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Category — copyright infringement
Russian Police Raided NGINX Moscow Office, Detained Co-Founders

Russian Police Raided NGINX Moscow Office, Detained Co-Founders

Dec 12, 2019
Russian law enforcement officers have raided the Moscow offices of Nginx—the company behind the world's second most popular web server software—over a copyright infringement complaint filed by Rambler, a Russian Internet portal and email service provider. According to multiple reports from local media and social media, the police conducted searches and has also detained several employees of the company, including Igor Sysoev , the original developer of Nginx and Maxim Konovalov , another co-founder of the company. Over 30% of the websites on the Internet today, including many of the world's most popular sites like Netflix and Twitch, run on the Nginx server. Igor Sysoev created the Nginx web server in the early 2000s and open-sourced it in 2004, after which he founded the company Nginx in 2015 that has now been acquired by F5 Networks , an American technology company, for $ 670 million. According to a copy of the complaint shared on Twitter, Rambler accused that Sys...
The Pirate Bay Founder Ordered to Pay $395,000 Fine in Lawsuit he didn't even know about

The Pirate Bay Founder Ordered to Pay $395,000 Fine in Lawsuit he didn't even know about

Jun 17, 2016
One of the founders of notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay has been ordered to pay a fine worth nearly US$400,000 to several major record labels after their content was shared illegally via the platform. The penalty has been imposed on The Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde by a court in Helsinki, Finland. Interestingly, Sunde, who already left the notorious file sharing site in 2009, said on Twitter that he lost the court case he did not even know about. The court case was brought by the Finnish divisions of Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music and EMI, accusing the Pirate Bay of illegally sharing the music of 60 of their artists through its service. The artists mentioned in the brief included " Juha Tapio, Teräsniska, Chisu, Deniece Williams, Suvi Vesa-Matti Loiri, Michael Monroe, Anna Abreau, Antti Tuisku, and Children of Bodom, " according to the local outlet Digitoday . However, the recording division did not accuse Sunde of direct infringeme...
The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

Feb 06, 2025AI Security / Cybersecurity
Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, shifting from a technical necessity to a critical pillar in leadership agendas. With the PAM market projected to reach $42.96 billion by 2037 (according to Research Nester), organizations invest heavily in PAM solutions. Why is PAM climbing the ranks of leadership priorities? While Gartner highlights key reasons such as enhanced security, regulatory compliance readiness, and insurance requirements, the impact of PAM extends across multiple strategic areas. PAM can help organizations enhance their overall operational efficiency and tackle many challenges they face today. To explore more about PAM's transformative impact on businesses, read The Cyber Guardian: PAM's Role in Shaping Leadership Agendas for 2025 by a renowned cybersecurity expert and former Gartner lead analyst Jonathan Care.  What cybersecurity challenges may organizations face in 2025? The cybersecurity landsca...
Google Wins Epic Java Copyright Case Against Oracle

Google Wins Epic Java Copyright Case Against Oracle

May 27, 2016
Google has finally won six-year long $9-billion legal battle with Oracle over the use of Java APIs in Android. Oracle filed its lawsuit against Google in 2010, claiming that the company illegally used 11,500 lines of Java code in its Android operating system, violating copyrights owned by Oracle. However, a federal jury of ten people concluded Thursday that Google's use of Java constituted "Fair Use" under US copyright law and delivered a verdict in favor of Google. The case was a big deal as the court decision could have the potential to change the way future apps are written for the Android operating system that is being used by almost 80% of the world's mobile devices. Also Read:   Google 'Android N' Will Not Use Oracle's Java APIs Oracle, who owns Java, had been seeking $9 Billion in damages for the use of application programming interfaces (APIs), which govern how code communicates with other bits of code. However, Google argued that...
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You Can Hack Your Own Car — It's Legal Now

You Can Hack Your Own Car — It's Legal Now

Oct 28, 2015
Yes, you heard right. You can now hack a car by making necessary modifications – but to the car owned by you, not your neighbors. Last year, President Obama passed a bill called 'Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act,' following which users could unlock their devices – generally those locked under a contract – to use a specific service provider. Also Read:   It's Now Legal to Jailbreak Smart TV, Smartphone Or Tablet . The same year, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a petition with the Librarian of Congress, which has the authority to grant Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) exemptions , for allowing customers and independent mechanics to repair their vehicles on their own by making necessary modifications. Though many automakers were in opposition to this petition, as they believed by doing so the safety measures of vehicles are going to be at a higher risk. EFF got Success! Yesterday, Library of Congress approve...
The Pirate Bay Founders Free Of Criminal Copyright Case

The Pirate Bay Founders Free Of Criminal Copyright Case

Jul 11, 2015
The four co-founders of The Pirate Bay, the world's most popular torrent website, have been cleared of charges alleging criminal copyright infringement and abuse of electronic communications in a Belgian court. The Pirate Bay co-founders Gottfrid Svartholm , Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundström were acquitted by a Belgian court located in Mechelse after it was found that they could not be held responsible for the file-sharing website after selling it in 2006. The Pirate Bay's founders Gottfrid Svartholm and Fredrik Neij, the website representative Peter Sunde and the website investor Carl Lundström were facing criminal charges related to their involvement with the torrenting site that has proven to be an elusive hub for illegal copyrighted content. The Pirate Bay was Sold to other Investors in 2006 However, the case fell apart when the Pirate Bay's co-founders said that they were not involved in any activity related to the website after they sold it to Re...
The Pirate Bay's 3rd and the Last Founder Arrested After 4 Years On The Run

The Pirate Bay's 3rd and the Last Founder Arrested After 4 Years On The Run

Nov 04, 2014
Fredrik Neij – known online as " TiAMO ", third and the last founder of the popular file sharing website The Pirate Bay   has been arrested driving across the border of Laos and Thailand. The 36-year-old fugitive  Fredrik Neij  was convicted by a Swedish court in 2009 of aiding copyright infringement and now he has been arrested under an Interpol warrant after four years on the run. The Pirate Bay allows users to share files, including copyrighted content such as movies and music, through peer-to-peer technology. He fled the country after being released on bail and had been living in Laos with his wife and children since 2012. Neij was arrested on Monday while trying to cross a border checkpoint in Nong Khai province, about 385 miles northeast of Bangkok, with his wife, Police said. " Mr. Neij will be transferred to the immigration headquarters in Bangkok on Wednesday where the Swedish embassy is expected to pick him up and bring him back to S...
Google Search Algorithm to Demote Piracy Sites In Search Results

Google Search Algorithm to Demote Piracy Sites In Search Results

Oct 22, 2014
The Search Engine giant is not going to spare the Pirated content providing sites . Google is ready to fulfill its commitment to downgrade the search rankings of ' notorious ' piracy sites globally that often rank above legal and commercial sites. Google and the Copyright holders are, to some extent, enemies for years, but in Google's ongoing anti-piracy efforts, the company will fight copyright infringement and assure rights holders that their contents will be appeared at the top of its search results and that the search made up only a small portion of pirate traffic. DOWNGRADE PIRATED SITES Google is preparing major tweaks to its search engine, which you'll be able to see this week, to ensure that the 'notorious' piracy sites that enable the downloading or streaming of pirated contents are out of search results when people search for music, movies and other copyrighted content. The announcement of the algorithm update came as Google updated " How Google Fights ...
The Pirate Bay Runs on 21 "Raid-Proof" Virtual Machines To Avoids Detection

The Pirate Bay Runs on 21 "Raid-Proof" Virtual Machines To Avoids Detection

Sep 23, 2014
The Pirate Bay is the world's largest torrent tracker site which handles requests from millions of users everyday and is in the top 100 most visited websites on the Internet. Generally, The Pirate Bay is famous for potentially hosting illegal contents on its website. Despite years of persecution, it continues to disobey copyright laws worldwide. Even both the founders of The Pirate Bay (TPB) file exchange service were arrested by the authorities and are in prison, but their notorious pirated content exchange continues to receive millions of unique visitors daily. That's really Strange!! But how?? Recently, The Pirate Bay team has revealed how cloud technology made its service's virtual servers truly secure to avoid police raids and detection. While it doesn't own any physical servers, The Pirate Bay is working on " virtual machines " through a few commercial cloud hosting services, even without knowing that whom they are dealing with. According to Torren...
Adult Magazine Sued LeaseWeb for Hosting Pirated Websites, claiming $188M in Damages
Kim Dotcom's New Domain Me.ga Seized before its launch

Kim Dotcom's New Domain Me.ga Seized before its launch

Nov 07, 2012
Kim Dotcom is still fighting a legal battle in New Zealand against the United States over alleged copyright infringement and piracy. Kim Dotcom's upcoming Mega website Me.ga has had its domain name seized by the African nation of Gabon, with a government minister saying his country will not be used as a base for copyright infringement. Last week, Dotcom unveiled plans to relaunch his file-sharing site in January 2013, using the Gabonese domain me.ga, with the message " this button will change the world ." "Gabon cannot serve as a platform or screen for committing acts aimed at violating copyrights, nor be used by unscrupulous people," says the country's Communication Minister Blaise Louembe. Dotcom reassured his followers, by tweeting , " Don't worry. We have an alternative domain. This just demonstrates the bad faith witch hunt the US government is on...Gabon Minister used time machine to analyze legality of the future Mega. Verdict: Cyber cri...
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