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Mr. Robot Season 2 | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — Mr. Robot Season 2
Tonight Mr. Robot is Going to Reveal ‘Dream Device For Hackers’

Tonight Mr. Robot is Going to Reveal 'Dream Device For Hackers'

Sep 01, 2016
Mr. Robot is the rare show that provides a realistic depiction of hacks and vulnerabilities that are at the forefront of cyber security. This is the reason it's been the most popular TV show of its kind. Throughout season 1 and season 2, we have seen that connected devices are the entry point of choice of Elliot and fsociety to breach networks and traditional security controls. Pwn Phone On Mr. Robot Show In this week's episode, Elliot uses a Pwnie Express Pwn Phone, which he describes as " a dream device for pentester ," to run a custom script he has written to take over someone else's phone. Security pros have long know about the Pwn Phone as a powerful mobile platform for penetration testing and security assessments, so it is not surprising to see it on Mr. Robot. The coolest part is that Pwnie Express is giving away a Pwn Phone , just like the one used in the show. The Pwn Phone is a mobile pentesting device that makes it incredibly easy to evaluate wired, wirel...
Hacker reports Vulnerability in Mr. Robot Season 2 Website

Hacker reports Vulnerability in Mr. Robot Season 2 Website

May 12, 2016
Mr. Robot was the biggest 'Hacking Drama' television show of 2015 and its second season will return to American TV screens on Wednesday 13th of July 2016. However, the new promotional website for season two of Mr. Robot has recently patched a security flaw that could have easily allowed a hacker to target millions of fans of the show. A White Hat hacker going by the alias Zemnmez discovered a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Mr. Robot website on Tuesday, the same day Mr. Robot launched a promo for its second series. The second season of the television show had already received praise from both critics and viewers for its relatively accurate portrayal of cyber security and hacking, something other cyber crime movies and shows have failed at badly. The new series also features a surprising yet welcome guest: President Barack Obama , who is giving a speech about a cyber threat faced by the nation. The flaw Zemnmez discovered on the show's website coul...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
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