How to Auto-BackUp Your WhatsApp Data to Google Drive with Encryption
Oct 08, 2015
What if your phone suddenly slips into a bathtub? Maybe you'll end up losing all your important data, more specifically, your WhatsApp photos, videos, Voice Notes and Chat Data that flows through your chats. Sounds scary, isn't it? But, now you need not worry if your phone suddenly died or broke – Thanks to the new integration to your favorite messaging app WhatsApp with Google Drive. Google and Facebook announced a partnership that will bring Google Drive integration to WhatsApp for Android, allowing you to automatically backup all your chat messages and multimedia content regularly to the cloud. BackUp Your WhatsApp Data to Google Drive With Google Drive integration, you can create a private backup of your: Chat History Voice Messages Photos Videos …to "keep your memory safe," Google says. You can also decide to backup your WhatsApp data: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Not at All. Data BackUp and Recovery with Enc