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Category — bank hacked
Malware called 'Eurograbber' steals 36 million Euros

Malware called 'Eurograbber' steals 36 million Euros

Dec 07, 2012
A new version of the Zeus botnet was used to steal about $47 million from European banking customers in the past year. This Zeus variant Trojan is blamed for attacks that stole more than 36 million Euros ($47 million U.S. dollars) from an estimated 30,000 consumer and corporate accounts at European banks. Dubbed "Eurograbber"  is more than just another banking Trojan. It's an exploitation of fundamental online banking authentication practices that could strike any institution. With the phone number and platform information, the attacker sends a text message to the victim's phone with a link to a site that downloads what it says is "encryption software" for the device. Customers become victims of Eurograbber by clicking on malicious links that may come in phishing-attack emails and then after injecting scripts to browser , the malware intercepts two-step authentication text messages sent to customers' phones. Customers at an estimated 30 banks fell vic...
Shylock malware : Undetectable virus stealing bank account information

Shylock malware : Undetectable virus stealing bank account information

Dec 01, 2012
Shylock, a financial malware platform discovered by Trusteer in 2011, is a non-Zeus-based information-stealing trojan that improved methodology for injecting code into additional browser processes to take control of a computer, and an improved evasion technique to prevent malware scanners from detecting its presence. Why this Name ?  Shylock named after the ruthless money lender in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, also deletes its installation files, runs solely in memory, and begins the process again once the infected machine reboots. Shylock has gained a new trick: The ability to detect whether it's running in a virtual machine (VM) that is being analyzed by malware researchers. What New ?  Latest Shylock dropper detects a remote desktop environment by feeding invalid data into a certain routine and then observing the error code returned. It uses this return code to differentiate between normal desktops and other "lab" environments. In particular, when execu...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
1 Million dollar hacked in 60 Seconds from Citibank

1 Million dollar hacked in 60 Seconds from Citibank

Oct 31, 2012
FBI have arrested 14 people over the theft of $1 million from Citibank using cash advance kiosks at casinos located in Southern California and Nevada. Authorities say the suspects would open accounts at Citibank, then go to casinos in California and Nevada and withdraw the money from cash-advance kiosks as many times as they could in a 60-second span. Someone had figured out that a glitch prevented Citibank from recording the extra withdrawals. FBI agents assisted by the Glendale Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department arrested 13 of the defendants in the Los Angeles area Wednesday and Thursday. The suspects used the money to gamble and were given comped hotel rooms because of the amount they were spending, according to the FBI. Withdrawals were kept under $10,000 to avoid federal transaction reporting requirements, the FBI release read. FBI Special Agent in Charge Daphne Hearn commented, " While advancements in technology have created a world of...
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Anonymous Hacker claims to have 20,000 debit card details from HSBC Cyberattack

Anonymous Hacker claims to have 20,000 debit card details from HSBC Cyberattack

Oct 21, 2012
One of Anonymous hacker groups " FawkesSecurity " who claim responsibility for a DDOS cyber attack on HSBC Bank says that they also manage to get 20,000 debit card details. When HSBC said , " This denial-of-service attack did not affect any customer data , but did prevent customers using HSBC online services, including Internet banking.", Anonymous tweeted on Friday. " We also managed to log 20,000 debit card details ." On asking, is there any proof of this claim , they replied ,"  We're debating whether to release them or not, HSBC knows debit details were intercepted, They probz won't admit it tho, ". On the other hand, A group that calls itself Izz ad-Din Al Qassam  , which has claimed responsibility for recent cyberattacks on at least nine other banks, also took responsibility for the assault on HSBC. Who ever the real hitman behind this, but according to hacker's warnings - RBS, Lloyds TSB and Barclays Banks are next target...
Peru Domains Registrar hacked and 207116 Domain panel credentials leaked

Peru Domains Registrar hacked and 207116 Domain panel credentials leaked

Oct 20, 2012
A huge hack carried out today ! One of the biggest Peru Domain registrar company (punto.pe) hacked by Lulzsecperu (declared by a tweet ) and Complete database of 207116 websites has been leaked on internet.  Leaked database include Domain panel username, encrypted password, Company descriptions. Hacked domains include all .PU domains ie. Banks , Institutes, computer security companies, corporates, colleges, government, personal websites. " We clarify that we have no malicious purposes, only prove that the security of PERU is bad and should be corrected. Greetings to the computer crimes division of the National Police of Peru from March 2012 is nil activity and fail or be close to where we are now ASBANC for trying. " Hacker said in an statement . He upload the database here :  https://anonfiles.com/file/e14504f5033d2a53457af667b686340f Password for file: lulzsecperu 2-3 Hours after  Lulz...
HSBC hit by Anonymous denial-of-service attack

HSBC hit by Anonymous denial-of-service attack

Oct 19, 2012
The multinational bank HSBC has blamed a denial of service attack for the downtime of many of its websites worldwide on Thursday night and the Anonymous group has been quick to take credit. " Banks are the sole cause of our current worldwide economic problems. They deserve to get hit. RBS, Lloyds TSB and Barclays are next, " FawkesSecurity said . " This denial-of-service attack did not affect any customer data, but did prevent customers using HSBC online services, including Internet banking. We are taking appropriate action, working hard to restore service. We are pleased to say that some sites are now back up and running. We are cooperating with the relevant authorities and will cooperate with other organizations that have been similarly affected by such criminal acts. " HSBC said. The timing of the group's Twitter postings lends credence to its claims, but Twitter users claiming to be Anonymous members have falsely claimed responsibility for at...
Hackers steal more than $450,000 from Burlington city bank

Hackers steal more than $450,000 from Burlington city bank

Oct 14, 2012
The city of Burlington is warning its employees to check their bank accounts after finding out funds have been stolen. The Skagit Valley Herald reports the money was electronically transferred to various personal and business accounts throughout the United States during a two-day period this week. " We really don't know exactly how it happened ," said City Manager Bryan Harrison. " Multiple banks in multiple states involved. " " Someone, either through the city system or Bank of America had actually accessed our electric authorization account. " The theft was first reported by the Skagit Valley Herald newspaper which said that Burlington's finance department reported the theft Thursday. Police and the Secret Service are investigating. Burlington is a city of about 8,400 people roughly 60 miles north of Seattle. They believe the money has been shifted to different banks around the world. Officials say they will recover the money that was...
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