ratio of pen testing services on the global market. Amid the uncertainty for the future of commercial bug bounty platforms, the not-for-profit Op
Evaluating Your Security Controls? Be Sure to Ask the Right Questions

Evaluating Your Security Controls? Be Sure to Ask the Right Questions

Jan 20, 2020
Testing security controls is the only way to know if they are truly defending your organization. With many different testing frameworks and tools to choose from, you have lots of options. But what do you specifically want to know? And how are the findings relevant to the threat landscape you face at this moment? "Decide what you want to know and then choose the best tool for the job." Security teams typically use several different testing tools to evaluate infrastructure. According to SANS , 69.9% of security teams use vendor-provided testing tools, 60.2% use pen-testing tools, and 59.7% use homegrown tools and scripts. While vendor-provided tools test a specific security solution—whether it's a web application firewall (WAF), EDR solution, or something else—pen testing is frequently used to verify that controls meet compliance requirements, such as PCI DSS regulations, and by red teams as part of broader testing assessments and exercises. Automated pen test
Broadening the Scope: A Comprehensive View of Pen Testing

Broadening the Scope: A Comprehensive View of Pen Testing

Jan 16, 2020
Penetration tests have long been known as a critical security tool that exposes security weaknesses through simulated attacks on an organization's IT environments. These test results can help prioritize weaknesses, providing a road-map towards remediation. However, the results are also capable of doing even more. They identify and quantify security risk, and can be used as a keystone in cybersecurity policies. The same can be said about broader penetration testing practices. Organizations gain real value from learning about others' penetration testing experiences, trends, and the role they play in today's threat landscape. The world of pen testing can be an interesting balance of open collaboration and closely guarded privacy. While pen testers may engage in teaming exercises, or happily talk technique when they attend Black Hat, most organizations are extremely reluctant when it comes to discussing their pen testing practices and results. Of course, confidentia
The Ultimate 2019 Security Team Assessment Template

The Ultimate 2019 Security Team Assessment Template

Nov 20, 2019
Assessing the performance of your security team is critical to both knowing your current posture, as well as planning ahead. ' The Ultimate 2019 Security Team Assessment Template ' is the first attempt to capture all the main KPIs of the security team main pillars, saving CIOs and CISOs the time and effort of creating such an assessment from scratch and providing them with a simple and easy-to-use tool to measure how their teams are operated in 2019, while setting up performance targets for 2020. Building such a template is challenging because security teams vary greatly in size and internal responsibility distribution. Additionally, there is little consistency in the terms used to designate the various positions across the industry – security analyst, for example, could have one meaning in a certain company and different one in another. The same goes for architects, managers, and directors. The Security Team Assessment Template ( download here ) addresses this chall
Cynet's Vulnerability Assessment Enables Organizations to Dramatically Reduce their Risk Exposure

Cynet's Vulnerability Assessment Enables Organizations to Dramatically Reduce their Risk Exposure

Oct 22, 2019
Protection from cyberattacks begins way before attackers launch their weapons on an organization. Continuously monitoring the environment for security weaknesses and addressing such, if found, is a proven way to provide organizations with immunity to a large portion of attacks. Among the common weaknesses that expose organizations to cyberattacks, the most prominent are software vulnerabilities in systems and applications that attackers relentlessly take advantage of. To assist in the discovery of such vulnerabilities, Cynet now offers organizations a 14 days free access to its Cynet 360 platform in which they can leverage its built-in vulnerability assessment tools. A vulnerability is a bug in the software that enables a threat actor to manipulate it for malicious purposes. For example, a vulnerability in Word enables attackers to craft a Word document in such a manner that when a user double clicks to open it, it transparently opens a connection between the user computer an
Hackers' Operating System Kali Linux Released for Raspberry Pi 4

Hackers' Operating System Kali Linux Released for Raspberry Pi 4

Jul 10, 2019
We've got some really exciting news for you... Offensive Security has released an official version of Kali Linux for Raspberry Pi 4—the most powerful version of the compact computer board yet that was released just two weeks ago with the full 4GB of RAM at low cost and easy accessibility. Based on Debian, Kali Linux has always been the number one operating system for ethical hackers and penetration testers, and Raspberry Pi always has a gold standard for inexpensive single-board computing, designed to let people experiment with building software and hardware. Due to the popularity of Kali Linux on previous versions of Raspberry Pi, Offensive Security says that the developers want to get Kali supported on the latest version of the Pi right away. Now with the release of Raspberry Pi 4, Offensive Security is really excited to launch a new build of Kali Linux that takes advantage of everything the Raspberry Pi 4 has to offer including: A more powerful CPU Options for 1,
Cynet Free Visibility Experience – Unmatched Insight into IT Assets and Activities

Cynet Free Visibility Experience – Unmatched Insight into IT Assets and Activities

Jun 12, 2019
Real-time visibility into IT assets and activities introduces speed and efficiency to many critical productivity and security tasks organizations are struggling with—from conventional asset inventory reporting to proactive elimination of exposed attack surfaces. However, gaining such visibility is often highly resource consuming and entails manual integration of various feeds. Cynet is now offering end-users and service providers free access to its end-to-end visibility capabilities . The offering consists of 14 days access to the Cynet 360 platform, during which users can gain full visibility into their IT environment—host configurations, installed software, user account activities, password hygiene, and network traffic. "When we built the Cynet 360 platform we identified a critical need for a single-source-of-truth interface where you get all the knowledge regarding what exists in the environment and what activities take place there," said Eyal Gruner, Cynet fou
Hacker who reported flaw in Hungarian Telekom faces up to 8-years in prison

Hacker who reported flaw in Hungarian Telekom faces up to 8-years in prison

Feb 01, 2019
Many of you might have this question in your mind: "Is it illegal to test a website for vulnerability without permission from the owner?" Or… "Is it illegal to disclose a vulnerability publicly?" Well, the answer is YES, it's illegal most of the times and doing so could backfire even when you have good intentions. Last year, Hungarian police arrested a 20-year-old ethical hacker accused of finding and exploiting serious vulnerabilities in Magyar Telekom, the largest Hungarian telecommunication company, who is now facing up to 8 years in prison. According to local Hungarian media , the defender first discovered a severe vulnerability in Magyar Telekom systems in April 2018 and reported it to the company officials, who later invited him to a meeting. Reportedly, the hacker then traveled to Budapest for the meeting, which didn't go well as he expected, and apparently, the company did not permit him to test its systems further. However, the man conti
WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub: Free Open Source Vulnerability Management App for Developers

WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub: Free Open Source Vulnerability Management App for Developers

Dec 05, 2018
Developers around the world depend on open source components to build their software products. According to industry estimates, open source components account for 60-80% of the code base in modern applications. Collaboration on open source projects throughout the community produces stronger code, squashing the bugs and catching the vulnerabilities that impact the security of organizations who look to open source components as the key to their application building success. Thanks in part to the "thousand eyeballs" of the community, the number of reported vulnerabilities in open source projects is on the rise, spiking 51% in 2017 from the previous year. This is even more concerning since, as shown in the same study, most vulnerabilities are found in popular projects. Data shows that 32% of the top 100 open source projects have at least one vulnerability, meaning that developers have their work cut out for them, no matter which components they are using in their products.
Why you need to know about Penetration Testing and Compliance Audits?

Why you need to know about Penetration Testing and Compliance Audits?

Nov 15, 2018
We live in an age where data flows like water, becoming the new life source of our everyday ventures. As such, you can just imagine what all of that entails and the weight that data receive, especially when it comes to a decision making on how to handle this fairly new and arguably invaluable resource. Of course, we are well aware from a very young age that our water needs to be pure, filtered and possibly protected, so this pops the question and makes us wonder: How exactly does all of this translate for our data, its handling processes and ultimately our Security? It is no secret that our personal information is as valuable if not more than actual currency. Imagining your social security number, medical bills or paycheck amounts flowing through vast amounts of seemingly random servers all across the globe can be unnerving. It brings out the same questions that we would have for anything else of value: Where is it going? Who can see it? Why are they holding it? ... Is
Learn How to Use Your Android for Hacking and Penetration Testing

Learn How to Use Your Android for Hacking and Penetration Testing

Sep 27, 2017
Android is now the most used mobile operating system in the world—even Microsoft's Founder Bill Gates has recently revealed that he is currently using an Android device. Mobile devices have become a powerful productivity tool, and it can now be used to hack and test the security of your networks and computer systems. This week we introduced a new online course at THN Store, " Learn Hacking/Penetration Testing Using Android From Scratch ," which will help you learn how to use your Android device for hacking and penetration testing, just like any computer. This online video training course offers 47 lectures, which focuses on the practical side penetration testing using Android without neglecting the theory behind each attack. This course will help you learn how to turn your Android smartphone into a hacking machine, practically perform various cyber attacks, and at the same time, how you can protect yourself against such attacks. This course will walk you through
DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million

DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million

Jul 14, 2016
Why we can't detect all security loopholes and patch them before hackers exploit them? Because... we know that humans are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs, which is why vulnerabilities like Heartbleed , POODLE and GHOST remained undetected for decades and rendered almost half of the Internet vulnerable to theft by the time patches were rolled out. Now to solve this hurdle, DARPA has come up with an idea: To build a smart Artificial Intelligence System that will automatically detect and even patch security flaws in a system. Isn't it a revolutionary idea for Internet Security? The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has selected seven teams of finalists who will face off in a historic battle, as each tries to defend themselves and find out flaws without any human control. The DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge will be held at the annual DEF CON hacking conference in Las Vegas next month. Must Read : Artificial Intelligence System that can detec
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