Security breach at OAuth based applications can cause Social Media Disaster
Oct 28, 2013
With all the popular social networking websites there on the web, managing them from several different internet browser tabs or windows can get frustrated very quickly. Besides our own Facebook Page, Twitter account, and Google+ profile, I also manage several others and, YES, I feel the " time management " pain! To make social media management and monitoring easier for users, some very innovative desktop applications and mobile apps were developed to help organize multiple platforms and information sharing across selected networks. Using online tools like TweetDeck, Seesmic, Hootsuite , Feedly, Twuffer and Buffer App for scheduling and posting directly from a web page has become an absolute necessity especially where Twitter is concerned. Additionally these apps gives you the ability to post on one or all of your connected accounts together i.e Multiple Facebook, Twitter or Google+ profiles. These applications don't require your passwords for social me...