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Category — Password hack
Researcher Discloses 10 Zero-Day Flaws in D-Link 850L Wireless Routers

Researcher Discloses 10 Zero-Day Flaws in D-Link 850L Wireless Routers

Sep 11, 2017
A security researcher has discovered not one or two but a total of ten critical zero-day vulnerabilities in routers from Taiwan-based networking equipment manufacturer D-Link which leave users open to cyber attacks. D-Link DIR 850L wireless AC1200 dual-band gigabit cloud routers are vulnerable to 10 security issues, including "several trivial" cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws, lack of proper firmware protection, backdoor access, and command injection attacks resulting in root access. If successfully exploited, these vulnerabilities could allow hackers to intercept connection, upload malicious firmware, and get root privileges, enabling them to remotely hijack and control affected routers, as well as network, leaving all connected devices vulnerable to cyber attacks as well. These zero-day vulnerabilities were discovered by Pierre Kim —the same security researcher who last year discovered and reported multiple severe flaws in D-Link DWR-932B LTE router, but the company ...
Hey, Music Lovers! Last.Fm Hack Leaks 43 Million Account Passwords

Hey, Music Lovers! Last.Fm Hack Leaks 43 Million Account Passwords

Sep 02, 2016
Another Day, Another Data Breach! If you love to listen to music online and have an account on Last.fm website, your account details may have compromised in a data breach that leaked more than 43 Million user personal data online. Last.fm was hacked in March of 2012 and three months after the breach, London-based music streaming service admitted to the incident and issued a warning, encouraging its users to change their passwords. But now it turns out that the Last.fm data breach was massive, and four years later the stolen data have surfaced in the public. The copy of the hacked database obtained by the data breach indexing website LeakedSource contained 43,570,999 user records that were originally stolen from Last.fm on March 22, 2012, according to timestamps in the database. The leaked records include usernames, hashed passwords, email addresses, the date when a user signed up to the website, and ad-related data. Wait! Have you visited The Hacker News early this wee...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Buffer hacked; Twitter, Facebook flooded with Spam Weight-loss links

Buffer hacked; Twitter, Facebook flooded with Spam Weight-loss links

Oct 27, 2013
If you're a user of the Buffer app, the social-media management service that let you cross-posting to various social networks, be aware that the service got hacked yesterday, with spam messages going out over Facebook.  " Buffer was hacked around 1 hour ago, and many of you may have experienced spam posts sent from you via Buffer. I can only understand how angry and disappointed you must be right now. " Buffer team said, in an email sent to users and also posted to Buffer's blog . It's not yet clear how many of Buffer's 1 million or so users were affected by the hack, but buffer maintains that user passwords are safe nor has any "billing or payment information been affected or exposed" . Photo Credit : The Next Web It appears that Buffer's Facebook and Twitter spam messages were first sent at around 2:20 p.m. ET. Hackers have used the exploit to spam user accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other sites. Just recently, Instagram saw a viral wa...
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Syrian Electronic Army Hijacks The Guardian's Twitter Accounts

Syrian Electronic Army Hijacks The Guardian's Twitter Accounts

Apr 30, 2013
The Guardian's Twitter accounts have been taken over by pro-Syrian government hackers ' Syrian Electronic Army ' , who previously targeted the Associated Press BBC , al-Jazeera, the Qatari government and National Public Radio in the United States, as well as France 24 TV. " We are aware that a number of Guardian Twitter accounts have been compromised and we are working actively to resolve this ," a Guardian spokesperson said. Nine bogus tweets were broadcast in an hour, including some with anti-Israeli sentiments, and others saying " Long Live Syria " and " Syrian Electronic Army Was Here ".  Cyber-security experts believe the SEA have targeted a series of western media organisations in an apparent attempt to cause disruption and spread support for President Bashar al-Assad's regime, which has been under increasing Western pressure to end an ongoing bloody civil war in Syria. The group's domain names were apparently registered by the Syr...
Anonymous Hackers claim to breach North Korean site Uriminzokkiri

Anonymous Hackers claim to breach North Korean site Uriminzokkiri

Apr 02, 2013
Hacking group Anonymous claims to have broken into North Korean site Uriminzokkiri.com and got their hands on more than 15,000 user credentials. A message posted online makes the claim and includes details for six accounts, apparently showing user names, e-mail addresses, birth dates, and hashed passwords. " Enjoy these few records as a proof of our access to your systems (random innocent citizens, collateral damage, because they were stupid enough to choose idiot passwords), we got all over 15k membership records of www.uriminzokkiri.com and many more. First we gonna wipe your data, then we gonna wipe your badass dictatorship "government" ." Of the six users, three have Korean names and the other three appear to be Chinese. " North Korean government is increasingly becoming a threat to peace and freedom. We demand: - N.K. government to stop making nukes and nuke-threats,  uncensored internet access for all the citizens  and Kim Jong-un to resign " Fo...
Zendesk security breach, "We've been hacked"

Zendesk security breach, "We've been hacked"

Feb 22, 2013
Customer service software provider Zendesk announced a security breach, that affected three major Zendesk clients i.e Tumblr, Pinterest and Twitter and allowed hackers into their systems. The hacks come just days after Apple , Twitter and Facebook revealed that their employees computers fell victim to unauthorized access. The company believes the hacker downloaded the email addresses of Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest customers who attempted to get support from the companies.  Stolen information might be exploited via social-engineering attacks. " Our ongoing investigation indicates that the hacker had access to the support information that three of our customers store on our system. We believe that the hacker downloaded email addresses of users who contacted those three customers for support, as well as support email subject lines. We notified our affected customers immediately and are working with them to assist in their response. " Zendesk discov...
Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Dec 28, 2012
Thamatam Deepak (Mr.47™) reported a Cross site scripting (XSS) Vulnerability and cookie handling in HTC website, that allow an attacker to HTC website hijack accounts. Mr. Deepak is a 16 years old whitehat hacker, listed in Apple Hall of Fame with 'The Hacker News' researcher Mohit Kumar this month. Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites. The malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser. This vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross site scripting is very common web application vulnerability, Yesterday our security researcher, Christy Philip Mathew reported about multiple xss in official latest versions of cPanel and WHM . As reported by Whitehat hacker Deepak, there are multiple xss in HTC website, that a...
Shylock malware : Undetectable virus stealing bank account information

Shylock malware : Undetectable virus stealing bank account information

Dec 01, 2012
Shylock, a financial malware platform discovered by Trusteer in 2011, is a non-Zeus-based information-stealing trojan that improved methodology for injecting code into additional browser processes to take control of a computer, and an improved evasion technique to prevent malware scanners from detecting its presence. Why this Name ?  Shylock named after the ruthless money lender in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, also deletes its installation files, runs solely in memory, and begins the process again once the infected machine reboots. Shylock has gained a new trick: The ability to detect whether it's running in a virtual machine (VM) that is being analyzed by malware researchers. What New ?  Latest Shylock dropper detects a remote desktop environment by feeding invalid data into a certain routine and then observing the error code returned. It uses this return code to differentiate between normal desktops and other "lab" environments. In particular, when execu...
Security hole allows anyone to hijack your Skype account

Security hole allows anyone to hijack your Skype account

Nov 14, 2012
It looks like Skype has another big hole in their security. According to reports, a security hole makes Skype accounts vulnerable to hijacking. The security hole allows unauthorized users with knowledge of your Skype-connected email address to change the password on your Skype account, thus gaining control of it. The hijack is triggered by signing up for a new Skype account using the email address of another registered user. No access to the victim's inbox is required one just simply needs to know the address. Creating an account this way generates a warning that the email address is already associated with another user, but crucially the voice-chat website does not prevent the opening of the new account. Then hacker just have to ask for a password reset token , which Skype app will send automatically to your email, this allows a third party to redeem it and claim ownership of your original username and thus account. The issue was reportedly documented on Russ...
Remotely controlled Malware as Browser extensions

Remotely controlled Malware as Browser extensions

Oct 26, 2012
" Browser extensions extend the functionality of the web browser. These extensions improve the appearance, functionality, security or other parts of the browser. Extensions were also developed with malicious intent, in order to generate revenue or just spread the code between more and more browsers. The possibility of a malicious browser extension is almost infinite, but we have not seen very powerful malicious extensions yet. " Security researcher Zoltan Balazs has developed a remote-controlled piece of malware that functions as a browser extension. The researcher plans to release the malware's source code on GitHub during a presentation at the Hacker Halted security conference in Miami next Tuesday This Malwaretize Browser extensions is capable of modifying Web pages, downloading and executing files, hijacking accounts, bypassing two-factor authentication security features enforced by some websites, and much more. Balazs is also expected to demonstrate how the proof...
Anonymous hacks 20 million accounts to promote Operation Jubilee

Anonymous hacks 20 million accounts to promote Operation Jubilee

Oct 26, 2012
Anonymous hackers claimed that they compromise over 20 million user accounts worldwide this year to promote Operation Jubilee . Large community web sites were targeted to gain access to users' contact information. Many administrators denied that their databases were at risk while all their data was being downloaded. The reason for one of the largest hacking campaigns in history is to rally people to cancel debt and end the economic crisis. Earlier this month Operation Jubilee came into public view after defacing several popular police forums. Members of the police forums received e-mail inviting them to join the Operation. News of the defaces spread quickly with the help of social media platforms. Until these events, Operation Jubilee was virtually unknown to the general population. Unbeknownst to the public, large web sites were already being attacked for months. Operation Jubilee is a peaceful protest to take place on the 5th of November in front of Parliament...
Worst password of 2012, Have you ever used one of these ?

Worst password of 2012, Have you ever used one of these ?

Oct 24, 2012
This year we have seen some big Security breaches that expose millions of passwords like Yahoo! , LinkedIn , eHarmony and Last.fm , among others , SplashData Reveals Its Annual " 25 Worst Passwords of the Year " List. The three worst passwords haven't changed since 2011; they're password, 123456 and 12345678. The new worst passwords added to this year's list include welcome, jesus, ninja, mustang and password1. Have you ever used one of the most popular passwords of 2012 for your own personal accounts? SplashData CEO Morgan Slain stated " At this time of year, people enjoy focusing on scary costumes, movies and decorations, but those who have been through it can tell you how terrifying it is to have your identity stolen because of a hacked password ." " We're hoping that with more publicity about how risky it is to use weak passwords, more people will start taking simple steps to protect themselves by using stronger passwords and using different p...
World Health Organization website hacked by NullCrew

World Health Organization website hacked by NullCrew

Oct 21, 2012
A well known hacking group " Nullcrew " once again most active hacking group right now. Dumping database from number of websites daily. Their latest target was World Health Organization (WHO) website. Well, World Health Organization website (who.int) need treatment now, because their admin panel credentials are leaked on internet by hacking crew. Hacker also disclose the Vulnerable link and Vulnerability type was Sql injection. SQL Injection is one of the many web attack mechanisms used by hackers to steal data from organizations. It is perhaps one of the most common application layer attack techniques used today. It is the type of attack that takes advantage of improper coding of your web applications that allows hacker to inject SQL commands into say a login form to allow them to gain access to the data held within your database. Web application security is much more challenging than infrastructure. The top Web application vulnerabilities ...
Peru Domains Registrar hacked and 207116 Domain panel credentials leaked

Peru Domains Registrar hacked and 207116 Domain panel credentials leaked

Oct 20, 2012
A huge hack carried out today ! One of the biggest Peru Domain registrar company (punto.pe) hacked by Lulzsecperu (declared by a tweet ) and Complete database of 207116 websites has been leaked on internet.  Leaked database include Domain panel username, encrypted password, Company descriptions. Hacked domains include all .PU domains ie. Banks , Institutes, computer security companies, corporates, colleges, government, personal websites. " We clarify that we have no malicious purposes, only prove that the security of PERU is bad and should be corrected. Greetings to the computer crimes division of the National Police of Peru from March 2012 is nil activity and fail or be close to where we are now ASBANC for trying. " Hacker said in an statement . He upload the database here :  https://anonfiles.com/file/e14504f5033d2a53457af667b686340f Password for file: lulzsecperu 2-3 Hours after  Lulz...
French Android Malware writer Arrested for stealing $653700

French Android Malware writer Arrested for stealing $653700

Oct 19, 2012
A French hacker has been arrested for spreading a virus through fake smartphone applications. Prosecutors say he stole tiny sums from 17,000 people, amassing about 500,000 euros (£405,000) since 2011. Working from the basement of his parents' home in Amiens, France, he created malicious software that looked like normal smartphone apps, but these programs stole money through hidden transactions. He also used programs that sent him the usernames and passwords for gambling and gaming websites. The man admitted his crimes to police after he was arrested in the northern French city of Amiens. He told officials that he was motivated by a strong interest in computers and the desire to be a software developer.
Windows 8 Security flaw : Logon Passwords Stores in Plain Text

Windows 8 Security flaw : Logon Passwords Stores in Plain Text

Oct 12, 2012
Windows 8 is the first operating system from Microsoft to support alternative non-biometric authentication mechanisms such as Picture Password and PIN. A vulnerability discovered by a password security vendor - " Passcape " in Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system that it saves a log on password in plain text and allows any user with admin rights to see the password details. In September, though, some drawbacks of the new authentication method were reported by Passcape Software. The picture password had seemed invulnerable, because whoever tries to guess it must know how and what parts of the image to choose, and in addition, the gesture sequence. However, security experts from Passcape discovered that such a unique password is based on a regular account. A user should first create a regular password-based account and then optionally switch to the picture password or PIN authentication. Notably, the original plain-text password to the account is still stored in ...
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