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NASA sub-domain and Australian Police targeted by Hackers

NASA sub-domain and Australian Police targeted by Hackers

Mar 20, 2012
NASA sub-domain and Australian Police targeted by Hackers Hacker with name " Black Jester " hack another subdomain (  https://airtrafficconflictresolutions.arc.nasa.gov )   of  NASA. Hacker compromise the database of site and leak password hashes of Users and Database Info also. The leaked info posed on Pastebin Note . In Another Attack, Hacker - S3rver.exe managed to breach the official website of the International Police Association of Australia (ipa-australiapolice.com.au). A Pastebin paste made by the hackers contains the site's database structure along with names, usernames, email addresses and password hashes, Softpedia Reported. The hackers claim that they have warned International Police Association representatives that the site contains some serious vulnerabilities, but apparently they did nothing to secure it. The hackers also tried to root the servers, but apparently it can't be rooted.
Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses

Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses

Mar 18, 2012
Cyber Criminals Selling Millions of U.S military email addresses Web based underground market service currently selling Millions of harvested U.S government and U.S military harvested emails addresses to potential spammers, and find out just how easy it is to purchase that kind of data within the cyber crime ecosystem. Cyber criminals are getting more sophisticated in their scams and phishing schemes, which are designed to steal personal data and financial information. Spammers and virus creators are motivated by money and backed by organized crime on a global scale. They are also launching massive attacks on anti-spam organizations in an attempt to bring them down. In respect to targeted malware attacks, the service is currently offering 2.462.935 U.S government email addresses, and another 2.178.000 U.S military email addresses. A Screenshot of the inventory of harvested emails currently offered for sale: Spammers buy lists from brokers that continuously harvest email addresses
Why Regulated Industries are Turning to Military-Grade Cyber Defenses

Why Regulated Industries are Turning to Military-Grade Cyber Defenses

Jun 14, 2024Cybersecurity / Regulatory Compliance
As cyber threats loom large and data breaches continue to pose increasingly significant risks. Organizations and industries that handle sensitive information and valuable assets make prime targets for cybercriminals seeking financial gain or strategic advantage.  Which is why many highly regulated sectors, from finance to utilities, are turning to military-grade cyber defenses to safeguard their operations. Regulatory Pressures Impacting Cyber Decisions Industries such as finance, healthcare, and government are subject to strict regulatory standards, governing data privacy, security, and compliance. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in severe penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to reputation. To meet regulatory requirements and mitigate the ever-increasing risk, organizations are shifting to adopt more robust cybersecurity measures. Understanding the Increase of Threats Attacks on regulated industries have increased dramatically over the past 5 years, with o
Iran Defense Forum users logins compromised and Leaked

Iran Defense Forum users logins compromised and Leaked

Mar 15, 2012
Iran Defense Forum users logins compromised and Leaked Hacker with name " Le0n B3lm0nt " claimed to hack into the Iran Defense Forum website (irandefence.net) and leak user details of all 3,212 members including their usernames, Emails and Passwords.  Iran Defense Forum is an independent forum that is not associated with the Iranian Government, neither it is affiliated with any governmental or regulatory agencies nor related to any political or religious entity. Hacker leak the database on Pastebin Note . Also two days before  Iran hacked BBC Persian TV  The Reason behind this attack is part of a broader attempt by the government to disrupt the BBC's Persian service. This attack follows various tactics by the Iranian government, such as harassment, arrests, and threats against the relatives of BBC Persia correspondents who still live in Iran, in an effort to force the journalists to quit the Persian news service.
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The Mole v0.3 Released : Automatic SQL Injection Exploitation Tool

The Mole v0.3 Released : Automatic SQL Injection Exploitation Tool

Mar 05, 2012
The Mole v0.3  Released : Automatic SQL Injection Exploitation Tool Nasel has just released the new version of The Mole, an automatic SQL Injection exploitation tool. Only by providing a vulnerable URL and a valid string on the site it can detect the injection and exploit it, either by using the union technique or a boolean query based technique. This release has introduced new features compared with the previous one, among these you can find that The Mole is now able to exploit injections thourgh cookie parameters. A new promising feature is that now you can exploit injections that return binary data, to achieve this the mole uses uses HEAD requests and analyzes the headers received (the size of the binary to download usually differs when the query was successful or not) and does not need to download the full binary data. In this release there has been a major change in the The Mole's architecture, and now allows to easily insert filters in order to bypass IPS/IDS rules or mod
#THN Monthly ( February ) News Archive, If you miss Something !

#THN Monthly ( February ) News Archive, If you miss Something !

Mar 01, 2012
#THN Monthly ( February ) News Archive,If you miss Something ! # Censorship - Global Concern, THN Magazine March Edition :  https://goo.gl/bktRz # Forget terrorists attacks here are 2012's Most Vulnerable Cities At Risk for Cyber Crime (Idiots) : https://goo.gl/4VYGf # Slum Dog India demands Real time monitoring on Indian Gmail & Yahoo Emails. Do they really have nothing better to do?   https://goo.gl/iYO5H # Iran will probably drop nuclear development cause they think they need to Develop their own security Software, No more foreign Solution, they might suggest banning the Burka too! : https://goo.gl/QVheH # Three Greek Anonymous hackers arrested for defacing Government Sites. They couldn't make the street protest! : https://goo.gl/EyMux # Facebook Hacking - Student jailed for eight months. They ought to jail Facebook for having such a stupid site : https://goo.gl/PwkHt # FAQ : DNSChanger Trojan, Impact and Solutions :   https://goo.gl/IE2Qh # How Hackers can Tr
Siemens and Canon's Databases exploited by Team INTRA

Siemens and Canon's Databases exploited by Team INTRA

Mar 01, 2012
Siemens and Canon 's Databases exploited by Team INTRA Recently a hacker known as " JoinSe7en " from Team INTRA claims to have hacked into subdomains of Canon and Siemens. Apparently, the hacker has found and exploited a Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in Canon's website and a Error based SQL Injection in Siemens. He published a full disclosure on both of the databases on pastebin: Siemens : https://pastebin.com/HBL966wh Canon : https://pastebin.com/fbL0s9aS These pastebin notes include the vulnerable links of respective sites and extracted database info with usernames and passwords of Siemens Users & Canon forum, sites user credentials.
Secunia PSI 3.0 : Automatic Patching Of Insecure Applications

Secunia PSI 3.0 : Automatic Patching Of Insecure Applications

Feb 28, 2012
Secunia PSI 3.0 : Automatic Patching Of Insecure Applications Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is a free program that scans the system for programs that are installed in an outdated version.The developers have just released the first beta version of Secunia PSI 3.0 for Windows. A new version of the Personal Software Inspector (PSI) tool from vulnerability management firm Secunia automates the updating of third-party programs that don't already have auto-updaters built-in. When you start the program for the first time after installation, you are asked to run a scan on the system. Secunia compares the list of installed software with the latest versions stored in their database. A list of outdated programs are then displayed in the program interface. Though most software vendors release patches, its tedious for users to find these updates and download them, where Secunia inspector tool identifies vulnerable programs and plug-ins in your Computer, download and installs all t
r00tw0rm leak United Nations Environment Programme database

r00tw0rm leak United Nations Environment Programme database

Feb 27, 2012
r00tw0rm leak United Nations Environment Programme database r00tw0rm group of Hackers hack and leak the complete 82.8 MB database from The united nations environment programme ( UNEP ), which is the voice for the environment in the united nations system. Via a tweet, r00tw0rm shout ," United nations environment programme https://pastebin.com/pXXNv2rH @inj3ct0r @AntiSecOp @sanjar_satsura @Oblivi0u5 @AnonymousIRC @OpCensorThis_ " Hackers leaks data on various file hosting sites such as rapidshare . According to leak, 5 databases and 100's of tables with admin logins and users data.  The united nations environment programme ( UNEP ) website is currently down while writing this post. Other Hacks by r00tw0rm can be seen here .
Lebanese Yellow Pages website database Compromised

Lebanese Yellow Pages website database Compromised

Feb 24, 2012
Lebanese Yellow Pages database Compromised Lebanese Yellow Pages website (https://www.yellowpages.com.lb/) database compromised by Hacking Group known as Mad HackerZ Team. Hackers manage to hack database of site and leaked it on internet.  Leaked database include the usernames, Password hashes and Email Id's of Admin and Few accounts as shown. All this data posted on a pastebin note :  https://pastebin.com/dvBzWCF6 Most probability hackers uses Sql Injection Exploit to get the database . According to Softpedia report, They also gained unauthorized access to other domains which they defaced to host their protest messages. The defaced sites include the ones of a political figure called Rafic Al Hariri, an online store named Dunes, Frontpage-lb, a computer company, and the site of a football team.
Confusing Attackers with Artillery By Dave Kennedy (ReL1K)

Confusing Attackers with Artillery By Dave Kennedy (ReL1K)

Feb 21, 2012
Confusing Attackers with Artillery By Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) , A security ninja & penetration tester develop Another amazing tool for Linux Protection, Named " Artillery ". This Article is written by Dave for our January Issue of The Hacker News Magazine , We like to share with our website Readers also: I've traditionally been on the offensive side of security through my career. With tools that I've developed like Fast-Track and The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET), it's primarily focused on the attack front. Awhile back I had an idea of creating a more defensive tool around both Windows and *nix systems and keep things open-source as usual. I started Artillery about three months ago with the intent of developing an open-source project that does a bit of everything. The name " Artillery " spawns from one of my favorite techno bands Infected Mushroom and enhances the overall security of whatever touches it. Artillery supports both Linux and Windows and
Tenable Release Nessus 5.0 vulnerability scanner

Tenable Release Nessus 5.0 vulnerability scanner

Feb 17, 2012
Tenable Release Nessus 5.0 vulnerability scanner Tenable Network Security announced Nessus 5.0 vulnerability and configuration assessment solution for enterprises and security professionals. Nessus version 5.0 introduces key features and improvements, separated into the four major phases of the vulnerability scanning process: Installation and management (for enhanced usability) - Nessus 5.0 simplifies the installation and configuration for non-technical users. Configuration and management: Nessus v5.0 configuration and management is now done 100% through the GUI Scan policy creation and design (for improved effectiveness) - Users now enjoy improved effectiveness when creating scan policies. Over two dozen new pre-built plugin filters make it easy for security and compliance professionals to simplify policy creation for laser-focused scans on the areas that matter most. Users can quickly select multiple filter criteria, such as, Vulnerability Publication Date, public vulnerabilit
Philips Electronics got hacked, Database Stolen by Hackers

Philips Electronics got hacked, Database Stolen by Hackers

Feb 13, 2012
Philips Electronics got hacked, Database Stolen by Hackers Another big site got hacked today, its Philips Electronics - had revenues of €25.42 billion in 2010, making it one of the largest electronics companies in the world. It employs around 114,500 people across more than 60 countries. The deface page shows the name of Hacker as -  Hacked by bch195 and HaxOr . These hackers belongs from  Team INTRA . Hacker also make a pastebin note ( https://pastebin.com/BDbrcx8b ) about hack. Hacker claim to hack many subdomains of Philips websites as shown. The screenshot is of a php shell uploaded on Philips's Website. Hackers link 3 more Private note in last pastebin note, which include Most of the Hacked Database of Website and List of few emails extracted from their. Also hacker comment that " This is first 100 emails from 200k list.I don't want to share more because i will sell it ." Last week seems to have another interesting Hacks of big websites : "NASA Own
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