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Category — sniffing
KeySniffer Lets Hackers Steal Keystrokes from Wireless Keyboards

KeySniffer Lets Hackers Steal Keystrokes from Wireless Keyboards

Jul 27, 2016
Radio-based wireless keyboards and mice that use a special USB dongle to communicate with your PC can expose all your secrets – your passwords, credit card numbers and everything you type. Back in February, researchers from the Internet of things security firm Bastille Networks demonstrated how they could take control of wireless keyboards and mice from several top vendors using so-called MouseJack attacks. The latest findings by the same security firm are even worse. Researchers have discovered a new hacking technique that can allow hackers to take over your wireless keyboard and secretly record every key you press on it. Dubbed KeySniffer , the hack is death for millions of wireless, radio-based keyboards. The Cause: Lack of Encryption and Security Updates The KeySniffer vulnerability affects wireless keyboards from eight different hardware manufacturers that use cheap transceiver chips ( non-Bluetooth chips ) – a less secure, radio-based communication protocol. T...
Millions of LinkedIn Users at Risk of Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Millions of LinkedIn Users at Risk of Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Jun 19, 2014
Two year back in 2012, one of the most popular online social networking sites Linkedin spent between $500,000 and $1 million on forensic work after millions of its users' account passwords were compromised in a major security data breach. But, it seems that the company hasn't learned any lesson from it. WHAT IS MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE (MitM) ATTACK Before moving on to the story, let us discuss some emerging and common threats against the social networking sites nowadays. If we talk about less publicized but more danger, then Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack is the most common one. By attempting MitM attack, a potential attacker could intercept users' internet communication, steal sensitive information and even hijack sessions. Though MitM attacks are popular and have existed for years, a major categories of today's largest websites and social networking sites still haven't taken the necessary steps to safeguard their users' personal and sensitive data from the vulnerabil...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
5 Best WhatsApp alternatives with end-to-end Encryption

5 Best WhatsApp alternatives with end-to-end Encryption

Feb 24, 2014
WhatsApp acquisition may have had a negative impact on the reputation of the company, it seems many users are planning to switch the service and a few of them have already done it. In our previous article, we have mentioned that why you should switch from WhatsApp to an encrypted Chat messaging service . Mobile messaging apps often used to deliver sensitive data or used for personal and corporate communications, so the data stored by the service provider should be encrypted end-to-end, which is not yet in the case of WhatsApp. There are many mobile messaging applications like Japan-based  Line , China's  WeChat , Korea-based  KakaoTalk , and Canada's  Kik , India-based  Hike  and many more, but they are not end-to-end encrypted messengers. Time is loudly announcing the need to shift to some alternates which provides end-to-end encryption for communication between two devices and respect your Privacy. There are a number of solutions available...
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LinkedIn shutting down its security-plagued INTRO app in Early March

LinkedIn shutting down its security-plagued INTRO app in Early March

Feb 10, 2014
Last October, the social network ' LinkedIn ' launched a controversial Smartphone app called ' Intro ' that intercepts and route all of your emails through LinkedIn servers to inject LinkedIn profiles of the sender directly into the mails. The app was released for Android , as well as iOS devices. Why Controversial? The app puts the security and privacy of your data entirely in the company's hands, and at that time everyone criticized and reacted negatively, but LinkedIn defended Intro, claiming that all information was fully encrypted and deleted from LinkedIn's servers immediately. Just two days back, I got an e-mail from LinkedIn with the subject line " We're retiring LinkedIn Intro. " i.e. LinkedIn is giving up so quickly just four months of the launch! In a blog post today, LinkedIn SVP of products Deep Mishar explained, " We are shutting down LinkedIn Intro as of March 7, 2014. The intro was launched last year to bring the power of LinkedIn to your emai...
Yahoo Mail turns on HTTPS encryption by default to protect users

Yahoo Mail turns on HTTPS encryption by default to protect users

Jan 09, 2014
After the release of NSA Secret spying over Internet communications, I am expecting from all tech companies to make surveillance significantly harder. Yahoo has HTTPS encryption support since late 2012, but users had to opt in to use the feature. Documents revealed by the Edward Snowden shows that the NSA secretly accessed data from several tech giants, including Yahoo, by intercepting unencrypted Internet traffic in a program called Muscular. As promised back in October 2013,  Yahoo  has finally enabled the HTTPS connections by default for their users, that will now automatically encrypts the connections between users and its email service. Jeff Bonforte , senior vice-president of communication products at Yahoo announced  in a blog post: It is 100% encrypted by default and protected with 2,048 bit certificates. This encryption extends to your emails, attachments, contacts, as well as Calendar and Messenger in Mail. HTTPS by default is really a good news fo...
'LinkedIn Intro' iOS app can read your emails in iPhone

'LinkedIn Intro' iOS app can read your emails in iPhone

Oct 25, 2013
Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume. Yesterday, LinkedIn launched a new app for for iOS devices called Intro ' LinkedIn Intro '. With this feature an email on your iPhone will display a picture of the sender, with useful profile info from LinkedIn. Basically, to use the service, a LinkedIn user must route all of their emails (any provider i.e. Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) through LinkedIn's 'Intro' servers, which will inject fancy business centric HTML profile right in your emails, as shown. But this also means that LinkedIn is now able to read the complete content of your emails and also can store the passwords to users' external email accounts. The feature is enough to destroy the security and privacy of your mails. Another point to be noted that, Apple does not provide any APIs or frameworks for developers that would allow this kind of modification of its interface. Instead, LinkedIn is acting as a ' man in the mid...
Vulnerability in WhatsApp allows decrypting user messages

Vulnerability in WhatsApp allows decrypting user messages

Oct 11, 2013
A serious vulnerability in WhatsApp allows anyone who is able to eavesdrop on WhatsApp connection to decrypt users' messages. Whatsapp , the mobile application for instant messaging platform has become one of the main communication tools of the present day and its popularity makes it attractive for security researchers and hackers . This time it is debated in the protection of the messages exchanged through the application, thanks to a vulnerability in the crypto implementation they can be intercepted by an attacker. Thijs Alkemade is a computer science student at Utrecht University in The Netherlands who works on the open source Adium instant messaging project, during its research activity he disclosed a serious issue in the encryption used to secure WhatsApp messages. In the post titled " Piercing Through WhatsApp's Encryption " Alkemade remarked that Whatsapp has been plagued by numerous security issues recently, easily stolen passwords, unencr...
VPN provider 'Proxy.sh' sniffed the traffic of US based server to Catch Hackers

VPN provider 'Proxy.sh' sniffed the traffic of US based server to Catch Hackers

Sep 30, 2013
The very first question we always try to figure before choosing a trusted VPN service - Can't a VPN provider just look at my traffic all they want and see what I'm doing? Well, a reputated  VPN provider today answers the Question and admitted that they sniffed the traffic on one of its United States-based servers in order to catch an alleged hacker. Proxy.sh , a quality VPN service with no-logging policy, made a surprise announcement : " We are unfortunate to announce that there have been abuses complaints about hacking activities on our U.S. Illinois 1 node. We have been saddened to learn that these actions were harmful to individuals (human beings). As a result, we will open this node again and monitor it with Wireshark for a period of 7 days. Torrentfreak  noticed that there was no mention of any legal process, court order, police action or other similar outside influence compelling Proxy. sh to do so. The monitoring was triggered after Proxy....
BREACH decodes HTTPS encrypted data in 30 seconds

BREACH decodes HTTPS encrypted data in 30 seconds

Aug 03, 2013
A new hacking technique dubbed BREACH can extract login tokens, session ID numbers and other sensitive information from SSL/TLS encrypted web traffic in just 30 seconds. The technique was demonstrated at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas ( Presentation PDF  & Paper ) by Gluck along with researchers Neal Harris and Angelo Prado, which allows hackers to decodes encrypted data that online banks and e-commerce sites from an HTTPS channel. Neal, Yoel and Angelo ( From left to right) at BlackHat BREACH ( Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext ) is very targeted and don't decrypt the entire channel. BREACH manipulates data compression to pry out doses of information from HTTPS protected data, including email addresses, security tokens, and other plain text strings. Angelo Prado told The Hacker News , " We are using a compression oracle is leveraging the building blocks from CRIME , on a diff...
Using Tumblr app on iPhone ? Reset you Tumblr password now

Using Tumblr app on iPhone ? Reset you Tumblr password now

Jul 17, 2013
Tumblr posted a blog post Tuesday night warning users to change their passwords and released a very important security update for iOS users after identifying a breach that compromised their passwords. It seems that, under certain circumstances, the prior versions of the iPhone and iPad apps would allow an individual with malicious intent to sniff or intercept passwords as they are in transit across a local network. The problem arose because the iPad and iPhone apps fail to log users in through a secure server.  The vulnerability does not seem to have affected Tumblr's Android app. The company urged users to download the latest version of the Tumblr app, which is available in the Apple iTunes Store. The company did not provide further details on the breach. It's also good practice to use different passwords across different services by using an app like 1Password or LastPass. It doesn't appear that any passwords got in the hands of malicious individuals, t...
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