This Organic Computer is Made up from Brains of Rats and Monkeys
Jul 10, 2015
Brains are more powerful than computers. So why not build a computer from Brain? In fact, Multiple Brains as per sayings, " Two heads are better than one. " Scientists at Duke University have done exactly that. They have successfully developed the first instance of a Brain-machine interface that employs multiple brains at once to operate a single machine. "Organic Computers" – Made from Brains of Rats and Monkeys Scientists were able to interconnect the brains of four rats to create a " Brainet " that is capable of accomplishing computational tasks better than the tasks performed by any one of the rats. In the recent paper published in the journal Scientific Reports, the neurobiologist leading the research, Miguel Nicolelis says: " Recently, we proposed that 'Brainets,' i.e. networks formed by multiple animal brains, cooperating and exchanging information in real time through direct brain-to-brain interfaces, could ...