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Category — forum hacked
A New vBulletin 0-Day RCE Vulnerability and Exploit Disclosed Publicly

A New vBulletin 0-Day RCE Vulnerability and Exploit Disclosed Publicly

Aug 11, 2020
A security researcher earlier today publicly revealed details and proof-of-concept exploit code for an unpatched, critical zero-day remote code execution vulnerability affecting the widely used internet forum software vBulletin that's already under active exploitation in the wild. vBulletin is a widely used proprietary Internet forum software package based on PHP and MySQL database server that powers over 100,000 websites on the Internet, including Fortune 500 and Alexa Top 1 million companies websites and forums. In September last year, a separate anonymous security researcher publicly disclosed a then-zero-day RCE vulnerability in vBulletin , identified as CVE-2019-16759 , and received a critical severity rating of 9.8, allowing attackers to execute malicious commands on the remote server without requiring any authentication to log into the forum. A day after the disclosure of CVE-2019-16759, the vBulletin team released security patches that resolved the issue, but it t...
Comodo Forums Hack Exposes 245,000 Users' Data — Recent vBulletin 0-day Used

Comodo Forums Hack Exposes 245,000 Users' Data — Recent vBulletin 0-day Used

Oct 01, 2019
If you have an account with the Comodo discussion board and support forums, also known as ITarian Forum, you should change your password immediately. Cybersecurity company Comodo has become one of the major victims of a recently disclosed vBulletin 0-day vulnerability , exposing login account information of over nearly 245,000 users registered with the Comodo Forums websites. In a brief security notice published earlier today, Comodo admitted the data breach, revealing that an unknown attacker exploited the vBulletin vulnerability (CVE-2019-16759) and potentially gained access to Comodo Forums database. It's worth noting that Comodo forum was hacked on September 29, almost four days after vBulletin developers released a patch to let administrators address the vulnerability, but the company failed to apply the patches on time. As The Hacker News broke the news last week, an anonymous hacker publicly disclosed details of a critical then-unpatched vulnerability in vBulleti...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
XKCD Forum Hacked – Over 562,000 Users’ Account Details Leaked

XKCD Forum Hacked – Over 562,000 Users' Account Details Leaked

Sep 03, 2019
XKCD —one of the most popular webcomic platforms known for its geeky tech humor and other science-laden comic strips on romance, sarcasm, math, and language—has suffered a data breach exposing data of its forum users. The security breach occurred two months ago, according to security researcher Troy Hunt who alerted the company of the incident, with unknown hackers stealing around 562,000 usernames, email and IP addresses, as well as hashed passwords. However, the leaked data was actually discovered by security researcher and data analyst Adam Davies, who shared a copy of it with Hunt. At the time of writing, XKCD has taken down its forum and posted a short notice on its homepage, as shared below, urging its users to change their passwords immediately. "The xkcd forums are currently offline. We've been alerted that portions of the PHPBB user table from our forums showed up in a leaked data collection. The data includes usernames, email addresses, salted, hashe...
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Epic Games Forum Hacked, Once Again — Over 800,000 Gamers' Data Stolen

Epic Games Forum Hacked, Once Again — Over 800,000 Gamers' Data Stolen

Aug 23, 2016
If you are a fan of Unreal Tournament from Epic Games or ever have participated in discussions on the online forums run by Epic Games, you possibly need to change your forum password as soon as possible. It seems the Unreal Engine and its creators, Epic Games' forums have recently been compromised by an unknown hacker or a group of hackers, who have stolen more than 800,000 forum accounts with over half a Million from the Unreal Engine's forums alone. The hackers get their hands on the forum accounts by exploiting a known vulnerability resided in an outdated version of the vBulletin forum software, which allowed them to get access to the full database. Epic believes registration information that includes usernames, scrambled passwords, email addresses, dates of birth, IP addresses, and date of joining, may have been obtained in the attack. "We believe a recent Unreal Engine and Unreal Tournament forum compromise revealed email addresses and other data entered in...
Ubuntu Linux Forum Hacked! Once Again

Ubuntu Linux Forum Hacked! Once Again

Jul 15, 2016
No software is immune to being Hacked! Not even Linux. The Ubuntu online forums have been hacked, and data belonging to over 2 Million users have been compromised, Canonical just announced. The compromised users' data include their IP addresses, usernames, and email addresses, according to the company, who failed to apply a patch to secure its users' data. However, users should keep in mind that the hack did not affect the Ubuntu operating system, or it was not due to a vulnerability or weakness in the OS. Instead, the breach only affected the Ubuntu online forums that people use to discuss the OS, said BetaNews, who initially reported the news. "There has been a security breach on the Ubuntu Forums site," Jane Silber, Chief Executive Officer at Canonical wrote in a blog post . "We take information security and user privacy very seriously, follow a strict set of security practices and this incident has triggered a thorough investigation." "C...
BitTorrent Forum Hacked; Change your Password Immediately

BitTorrent Forum Hacked; Change your Password Immediately

Jun 08, 2016
If you are a torrent lover and have registered on  BitTorrent community forum website, then you may have had your personal details compromised, along with your hashed passwords. The BitTorrent team has announced that its community forums have been hacked, which exposed private information of hundreds of thousands of its users. As of now, BitTorrent is the most visited torrent client around the world with more than 150 Million monthly active users. Besides this, BitTorrent also has a dedicated community forum that has over hundreds of thousands of registered members with tens of thousands of daily visitors. A recent security alert by the team says the forum database has been compromised by hackers who were able to get their hands on its users' passwords, warning its users to update their passwords as soon as possible. The vulnerability is believed to be originated at one of its vendors, who alerted the BitTorrent team about the issue ...
Yahoo vulnerability allows Hacker to delete 1.5 million records from Database

Yahoo vulnerability allows Hacker to delete 1.5 million records from Database

Mar 01, 2014
Yahoo! The 4th most visited website on the Internet has been found vulnerable multiple times, and this time a hacker has claimed to spot a critical vulnerability in the Yahoo! sub-domain ' suggestions.yahoo.com ', which could allow an attacker to delete the all the posted thread and comments on Yahoo's Suggestion Board website. Egyptian Cyber Security Analyst, ' Ibrahim Raafat ', found and demonstrated 'Insecure Direct Object Reference Vulnerability' in Yahoo's website on his blog . Exploiting the flaw escalates the user privileges that allow a hacker to delete more than 365,000 posts and 1,155,000 comments from Yahoo! Database . Technical details of the vulnerability are as explained below: Deleting  Comments: While deleting his own comment, Ibrahim noticed the  HTTP Header of POST request, i.e. prop=addressbook& fid=367443 &crumb=Q4 . PSLBfBe . & cid=1236547890 &cmd=delete_comment Where parameter ' fid ' is...
DDoS Attacks originated from thousands of .EDU and .GOV WordPress Blogs

DDoS Attacks originated from thousands of .EDU and .GOV WordPress Blogs

Dec 04, 2013
In a recent cyber attack on a Forum site, thousands of outdated legitimate WordPress blogs were abused to perform DDOS attacks using previously known vulnerabilities . After analyzing the Log file from the victim's server, we have noticed many Wordpress CMS based educational (.EDU) and Government (.GOV) websites from where the attack was originated. In the past we have reported about many such cyber attacks, where attackers hacked into the Wordpress blogs using password brute-force attack or they used the  PINGBACK  vulnerability in older versions of Wordpress without compromising the server. WordPress has a built in functionality called Pingback , which allows anyone to initiate a request from WordPress to an arbitrary site and it can be used for a single machine to originate millions of requests from multiple locations. We have seen more than 100,000 IP addresses involved in the recent DDOS attack and the victim's Forum website received more than 40,000 requests i...
vBulletin Forum hacked with Zero Day vulnerability, caused Macrumors Forum Data breach

vBulletin Forum hacked with Zero Day vulnerability, caused Macrumors Forum Data breach

Nov 17, 2013
Last Tuesday, Popular Mac news website MacRumors's user forums was hacked and forum database has been compromised including the username, email and passwords belonging to all 860,000 registered users. Yesterday,  Inj3ct0r Team of Exploit Database website  1337Day claimed the responsibility for the hack and also claimed that they have also hacked the official website of vBulletin Forum using a   Zero Day exploit . " Macrumors.com was based on vBulletin CMS. We use our 0day exploit vBulletin , got password moderator. 860000 user data hacked too. The network security is a myth " he told me. During the conversation, team leader told me that he has discovered a Zero Day Remote Code Execution vulnerability in vBulletin v4.x.x and 5.х.x, that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server end remotely. On their exploit marketplace they are also selling this zero day exploit with Shell Upload payload at $7000 USD. " We found a critical v...
MacRumors forum hacked; more than 860,000 accounts compromised

MacRumors forum hacked; more than 860,000 accounts compromised

Nov 13, 2013
Popular Mac news and information site MacRumors user forums have been breached by hackers on Monday this week. More than 860,000 usernames, emails and hashed passwords were potentially compromised. Users are advised to users that they change their passwords on the forums, as well as any other sites or services where the same password has been used. MD5 with or without salt, to be an inadequate means of protecting stored passwords. Back in 2012, the original author of the MD5 password hash algorithm has publicly declared that MD5 is no longer considered safe to use on commercial websites. u The owner of the site, Arnold Kim, apologized for the intrusion and said that it occurred because the hacker gained access to a moderator account, which then allowed the intruder to escalate their own privileges with the goal of stealing user login credentials. " We are looking into it further to see if there was another exploit, but there hasn't been any evidence of it...
Bitcoin Talk forum hacked; Database for Sale by Hacker; Website currently down

Bitcoin Talk forum hacked; Database for Sale by Hacker; Website currently down

Oct 04, 2013
Bitcoin Talk , the popular Bitcoin discussion forum, has been hacked and as it stands the site is currently unreachable. Bitcointalk has been down for nearly 6 hours. The forums have been allegedly hacked and Defaced by " The Hole Seekers " and selling 150,000 emails and hashed passwords stolen from Bitcointalk.org for 25 Bitcoins , where the passwords are hashed with sha256crypt. Hacker embedded the "1812 Overture" song in the background with a dazzling animated picture show. According to Bitcointalk admin Theymos, it's possible that the hackers gained access to the database. He says the website will not be restored until he figures out precisely what vulnerability the hackers leveraged. He's offering 50 Bitcoin to the first individual who can pinpoint the security hole. See the video below for the Hack-in-Action: " Hello friend, Bitcoin has been seized by the FBI for being illegal. Thanks, bye " reads one the message in the video. To be safe, i...
Mysterious Avatar rootkit with API, SDK, and Yahoo Groups for C&C communication

Mysterious Avatar rootkit with API, SDK, and Yahoo Groups for C&C communication

May 02, 2013
Early 2012 ESET company a mysterious malware, dubbed the Avatar rootkit (Win32/Rootkit.Avatar), advertised in the underground forums by Russian cyber crime . " We present you here previously announced product. In connection with work on other projects, we moved the release date for the public from May to February 2013th 2012go.Now nuclear rootkit AVATAR is available for rental. " Despite the malware was described months ago it was not found and published until now, in March ESET researchers detected two droppers with different C&C servers and having different compilation time stamps as showed in the following pictures: The Avatar rootkit appears very sophisticated, it uses two different infection techniques, the first in the dropper so as to bypass detections by HIPS, and the second one in the rootkit driver to allow the malware to be alive after system reboot, the instance detected works only on x86 systems. The 2 level dropper for Avatar rootkit works in conjunct...
Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

Oct 24, 2012
Yesterday Anonymous deface the UK Police Online web forum (https://www.ukpoliceonline.co.uk) and stole the private emails addresses of various members. The Metropolitan Police's e-Crime unit is investigating the hack and said that no computer system run by the police force had been hacked. The Hack was originally announced by an Anonymous Twitter account - Operation Jubilee (OpJubilee) , they post a mirror url of defaced page. This hack was one of the part of OpJubilee. ANONYMOUS OPERATION JUBILEE :  Under this there will be Rally of Millions people To Parliament, London on 5th of November 2012. As planned this will be a peaceful gathering at the Parliament Building in London to declare the true jubilee. Hackers send out emails to the former officers whose details were obtained during hack, with a subject line: " A message to the police and armed forces ". Message body: " Hello members of our UK police and armed forces" and called for recipie...
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