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Category — iphone jailbreak
New Tool Can Jailbreak Any iPhone and iPad Using An Unpatched 0-Day Bug

New Tool Can Jailbreak Any iPhone and iPad Using An Unpatched 0-Day Bug

May 25, 2020
The hacking team behind the "unc0ver" jailbreaking tool has released a new version of the software that can unlock every single iPhone, including those running the latest iOS 13.5 version. Calling it the first zero-day jailbreak to be released since iOS 8, unc0ver's lead developer Pwn20wnd said "every other jailbreak released since iOS 9 used 1day exploits that were either patched in the next beta version or the hardware." The group did not specify which vulnerability in iOS was exploited to develop the latest version. The unc0ver website also highlighted the extensive testing that went behind the scenes to ensure compatibility across a broad range of devices, from iPhone 6S to the new iPhone 11 Pro Max models, spanning versions iOS 11.0 through iOS 13.5, but excluding versions 12.3 to 12.3.2 and 12.4.2 to 12.4.5. "Utilizing native system sandbox exceptions, security remains intact while enabling access to jailbreak files," according to un...
You Can Now Run Android on an iPhone With 'Project Sandcastle'

You Can Now Run Android on an iPhone With 'Project Sandcastle'

Mar 05, 2020
Not happy with your expensive iPhone and wondered if it's possible to run any other operating system on your iPhone, maybe, how to install Android on an iPhone or Linux for iPhones? Android phones can be rooted, and iPhones can be jailbroken to unlock new features, but so far, it's been close to impossible to get Android running on iPhones, given the mobile device hardware constraints and software limitations. However, it's now possible to smoothly run Android on an iPhone—thanks to a new initiative, dubbed Project Sandcastle . Undertaken by cybersecurity startup Corellium , Project Sandcastle is the consequence of a 13-year-long developmental effort to port Android to iOS and as well as demonstrate that Apple's much-vaunted security barriers can indeed be compromised. "Where sandboxes set limits and boundaries, sandcastles provide an opportunity to create something new from the limitless bounds of your imagination," the project website says. "T...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
Hacker Releases 'Unpatchable' Jailbreak For All iOS Devices, iPhone 4s to iPhone X

Hacker Releases 'Unpatchable' Jailbreak For All iOS Devices, iPhone 4s to iPhone X

Sep 27, 2019
An iOS hacker and cybersecurity researcher today publicly released what he claimed to be a "permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit," in other words, an epic jailbreak that works on all iOS devices ranging from iPhone 4s (A5 chip) to iPhone 8 and iPhone X (A11 chip). Dubbed Checkm8, the exploit leverages unpatchable security weaknesses in Apple's Bootrom (SecureROM), the first significant code that runs on an iPhone while booting, which, if exploited, provides greater system-level access. "EPIC JAILBREAK: Introducing checkm8 (read "checkmate"), a permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit for hundreds of millions of iOS devices," said axi0mX while announcing the publicly release of the exploit on Twitter. The new exploit came exactly a month after Apple released an emergency patch for another critical jailbreak vulnerability that works on Apple devices including the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR and the 2019 iPad Mini and iPad Air, running iOS 12.4 and i...
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Apple Releases iOS 12.4.1 Emergency Update to Patch 'Jailbreak' Flaw

Apple Releases iOS 12.4.1 Emergency Update to Patch 'Jailbreak' Flaw

Aug 27, 2019
Apple just patched an unpatched flaw that it patched previously but accidentally unpatched recently — did I confuse you? Let's try it again... Apple today finally released iOS 12.4.1 to fix a critical jailbreak vulnerability , like it or not, that was initially patched by the company in iOS 12.3 but was then accidentally got reintroduced in the previous iOS 12.4 update. For those unaware, roughly a week ago, an anonymous researcher who goes by the online alias "Pwn20wnd" released a free jailbreak for iOS 12.4 on GitHub that exploited a kernel vulnerability (CVE-2019-8605) that Apple patched in iOS 12.3 in May this year. However, the vulnerability accidentally got reintroduced in iOS 12.4 in July, making it easier for hackers to jailbreak updated Apple devices, including the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR or the 2019 iPad Mini and iPad Air, running iOS 12.4 and iOS 12.2 or earlier. Now, Apple has released iOS 12.4.1 to re-patch the security issue that not only allow...
iOS 12.4 jailbreak released after Apple 'accidentally un-patches' an old flaw

iOS 12.4 jailbreak released after Apple 'accidentally un-patches' an old flaw

Aug 20, 2019
A fully functional jailbreak has been released for the latest iOS 12.4 on the Internet, making it the first public jailbreak in a long time—thanks to Apple. Dubbed " unc0ver 3.5.0 ," the jailbreak works with the updated iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches by leveraging a vulnerability that Apple previously patched in iOS 12.3 but accidentally reintroduced in the latest iOS version 12.4. Jailbreaking an iPhone allows you to install apps and other functions that are usually not approved by Apple, but it also disables some system protections that Apple put in place to protect its users, opening you up to potential attacks. Usually, iPhone Jailbreaks are sold for millions of dollars by exploit brokers, but if you want to jailbreak your Apple device, you can do it for free. An anonymous researcher who goes by the online alias "Pwn20wnd" has released a free jailbreak for iOS 12.4 on GitHub that exploits a use-after-free vulnerability in iOS kernel responsibly repor...
iPhone 7 Jailbreak Has Already Been Achieved In Just 24 Hours!

iPhone 7 Jailbreak Has Already Been Achieved In Just 24 Hours!

Sep 22, 2016
It has only been a few days since the launch of Apple's brand new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but it appears that the new iPhone has already been jailbroken. That didn't take long. Right? Security researcher and well-known hacker Luca Tedesco shared an image of his jailbroken smartphone on his Twitter account to show off the world that the new iPhone 7 has been jailbroken. The image posted by Tedesco on Wednesday clearly shows an iPhone 7 running both iOS 10.0.1 as well as the Cydia app store, which allows jailbreakers to install apps and other software that Apple does not officially support. Unfortunately, Tedesco has not publically released the exploit, nor he has provided much information about it. So, right now, it is hard to say if and when he will release the iPhone 7 jailbreak to the public. It is also not clear whether the exploit is an untethered jailbreak. The untethered jailbreak is a jailbreak where your device doesn't require any reboot every ti...
Apple is working on New iPhone Even It Can't Hack

Apple is working on New iPhone Even It Can't Hack

Feb 25, 2016
Amid an ongoing dispute with the United States government over a court order to unlock iPhone 5C of one of the San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook… ...Apple started working on implementing stronger security measures "even it can't hack" to achieve un-hackability in its future iPhones. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is deliberately forcing Apple to create a special, backdoored version of iOS that could let them brute force the passcode on Farook's iPhone without erasing data. However, the FBI approached the company to unlock the shooter's iPhone 5C in various ways like: Create a backdoor to shooter's iPhone. Disable the Auto-destruct feature after numerous tries. Increase the brute force time to try out all combinations. Minimize the time of waiting for a window after each try. ..and much more Apple is still fighting the battle even after the clear refusal to the court that it will not provide any backdoor access to the a...
It's Now Legal to Jailbreak Smart TV, Smartphone Or Tablet

It's Now Legal to Jailbreak Smart TV, Smartphone Or Tablet

Oct 28, 2015
In our previous article, The Hacker News reported that the EFF had won its battle over the limits that were put on a car's copyrighted software, allowing car owners to fiddle with their car's software. EFF has participated in the rulemaking procedure held by the United States copyright office (DMCA) earlier also, and this time they have got a bag full of success. As… ...Library of Congress has not only allowed the consumers to repair and modify their Car's Software, but also exempted restrictions from: Device unlocking Jailbreaking Ripping videos for remix This simply means that now anybody can: Ripe off video from DVDs or BluRay disks, as well as online streaming services, for remixes. Jailbreak their phones, tablets, and smartwatches and run operating systems and applications from a third party source. Reconfigure video games that are no longer supported by their publisher. "We are pleased that the Librarian of Congress and the Copyright O...
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 9.0, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 Released

Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 9.0, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 Released

Oct 15, 2015
The Chinese Pangu jailbreak team has once again surprised everyone by releasing the first untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 9 – iOS 9.0, iOS 9.0.1, and iOS 9.0.2. The untethered jailbreak is a jailbreak where your device don't require any reboot every time it connects to an external device capable of executing commands on the device. The Pangu team released their iOS 9 jailbreak into the wild instead of submitting it to Zerodium, a company which promised a $1 Million reward for iOS 9 jailbreaks . How to Jailbreak iOS 9.0, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2? Jailbreaking is a process of removing limitations on Apple's iOS devices so you can install third party software not certified by Apple. Before proceeding to Jailbreak your device, back up all personal data of your device using iCloud or iTunes. Also, Disable any Anti-virus programs or firewalls that could prevent Pangu from connecting to the Internet. Now, let's start. Follow these steps to jailbreak your iPhone,...
Hacker Demonstrated Untethered iOS 9 Jailbreak On Video

Hacker Demonstrated Untethered iOS 9 Jailbreak On Video

Sep 11, 2015
Good News for Jailbreakers! Just within 24 Hours after the launch of iOS 9 at Apple's Annual Event, a well-known iOS hacker has managed to untether jailbreak iOS 9. That's quite impressive. Believe it, iOS 9 has been Jailbroken! A reputed hacker ' iH8sn0w ', who previously developed the popular jailbreak tools like Sn0wbreeze and P0sixspwn , published a new YouTube video last night, demonstrating the first untethered jailbreak for the yet-unreleased iOS 9 . Apple plans to publicly release its latest iOS 9 software update for all supported devices on 16th September while the company has already made the Gold Master seed of the software available to developers. Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 9 iH8sn0w has jailbroken his iPhone 5 running the iOS 9 GM seed . The jailbreak is an untethered – a jailbreak where your devices don't require any reboot every time it connects to an external device capable of executing commands on the device. You ...
This iPhone Malware infecting Jailbroken Devices Stole 225,000 Apple Accounts

This iPhone Malware infecting Jailbroken Devices Stole 225,000 Apple Accounts

Aug 27, 2015
Jailbreakers Beware! Some shady tweaks that you installed on their jailbroken devices are looking to steal your iCloud login credentials, a report said. The iCloud account details, including email addresses and passwords, of nearly 220,000 jailbreak users have been breached , an online Chinese vulnerability-reporting platform WooYun reported . WooYun is an information security platform where researchers report vulnerabilities and vendors give their feedbacks. Backdoor Privacy Attack The security breach, according to the website, was a result of ' backdoor privacy attack ' caused by the installation of a malicious jailbreak tweak. It appears that Hackers are using a variety of " built-in backdoors " that could be numerous of malicious jailbreak tweaks in an effort to acquire victim's iCloud account information. Once installed, these malicious tweaks transferred the iCloud login details of the jailbreak users to an unknown remote se...
Untethered TaiG Jailbreak Tool for iOS 8.4 [Mac OS X version] Released

Untethered TaiG Jailbreak Tool for iOS 8.4 [Mac OS X version] Released

Aug 03, 2015
Good news for iOS 8.4 users! The Chinese jailbreaking team TaiG has finally released its long-awaited Untethered Jailbreak tool for Apple's iOS 8.4 mobile operating system for the Mac OS X platform. Yes, TaiG Jailbreak is now officially available for OS X users that will allow you to jailbreak iOS 8.4 on your Mac computer without having to resort to using a virtual machine. In late June, the TaiG team released the Jailbreak tool (.exe) only for Windows version, forcing Macs users to rely on other applications or use Boot Camp to tweak their iOS devices. TaiG Jailbreak for Mac, currently at Mac version 1.0.0, is designed from the ground up to support versions of iOS mobile operating system from 8.1.3 to 8.4. You can download the tool from the project's website. How to JailBreak your Device? The process of jailbreaking the device is so easy; anyone can do it. Download and Install the App Disable 'Find My iPhone' on your device's iCloud settings before p...
Jailbreak iOS 8 And iOS 8.1 Untethered Using 'Pangu' Jailbreak Tool

Jailbreak iOS 8 And iOS 8.1 Untethered Using 'Pangu' Jailbreak Tool

Oct 24, 2014
Good news for iOS 8.1 users! The Chinese jailbreaking team Pangu has released a software tool that allows users to Jailbreak their iPhones, iPads and iPods running the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 8 and iOS 8.1 . That was really very quick, as iOS users need to wait quite long for the jailbreaks. Pangu developer team is the same group responsible for jailbreaking iOS 7 few months back. The group made its jailbreak tool available by releasing a download link for the developers edition before quickly removing it. The link for the tool on Pangu's site is currently unavailable, with the team noting on their official Twitter account that, " Current Pangu Jailbreak v1.0.0 is disabled remotely because we are fixing bug which may cause lost of your photos. Please wait … " The developer edition of the jailbreak iOS 8 tool didn't come with the Cydia app store , which would make the tool useless for an average iOS users who likes jail...
iOS 8 'Reset All Settings' Bug Could Delete Your iCloud Files

iOS 8 'Reset All Settings' Bug Could Delete Your iCloud Files

Oct 01, 2014
At the beginning of the month, Apple was criticized for the security flaw in its iCloud file storage service that, according to multiple media outlets, allowed hackers to allegedly retrieve photos of a number of high-profile celebrities . And Now, the company's newly launched iOS 8 has been reportedly found vulnerable to another critical bug that is troubling Apple iOS 8 users. After the launch of iOS 8 , some minor bugs was reported in its operating system which was quickly fixed in Apple's iOS 8.0.1. But, the critical vulnerability discovered in iOS 8.0.1 seems to be deleting data stored in iCloud Drive without the user's permission. The bug was uncovered by MacRumors after its forum members complaint about the issue triggered by the option to " Reset All Settings ," which is typically supposed to reset your network settings to give your iOS device a clean slate to work with, but it turns out the feature is also deleting all your files from iCloud Drive. ...
Apple Strongly Denies Claims of Installing iOS Backdoor

Apple Strongly Denies Claims of Installing iOS Backdoor

Jul 23, 2014
The allegations from a data forensic expert and security researcher that iOS contains a " backdoor " permitting third parties to potentially gain access to large amount of users' personal data instigated Apple to give a strong response. The company has completely denied to the claims published over the weekend by Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensic scientist and iOS security expert. The researcher, better identified as the hacker moniker " NerveGas ", detailed a number of undocumented features in a paper presentation titled, " Identifying Backdoors, Attack Points, and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS Devices " showing his findings, from his talk at the Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE X) conference held in New York on Friday. ALLEGATIONS ON APPLE The issue, what he explained in his finding, arises from the way Apple encrypts or fails to encrypt data from the iPhone's native apps, leaving over 600 million personal iOS devices vulnerable to third parties. ...
Cydia Repository by BigBoss Hacked, All Paid and Free Tweaks Stolen

Cydia Repository by BigBoss Hacked, All Paid and Free Tweaks Stolen

Jul 21, 2014
BigBoss repository, one of the biggest and most popular repositories for jailbreak tweaks in Cydia , has reportedly been hacked by either an individual or a group of hackers. Cydia is a software application for iOS that enables a user to find and install software packages on jailbroken iOS Apple devices such as the iPhone, the iPod Touch, and the iPad. Most of the software packages available through Cydia are free, but some require purchasing. The BigBoss repository is default repository in jailbroken iOS devices and has long been one of Cydia's biggest and best, but it may have just been targeted by cybercriminals. The hackers, who go by the name "Kim Jong-Cracks", managed to gain access to all packages , including all paid as well as free, and made their own repository available with all BigBoss repository applications for free. " The other post more than likely broke rule 1 because it linked the site directly. To anyone that didn't see the post the BigBoss rep...
How To Jailbreak iOS 7.1 And 7.1.1 Untethered Using 'Pangu' Jailbreak Tool

How To Jailbreak iOS 7.1 And 7.1.1 Untethered Using 'Pangu' Jailbreak Tool

Jun 25, 2014
Quite Surprisingly, a team of Chinese hackers, Pangu have released an untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1 and iOS 7.1.1. This untethered jailbreak is compatible with iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad mini, Retina iPad mini and iPod touch 5G running iOS 7.1-iOS 7.1.1. The jailbreak tool is currently available for Windows but works on every iOS devices. Many iOS users have posted on Reddit that the tool works successfully. Jailbreaking is a process of removing limitations on iOS devices , Apple's operating system, so you can install third party software not certified by Apple. Such devices include the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and second-generation Apple TV. One question rises in my mind that when Apple 's system root protections have been greatly enhanced in an effort to make jailbreaks more difficult, then what's the whole story behind the unexpectedly release of this jailbreak tool? STEPS TO JAILBREAK iOS 7.1 ...
Researchers Uncover Spying Tool Used by Governments to Hijack all Types of Smartphones

Researchers Uncover Spying Tool Used by Governments to Hijack all Types of Smartphones

Jun 25, 2014
Purchasing malware to victimize people is illegal by laws but if the same thing any government official do, then its not!! Yes, the police forces around the World are following the footsteps of U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) and FBI. Researchers from the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and computer security firm Kaspersky Lab have unearthed a broad network of controversial spyware which is specially designed to give law enforcement agencies complete access to a suspect's phone for the purpose of surveillance. MALWARE FOR DESKTOPS AND ALL MOBILE DEVICES The malware , dubbed as Remote Control System (RCS) , also known as Da Vinci and Galileo, is developed by an Italian company known as Hacking Team, available for desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices. The latest version of the malware works for all phone including Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Symbian and BlackBerry devices, but best on Android devices , and can also b...
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