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Yahoo! Launches Free Web Application Security Scanner

Yahoo! Launches Free Web Application Security Scanner

Sep 26, 2015
Yahoo! has open-sourced Gryffin – a Web Application Security Scanner – in an aim to improve the safety of the Web for everyone. Currently in its beta, Project Gryffin has made available on Github under the BSD-style license that Yahoo! has been using for a number of its open-sourced projects. Gryffin is basically a Go & JavaScript platform that helps system administrators scan URLs for malicious web content and common security vulnerabilities, including SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) . Yahoo! describes Gryffin as a large-scale Web security scanning platform, which is more than just a scanner, as it is designed to address two specific problems: Coverage Scale Scale is obviously implied for large Web, while Coverage has two dimensions – Crawl and Fuzzing . Crawl's ability is to find as much of the Web application's footprint as possible, whereas Fuzzing involves testing each part of the application's components for an applied se
Android Privilege Escalation Flaws leave Billions of Devices vulnerable to Malware Infection

Android Privilege Escalation Flaws leave Billions of Devices vulnerable to Malware Infection

Mar 24, 2014
Android -  a widely used Smartphone platform offered by Google is once again suspected to affect its users with malicious software that puts their android devices at risk. This time the vulnerabilities occur in the way Android handle the updates to add new flavors to your device. Researchers from Indiana University and Microsoft have discovered [ Paper PDF ] a new set of Android vulnerabilities that is capable to carry out privilege escalation attacks because of the weakness in its Package Management Service (PMS) that puts more than one billion Android devices at risk. The researchers dubbed the new set of security-critical vulnerabilities as Pileup flaws which is a short for privilege escalation through updating, that waylays inside the Android PMS and intensifies the permissions offered to malicious apps whenever an android update occurs, without informing users. The research was carried out by Indiana University Bloomington researchers, Luyi Xing, Xiaorui Pan, Ka
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Malicious Russian Tor Exit Relays Intercepting encrypted Traffic of Facebook Users

Malicious Russian Tor Exit Relays Intercepting encrypted Traffic of Facebook Users

Jan 24, 2014
Tor is one of the best and freely available privacy software that lets people communicate anonymously online through a series of nodes that is designed to provide anonymity for users and bypass Internet censorship. When you use the Tor software, your IP address remains hidden and it appears that your connection is coming from the IP address of a Tor exit relay or nodes , which can be anywhere in the world. An exit relay is the final relay that Tor traffic passes through before it reaches its destination. According to a recent report ' Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays ', published by security researchers Phillip Winter and Stefan Lindskog revealed that almost 20 exit relays in the Tor anonymity network that attempted to spy on users' encrypted traffic using man-in-the-middle techniques. Both Researchers spent more than four months studying on the Tor exit nodes using their own scanning software called " exitmap " and detected su
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
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