Experts Find Malicious Cookie Stuffing Chrome Extensions Used by 1.4 Million Users
Aug 31, 2022
Five imposter extensions for the Google Chrome web browser masquerading as Netflix viewers and others have been found to track users' browsing activity and profit off retail affiliate programs. "The extensions offer various functions such as enabling users to watch Netflix shows together, website coupons, and taking screenshots of a website," McAfee researchers Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole said . "The latter borrows several phrases from another popular extension called GoFullPage." The browser add-ons in question – available via the Chrome Web Store and downloaded 1.4 million times – are as follows - Netflix Party (mmnbenehknklpbendgmgngeaignppnbe) - 800,000 downloads Netflix Party (flijfnhifgdcbhglkneplegafminjnhn) - 300,000 downloads Full Page Screenshot Capture – Screenshotting (pojgkmkfincpdkdgjepkmdekcahmckjp) - 200,000 downloads AutoBuy Flash Sales (gbnahglfafmhaehbdmjedfhdmimjcbed) - 20,000 downloads The extensions are designed to load a pi...