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Category — free web hosting
5 Popular Web Hosting Services Found Vulnerable to Multiple Flaws

5 Popular Web Hosting Services Found Vulnerable to Multiple Flaws

Jan 16, 2019
A security researcher has discovered multiple one-click client-side vulnerabilities in the some of the world's most popular and widely-used web hosting companies that could have put millions of their customers as well as billions of their sites' visitors at risk of hacking. Independent researcher and bug-hunter Paulos Yibelo, who shared his new research with The Hacker News, discovered roughly a dozen serious security vulnerabilities in Bluehost, Dreamhost, HostGator, OVH, and iPage, which amounts to roughly seven million domains. Some of the vulnerabilities are so simple to execute as they require attackers to trick victims into clicking on a simple link or visiting a malicious website to easily take over the accounts of anyone using the affected web hosting providers. Critical Flaws Reported in Popular Web Hosting Services Yibelo tested all the below-listed vulnerabilities on all five web hosting platforms and found several account takeover, cross-scripting, and in...
DomainFactory Hacked—Hosting Provider Asks All Users to Change Passwords

DomainFactory Hacked—Hosting Provider Asks All Users to Change Passwords

Jul 09, 2018
Besides Timehop , another data breach was discovered last week that affects users of one of the largest web hosting companies in Germany, DomainFactory, owned by GoDaddy. The breach initially happened back in last January this year and just emerged last Tuesday when an unknown attacker himself posted a breach note on the DomainFactory support forum. It turns out that the attacker breached company servers to obtain the data of one of its customers who apparently owes him a seven-figure amount, according to Heise . Later the attacker tried to report DomainFactory about the potential vulnerability using which he broke into its servers, but the hosting provider did not respond, and neither disclosed the breach to its customers. In that situation, the attacker head on to the company's support forum and broke the news with sample data of a few customers as proof, which forced DomainFactory to immediately shut down the forum website and initiate an investigation. Attacker G...
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Biggest Free Hosting Company Hacked; 13.5 Million Plaintext Passwords Leaked

Biggest Free Hosting Company Hacked; 13.5 Million Plaintext Passwords Leaked

Oct 28, 2015
The world's most popular Free Web Hosting company 000Webhost has suffered a major data breach, exposing more than 13.5 Million of its customers' personal records. The stolen data includes usernames, passwords in plain text, email addresses, IP addresses and last names of around 13.5 Million of 000Webhost's customers. According to a recent report published by Forbes , the Free Hosting service provider 000Webhost was hacked in March 2015 by an anonymous hacker. In a post on its official Facebook page, the hosting company has acknowledged the data breach and posted the following statement: "We have witnessed a database breach on our main server. A hacker used an exploit in old PHP version to upload some files, gaining access to our systems. Although the whole database has been compromised , we are mostly concerned about the leaked client information." The stolen data was obtained by Troy Hunt , an Australian security researcher, who received the dat...
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