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Category — free VPN
Secure VPN Services — Get 91% Off On Lifetime Subscriptions

Secure VPN Services — Get 91% Off On Lifetime Subscriptions

Feb 08, 2018
Since most of us rely upon the Internet for day-to-day activities, hacking and spying have become a prime concern today, and so have online security and privacy. The governments across the world have been found to be conducting mass surveillance and then there are hackers and cybercriminals who are always looking for ways to steal your sensitive and personal data from the ill-equipped networks, websites, and PCs. Even most online services and websites today collect your personal data, including search histories, location data, and buying habits, and makes millions by sharing them with advertisers and marketers. In short, we have no or very little online privacy. This is why schools, colleges, hospitals and other small and big businesses are moving towards adopting a solution that allows them to store and access their personal data securely. The solution: Virtual Private Network. Virtual Private Network, or VPN, serves as an encrypted tunnel that secures your computer's Int...
China Shuts Down Popular VPN Services to Make Great Firewall Stronger

China Shuts Down Popular VPN Services to Make Great Firewall Stronger

Jul 04, 2017
Online Privacy has been one of the biggest challenges in today's interconnected world, as the governments across the world have been found censoring the Internet, stealing information and conducting mass surveillance on innocent people. China is one such nation which always wanted to have a tight hold on its citizen and has long been known for its strict Internet censorship laws through the Great Firewall of China. The Great Firewall of China is the nation's Golden Shield project that employs a variety of tricks to censor Internet and block access to various foreign news and social media sites, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Dropbox, and The Pirate Bay. So, in order to thwart these restrictions and access blocked websites, hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens rely on virtual private networks (VPNs) which route their traffic to servers overseas free of the Great Firewall filters, but this may not be an option soon. For those unfamiliar, Virtual P...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Critical RCE Flaw Found in OpenVPN that Escaped Two Recent Security Audits

Critical RCE Flaw Found in OpenVPN that Escaped Two Recent Security Audits

Jun 22, 2017
A security researcher has found four vulnerabilities, including a critical remote code execution bug, in OpenVPN, those were not even caught in the two big security audits of the open source VPN software this year. OpenVPN is one of the most popular and widely used open source VPN software solutions mostly used for various connectivity needs, but it is especially popular for anonymous and private access to the Internet. This year, two independent security audits of OpenVPN were carried out to look for flaws, backdoors, and other defects in the open source software – one conducted by a team led by Johns Hopkins University crypto-boffin Dr. Matthew D. Green. The audits resulted in a patch of a few vulnerabilities in the widely used open source software, giving OpenVPN a clean chit. Researcher Used Fuzzer to find Bugs in OpenVPN Researcher Guido Vranken of Netherlands exclusively used a fuzzer and recently discovered four security holes in OpenVPN that escaped both the secur...
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Use Secure VPNs (Lifetime Subscription) to Prevent ISPs From Spying On You

Use Secure VPNs (Lifetime Subscription) to Prevent ISPs From Spying On You

Mar 27, 2017
Data Privacy is a serious concern today with the vast availability of personal data over the Internet – a digital universe where websites collect your personal information and sell them to advertisers for dollars, and where hackers can easily steal your data from the ill-equipped. If this wasn't enough, US Senate voted last week to eliminate privacy rules that would have forced ISPs to get your permission before selling your Web browsing history and app usage history to advertisers. If passed, ISPs like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T, can collect and sell data on what you buy, where you browse, and what you search, to advertisers all without taking your consent in order to earn more bucks. How to Prevent ISPs And Hackers From Spying On You So, how do you keep your data away from advertisers as well as hackers? Private Browsing! If you're worried about identity thieves or ISPs spying on or throttling your traffic, the most efficient way to secure your privacy on the ...
Improve Your Online Privacy And Security Using NordVPN

Improve Your Online Privacy And Security Using NordVPN

Sep 29, 2016
Today, most users surf the web unaware of the fact that websites collect their data and track their locations – and if this is not enough, then there are hackers and cyber criminals who can easily steal sensitive data from the ill-equipped. In short, the simple truth is that you have no or very little privacy when you're online. So, if you're worried about identity thieves, or ISPs spying on or throttling your traffic, the most efficient way to secure your privacy on the Internet is to avoid using public networks; use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) instead. When it comes to digital security, the first thing most users probably think of is a good Antivirus for protecting their sensitive data on their systems. But, what they forget is that the data they send over the Internet needs protection, too. That's where Virtual Private Network (VPN) services come in. VPN allows you to access a private network securely and to share data remotely through public networks, ...
Opera Browser Now Offers Free and Unlimited Built-in VPN Service

Opera Browser Now Offers Free and Unlimited Built-in VPN Service

Apr 21, 2016
In Brief Opera becomes the first web browser to offer a built-in Free, unlimited and 256-bit encrypted VPN service for everyone. Opera's Free VPN protects unencrypted browser session from leaking on public WiFi networks and will also let unblock firewalls to improve privacy and security. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become an important tool not just for large companies, but also for individuals to improve web privacy, dodge content restrictions and counter growing threat of cyber attacks. Opera has released an updated desktop version of its web browser with a Free built-in VPN service to keep you safe on the Internet with just a click. That's a great deal! For those unfamiliar, VPNs are easy security and privacy tools that route your Internet traffic through a distant connection, protecting your browsing, hiding your location data and accessing restricted resources. Free VPN Service with Unlimited Data Usage Unlike several other free VPN services,...
Hola — A widely popular Free VPN service used as a Giant Botnet

Hola — A widely popular Free VPN service used as a Giant Botnet

May 29, 2015
The bandwidth of Millions of users of a popular free VPN service is being sold without their knowledge in an attempt to cover the cost of its free service, which could result in a vast botnet-for-sale network. " Hola ," a free virtual private network, is designed to help people abroad watch region restricted shows like American Netflix, and other streaming United States media. Hola is selling users' bandwidth: Hola is easy-to-use browser plugin available in the Google Chrome Store with currently more than 6 Million downloads . But, unfortunately, Hola could be used by hackers to maliciously attack websites, potentially putting its users at risk of being involved in illegal or abusive activities. Hola uses a peer-to-peer system to route users' traffic. So, if you are in Denmark and wants to watch a show from America, you might be routed through America-based user's Internet connections. However, Hola is not leaving a chance to make money o...
28% of Internet Users know the Importance of Online Privacy Tools

28% of Internet Users know the Importance of Online Privacy Tools

Jan 23, 2014
Privacy is "workings of your mind". We share our personal moments captured in images, credit card details, thoughts that are personal or professional with a person or a certain group at different instances of time and want it to be safe and secure. We use an electronic gadget to share something trusting blindly the service provider company which may have to obey some unveiled laws of that country to which it belong and our data might be at risk. The surveillance programs can force these companies to store the information and share it with the Government and can even sniff all the data passing through the channels i.e. Wire or Air, and hence compromise our privacy. Though surveillance programs were in existence before Snowden's leaks, but after the revelation of NSA's surveillance programs, we need to think twice when it comes to our privacy. 28% of all Internet users, i.e. 415 Million people say that they use some sort of privacy tool for their Internet browsing sessio...
SSH Backdoor accounts in multiple Barracuda Products

SSH Backdoor accounts in multiple Barracuda Products

Jan 26, 2013
Firewall, VPN and spam filtering products from Barracuda Networks contains hidden hard coded backdoor ed SSH accounts, that allow any hacker to remotely log in and root access sensitive information. According to an advisory published by Stefan Viehböck of SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab reported the vulnerabilities in default firewall configuration and default user accounts on the unit. Barracuda were informed of the vulnerabilities at the end of November. All Barracuda Networks appliances with the exception of the Barracuda Backup Server, Barracuda Firewall, and Barracuda NG Firewall are potentially affected i.e Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall, Barracuda Web Filter, Barracuda Message Archiver, Barracuda Web Application Firewall, Barracuda Link Balancer, Barracuda Load Balancer, Barracuda SSL VPN, CudaTel. Barracuda recommended that all customers immediately update their Barracuda security definitions to v2.0.5, ensure the products' security definitions ar...
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