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Category — Underground hacking
Europol Shuts Down Two Major Illegal 'Dark Web' Trading Platforms

Europol Shuts Down Two Major Illegal 'Dark Web' Trading Platforms

May 03, 2019
Europol announced the shut down of two prolific dark web marketplaces— Wall Street Market and Silkkitie (also known as Valhalla)—in simultaneous global operations against underground websites for trading drugs, stolen credit card numbers, malicious software, and other illegal goods. Police in western Germany has also arrested three men who were allegedly running Wall Street Market, the world's second largest dark marketplace with more than a million users and 5,400 vendors. Besides this, the operation involving Europol , Dutch police and the FBI also led to the arrests of two major suppliers of narcotics via the Wall Street Market site in Los Angeles, the United States. According to the Europol, the police officers seized the computers used to run the illegal market place, along with more than €550 000 (£472,000 or $621,000) in cash, more than €1 Million in Bitcoin and Monero cryptocurrencies, expensive cars, and other evidence. In a press release published today, Eu
Silk Road Admin Pleads Guilty – Could Face Up to 20 Years in Prison

Silk Road Admin Pleads Guilty – Could Face Up to 20 Years in Prison

Oct 06, 2018
An Irish national who helped run the now-defunct dark web marketplace Silk Road pleaded guilty on Friday to drug trafficking charges that carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Gary Davis , also known as Libertas, was one of the site administrators and forum moderators for Silk Road, then-largest underground marketplace on the Internet used by thousands of users to sell and buy drugs and other illegal goods and services. Silk Road went down after the law enforcement raided its servers in 2013 and arrested its founder Ross William Ulbricht , who has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted on multiple counts related to the underground drug marketplace. The FBI also seized Bitcoins (worth about $33.6 million, at the time) from the website. Those Bitcoins were later sold in a series of auctions by the United States Marshals Service (USMS). According to a press release published by US Department of Justice, Davis helped the black market website "r
Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Oct 09, 2024SaaS Security / Identity Security
Social media accounts help shape a brand's identity and reputation. These public forums engage directly with customers as they are a hub to connect, share content and answer questions. However, despite the high profile role these accounts have, many organizations overlook social media account security. Many lack the safeguards to prevent unauthorized access — a situation no organization wants as it can quickly spiral to include reputational damage and financial losses.  With the impact this high, the need for deep understanding of social media risks as well as how to protect an organization's social media account are more crucial than ever. This article dives into the details of social media accounts, how social media can be misused and how to protect oneself. Understanding the Layers of Social Media Access Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn typically have two layers of access.  The Public Facing Page : where brands post content and engage with users.  The Advertis
AlphaBay Dark Web Market Goes Down; Users Fear Exit-Scam

AlphaBay Dark Web Market Goes Down; Users Fear Exit-Scam

Jul 06, 2017
AlphaBay Market, one of the largest Dark Web marketplaces for drugs, guns, and other illegal goods, suddenly disappeared overnight without any explanation from its admins, leaving its customers who have paid large sums in panic. AlphaBay , also known as "the new Silk Road," has been shut down since Tuesday night. The site also came in the news at the beginning of this year when a hacker successfully hacked the AlphaBay site and stole over 200,000 private unencrypted messages from several users. Although the website sometimes goes down for maintenance, customers are speculating that the admins have stolen all their Bitcoins for good measure, when heard no words from the site's admins on the downtime. Some users at Reddit and Twitter are claiming that AlphaBay's admins may have shut down the marketplace to withdraw a huge number of bitcoins from the site's accounts. The withdrawal Bitcoin transactions total 1,479.03904709 Bitcoin (roughly $3.8 Million),
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Silk Road Mastermind Ross Ulbricht Sentenced To Life In Prison

Silk Road Mastermind Ross Ulbricht Sentenced To Life In Prison

May 30, 2015
Ross Ulbricht , the alleged founder and mastermind of the infamous online black marketplace Silk Road, has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of narcotics conspiracy, money laundering and other criminal charges. This means the 31-year-old San Francisco man will die behind bars . With all the seven charges stemming from the creation and operation of the once the Internet's largest online illegal-drug marketplace, Ulbricht was facing 20 years at a minimum sentence, but making life in prison is the harshest possible sentence. Ulbricht's Life in Prison without any possibility of Parole: The sentence was made by Judge Katherine B. Forrest in a Federal District Court in Manhattan, though Forrest admitted it was a "very, very difficult" call to make , leaving Ulbricht without any hope of parole. Operating online as " Dread Pirate Roberts ," Ulbricht ran the $1.2 billion Empire from the year 2011 to 2013, armed just
360 Million Stolen Credential FOR SALE on Underground Black Market

360 Million Stolen Credential FOR SALE on Underground Black Market

Feb 27, 2014
Your Financial Credentials are on SALE on the Underground Black Market without your Knowledge… sounds like a nightmare, but it's TRUE. Cyber security firm, Hold Security, said it has traced over 360 million stolen account credentials that are available for Sale on Hacker's black market websites over past three weeks. The credentials include usernames, email addresses, and passwords that are in unencrypted in most cases, according to the report released on Tuesday. It is not known till now from where these credentials exactly were stolen, but the security researchers estimated that these credentials are a result of multiple breaches. Since the banking credentials are one of the most ' valuable bounties ' for the cyber criminals, and the ways to steal these credentials can be directly from the companies and from the services in which users entrust data as well. According to Hold Security, in addition to the sale of 360 million credentials, the cyber criminals are  s
Russian Cyber Criminals selling hacked websites access in Underground stores

Russian Cyber Criminals selling hacked websites access in Underground stores

Aug 03, 2013
Underground sites more commonly offer access to networks of compromised machines or stolen credit card information. Webroot has uncovered a criminal underground store dedicated to selling access to more than tens of thousands of hacked legitimate websites. Their customers can buy an administrator account or shell access in a hacked website, at cheap price i.e. $0.5 to $10 and then allows to perpetrate criminal activities from it, distribute malware, install a botnet  command & control infrastructure, upload illegal content, send spam, and so on. In Screenshots Researchers shows an underground market proposition, whose inventory is currently listing over 6000 compromised/hacked shells internationally. Sites are listed based on the price, page rank, age of the domain, Alexa ranking, language, and number of pages indexed by Google. The site promised access to any number of the compromised websites and the store seems to be quite profitable. The website found to be
Fraud-as-a-Service of Zeus Malware advertised on social network

Fraud-as-a-Service of Zeus Malware advertised on social network

Apr 28, 2013
Cyber crime enterprise is showing a growing interest in monetization of botnets , the most targeted sector in recent months is banking. One of most active malware that still menaces Banking sector is the popular Zeus . Zeus is one of the oldest, it is active since 2007, and most prolific malware that changed over time according numerous demands of the black-market. Recently, Underground forums are exploded the offer of malicious codes, hacking services and bullet proof hosting to organize a large scale fraud. Cyber criminals are selling kits at reasonable prices or entire botnets for renting, sometimes completing the offer with information to use during the attacks. The model described, known also as a Fraud-as-a-Service , is winning, malicious code such as Zeus, SpyEye , Ice IX, or even Citadel have benefited of the same sales model, cyber criminals with few hundred dollars are able to design their criminal operation. Since now the sales model and the actor invol
Carberp botnet developers team arrested in Russia

Carberp botnet developers team arrested in Russia

Apr 05, 2013
Cybercriminals, underground hacking communities, hacker's market and Exploit packs.... Russian  cyberspace is well known for such crazy hacking stuff. Recently, the original Carberp botnet developer   ring that stole millions from bank accounts worldwide has been arrested. According to a report from Russian newspaper, a group of 20 people who served as its malware development team, were arrested by the Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrayiny and the Federalnaya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii (federal security service of Russia, FSB) in cities around Ukraine. Over $250 million has been stolen by the members of the botnet ring, which had roughly 20 members aged between 25 and 30. " Our experts did an enormous amount of work, which resulted in identifying the head of this criminal group, the owner and operator of a specialized banking botnet, identifying the control servers, and identifying the directing of traffic from popular websites in order to spread malware infectio
Russian underground vSkimmer Botnet targeting payment world

Russian underground vSkimmer Botnet targeting payment world

Mar 28, 2013
A new botnet emerged from underground and is menacing payment world, the cyber threat dubbed vSkimmer come from Russia according revelation of McAfee security firm .  The security expert Chintan Shah wrote on a blog post that during monitoring of Russian underground forum found a discussion about a Trojan for sale that can steal credit card information from Windows PC for financial transactions and credit card payments.  vSkimmer agent is able to detect card readers on the victim's machine and gather all the information from the Windows machines sending it to a remote control server encrypting it (Base64). The malware collects the following information from the infected machine and sends it to the control server: Machine GUID from the Registry Locale info Username Hostname OS version The vSkimmer malware indicated as the successor of the popular Dexter, a financial malware that targeted Point-of-Sale systems to grab card data as it transmitted during sales flow. Dexter
New Java exploit sells for $5000 on Black market

New Java exploit sells for $5000 on Black market

Jan 17, 2013
We continues to recommend users disable the Java program in their Web browsers, because it remains vulnerable to attacks that could result in identity theft and other cyber crimes and less than 24 hours after Oracle Sunday released a security update that addresses two critical zero-day vulnerabilities in Java that are being actively exploited by attackers, an online vulnerability seller began offering a brand-new Java bug for sale. According to a report , a Java exploits was being advertised for $5,000 a piece in an underground Internet forum and the new zero-day vulnerability was apparently already in at least one attacker's hands. The thread has since been deleted from the forum indicating a sale has been made, something sure to bring more concern to Oracle.Oracle can't predict the future, and its engineers obviously can't predict what exploits are going to be found in its software. The most recent hold Java fixed allowed hackers to enter a computer by using compro
Java zero-day exploit sold in underground Market

Java zero-day exploit sold in underground Market

Nov 28, 2012
Once again a zero day vulnerability exploit is sold by cyber criminals in the underground, once again a the flaw is related to Oracle's Java software that could allow to gain remote control over victim's machine. The news has been reported by KrebsOnSecurity blog that announced that the exploit being sold on an Underweb forum. The vulnerability is related to the most recent version of Java JRE 7 Update 9, it isn't present in previous versions of the framework, in particular the bug resides within the Java class "MidiDevice according the info provided by the seller that describes it with following statements: " Code execution is very reliable, worked on all 7 version I tested with Firefox and MSIE on Windows 7 ," " I will only sell this ONE TIME and I leave no guarantee that it will not be patched so use it quickly. " The exploited class is a component of Java that handles audio input and output. It's easy to understand that similar vulnerability has a great value du
Russian Underground Cybercrime market offering sophisticated services

Russian Underground Cybercrime market offering sophisticated services

Nov 05, 2012
Security firm Trend Micro recent analyses the Russian crimeware markets and has found that malware tools and services range from one-time packages which cost just pennies to sophisticated packages and services which cost purchasers thousands of dollars per month. If you want to buy a botnet it will cost you somewhere in the region of $700. If you just want to hire someone else's botnet for an hour, though, it can cost as little as $2. There are at least 20 different types of services offered in Russian-speaking forums for just about anyone who wants to make a buck off of cybercrime, everything from crime-friendly VPN and security software-checking services to plain old off-the-shelf exploits. " As the Russian underground community continuously modifies targets and improves technologies, security companies and users must constantly face the challenge of effectively protecting their money and the information they store in their computers and other devices ," the
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