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Category — fast battery charger
Researchers to Develop Long-Lasting Solid-State Batteries

Researchers to Develop Long-Lasting Solid-State Batteries

Sep 18, 2015
Whenever you go to Buy any Electronic Gadget — Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Watch — the most important specification isn't its processor speed or its camera quality. It's how long the device's battery backup is. Imagine easy access to such batteries that provide more battery power after charging it once, do not give up in less time and have a life of many years. To achieve this, the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Samsung , have developed a new material that could potentially revolutionize the Battery industry. Researchers have solved all these Battery issues with just one weird practical approach, called Solid-State Electrolytes . Today the cells we depend on contain Liquid-State Electrolyte , the researchers thought of replacing the one with a Solid form of electrolyte. Solid-State Electrolytes could simultaneously address the greatest challenges associated with improving lithium-ion batteries (LIB) , with the possibility to increas
Here's How You Can Replace Your iPhone Battery For Free

Here's How You Can Replace Your iPhone Battery For Free

Jul 04, 2015
Nothing is scarier than your iPhone alerting you that your battery had hit 5%, especially when you just took it off the charger with a 100 percent full battery about an hour ago.  To be very honest, it literally sucks. However, you no need to worry about this problem now, as there's a solution. Apple has just modified its warranty programs to make it easier for you to get your iPhone battery or in some cases, the whole device exchanged at an Apple Store. Under its new AppleCare+ policy , the company is offering to replace the batteries in your iOS devices for free until January 2016 , but if and only if you are eligible. Are you Eligible for New iPhone Battery? To make sure your iPhone is eligible, you need to check these simple things: You need to have bought the iPhone between September 2012 and January 2013 If yes, then the capacity of your battery also has to hold less than 80% of its original capacity Previously, the policy offers replacement of
How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

Sep 17, 2024GenAI Security / SaaS Security
When you connect your organization's Google Drive account to ChatGPT, you grant ChatGPT extensive permissions for not only your personal files, but resources across your entire shared drive. As you might imagine, this introduces an array of cybersecurity challenges. This post outlines how to see ChatGPT activity natively in the Google Workspace admin console, and how Nudge Security can provide full visibility into all genAI integrations. Since launching ChatGPT in 2022, OpenAI has defied expectations with a steady stream of product announcements and enhancements. One such announcement came on May 16, 2024, and for most consumers, it probably felt innocuous. Titled  "Improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT," the post outlines how users can add files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. It's worth mentioning that other genAI tools like Google AI Studio and Claude Enterprise have also added similar capabilities recently. Pretty great, right? Maybe.‍ When you connec
Aluminium Battery that Charges SmartPhone in Just 1 Minute

Aluminium Battery that Charges SmartPhone in Just 1 Minute

Apr 08, 2015
Most of us could not imagine our lives without Smartphone, but the most annoying part of Smartphone remains its battery life. No matter how power efficient our device would be, the smart display, faster performance and several apps running on our phones end up consuming all of it. Now, I am here just not to talk about all these problems that you are facing, but I am here to introduce you an ultra-fast-charging battery that can charge your Smartphone in as little as 60 Seconds. Yes, you heard right! Recharge your battery in just 60 seconds means, 1 minute. FAST BATTERY CHARGING TECHNOLOGY Scientists at Stanford University in the U.S. have developed a prototype aluminium battery that charges smartphone to full capacity in just 60 seconds. Researchers say that this new aluminium battery is long-lasting, flexible and cheap, and could one day replace lithium-ion and alkaline batteries used in used in millions of mobile phones and laptops today. In addition to
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Mobile Charger That Can Power-Up Your Smartphone in 30 Seconds

Mobile Charger That Can Power-Up Your Smartphone in 30 Seconds

Apr 12, 2014
Going for a meeting or for a party and your Phone's battery discharged? Oops!  Yes, I know this happens with most of us once in a day or I can rather say all of us. Smartphones are smart enough but not that smarter as expected keeping in mind today's lifestyle. Phones are the basic necessity now-a-days, but this comes up with another tension-tension of charging at regular intervals, which took most of our precious time. GET-SET CHARGE IN 30 SECONDS Now, if I say that your Smartphone will charge in just 30 seconds, then you definitely won't believe it. But saying this won't be wrong, Israeli start-up claims to have created a battery that uses nanotechnology to charge your Smartphone in 30 seconds. StoreDot unveiled the device Monday at Microsoft's Think Next Conference in Tel Aviv . The prototype charger is capable to charge your Smartphone 100% within few blinks of your eyes, all in about 30 seconds. It depends on bio-organic quantum dots that are na
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