Facebook Unveils ThreatData, a framework for Web Security
Mar 26, 2014
Defending and Analysis of online threats and malwares have become more challenging nowadays and especially for larger businesses like the popular social networking site - Facebook. To encounter malware, phishing, and other online threats, Facebook has taken an important step forward. Facebook has unveiled its latest security-focused platform, dubbed as ' ThreatData ', which is a framework that aims to standardize its methods for collecting and analyzing data. The ThreatData framework is implemented to import information about the various online threats, malware, phishing and other internet risks, then storing it proficiently for real-time and long-term analysis as well. It consists of three high level components i.e. Feeds, Data storage, and Real-time response. FEEDS: Feeds will collect data from a distinct source and implement them via a lightweight interface. " Here are some examples of feeds we have implemented: Malware file hashes from VirusTotal; Malicious