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3 Things CISOs Achieve with Cato

3 Things CISOs Achieve with Cato

Mar 14, 2024 Data Protection / Cybersecurity
Being a CISO is a balancing act: ensuring organizations are secure without compromising users' productivity. This requires taking multiple elements into consideration, like cost, complexity, performance and user experience. CISOs around the globe use Cato SSE 360, as part of the  Cato SASE Cloud platform  to balance these factors without compromise. This article details how CISOs are leveraging Cato across different touchpoints of their  SASE  and SSE transition journey. It shows the top 3 achievements CISOs can accomplish: visibility, real-time threat prevention, and data sovereignty. Read and discover how it's done. Since Cato is easy to deploy, adopt and manage, you can soon benefit from these capabilities as well. To read a more in-depth explanation of these findings, click  here . Achievement #1: Comprehensive Visibility Sites can be quickly onboarded using Cato's zero-touch Socket edge SD-WAN devices or IPSEC tunnels. At the same time, remote users can easily download the Ca
Discover Why Proactive Web Security Outsmarts Traditional Antivirus Solutions

Discover Why Proactive Web Security Outsmarts Traditional Antivirus Solutions

Nov 29, 2023 Proactive vs. Antivirus
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to reevaluate how we secure web environments. Traditional antivirus-approach solutions have their merits, but they're reactive. A new report delves into the reasons for embracing proactive web security solutions, ensuring you stay ahead of emerging threats.  To learn more, download the full report  here . The New Paradigm If you've been relying on the old-style antivirus-based approach to website security up to now, then we could summarize why you need to update to the more proactive approach simply by saying — prevention is always preferable to cure. That's the overarching rationale for adopting a proactive web security solution, but let's break it down into a few more detailed reasons for updating to the newer and more effective proactive approach.  To be clear, we're not denying that an antivirus-approach solution is ideal for detecting and responding to threats, but there's no escaping the fact that it's limited
Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Jun 13, 2024SaaS Security / Shadow IT
Recent supply chain cyber-attacks are prompting cyber security regulations in the financial sector to tighten compliance requirements, and other industries are expected to follow. Many companies still don't have efficient methods to manage related time-sensitive SaaS security and compliance tasks. Free SaaS risk assessment tools are an easy and practical way to bring visibility and initial control to SaaS sprawl and Shadow AI. These tools now offer incremental upgrades , helping security professionals meet their company budget or maturity level.  Regulatory pressure, SaaS and AI proliferation, and increased risk of breaches or data leaks through 3rd party apps, make SaaS security one of the hottest areas for practitioners to learn and adopt. New regulations will require robust third-party SaaS risk lifecycle management that begins with SaaS service discovery and third-party risk management (TPRM) and ends with the requirement from CISOs to report incidents in their supply chain
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