Facebook Hacking, technique to Spoof the content of any Facebook App
May 16, 2013
There are many unpatched loopholes or flaws in Facebook website, that allow hackers to inject external links or images to a wall, hijacking any facebook account or bypassing your social privacy . Today we are going to report about another unfixed facebook app vulnerability that allow a hacker to spoof the content of any Facebook app easily. Nir Goldshlager from Break Security today exposed another major flaw that allows hacker to wall post spoofed messages from trusted applications like Saavn, Candy Crush, Spotify, Pinterest, or really any other application on Facebook. In 2012 Facebook's method of publishing called stream.publish and the Stream Publish Dialog looks like the following: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/stream.publish?app_id=xxxx&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/&action_links=&attachment=%7B%27media%27:%20[%7B%27type%27:%20%27flash%27,%27swfsrc%27:%27https://files.nirgoldshlager.com/goldshlager2.swf%27...