Anonymous Hackers Help WikiLeaks to get Syria Files
Jul 10, 2012
Just after WikiLeaks began releasing the data from the Syria Files, Anonymous hacktivists claimed responsibility for accessing the information and passing it on to the whistleblower organization. Anonymous supplies WikiLeaks with over two million e-mails from Syrian political figures, ministries and companies. According to Report, Anonymous Syria, Antisec and Peoples Liberation Front breached domains and servers in Syria since February, downloaded data over weeks and handed them to WikiLeaks. In February, the hacker team had "worked day and night" to create a massive breach of multiple domains and dozens of servers inside Syria, the statement claimed. In its intro to the e-mail cache, WikiLeaks indicated that they came from 678,000 individual e-mail addresses and 680 domains, including ones belonging to Syria's Ministries of Presidential Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Information, Transport and Culture. At least 400,000 of the e-mails are in Arabic and 68,000 are in ...