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Category — Pakistani Hacker
Rogue Android Apps Target Pakistani Individuals in Sophisticated Espionage Campaign

Rogue Android Apps Target Pakistani Individuals in Sophisticated Espionage Campaign

Jun 20, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Mobile Security
Individuals in the Pakistan region have been targeted using two rogue Android apps available on the Google Play Store as part of a new targeted campaign. Cybersecurity firm Cyfirma attributed the campaign with moderate confidence to a threat actor known as  DoNot Team , which is also tracked as APT-C-35 and Viceroy Tiger. The espionage activity involves duping Android smartphone owners into downloading a program that's used to extract contact and location data from unwitting victims. "The motive behind the attack is to gather information via the stager payload and use the gathered information for the second-stage attack, using malware with more destructive features," the company  said . DoNot Team  is a suspected India-nexus threat actor that has a reputation for carrying out attacks against various countries in South Asia. It has been active since at least 2016. While an October 2021 report from Amnesty International linked the group's attack infrastructure to ...
Researchers Detail How Pakistani Hackers Targeting Indian and Afghan Governments

Researchers Detail How Pakistani Hackers Targeting Indian and Afghan Governments

Dec 03, 2021
A Pakistani threat actor successfully socially engineered a number of ministries in Afghanistan and a shared government computer in India to steal sensitive Google, Twitter, and Facebook credentials from its targets and stealthily obtain access to government portals. Malwarebytes' latest findings go into detail about the new tactics and tools adopted by the APT group known as  SideCopy , which is so-called because of its attempts to mimic the infection chains associated with another group tracked as  SideWinder  and mislead attribution. "The lures used by SideCopy APT are usually archive files that have embedded one of these files: LNK, Microsoft Publisher or Trojanized Applications," Malwarebytes researcher Hossein Jazi  said , adding the embedded files are tailored to target government and military officials based in Afghanistan and India. The revelation comes close on the heels of  disclosures  that Meta took steps to block malicious activities carr...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
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