RomCom Exploits Zero-Day Firefox and Windows Flaws in Sophisticated Cyberattacks
Nov 26, 2024
Vulnerability / Cybercrime
The Russia-aligned threat actor known as RomCom has been linked to the zero-day exploitation of two security flaws, one in Mozilla Firefox and the other in Microsoft Windows, as part of attacks designed to deliver the eponymous backdoor on victim systems. "In a successful attack, if a victim browses a web page containing the exploit, an adversary can run arbitrary code – without any user interaction required (zero click) – which in this case led to the installation of RomCom's backdoor on the victim's computer," ESET said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The vulnerabilities in question are listed below - CVE-2024-9680 (CVSS score: 9.8) - A use-after-free vulnerability in Firefox's Animation component (Patched by Mozilla in October 2024) CVE-2024-49039 (CVSS score: 8.8) - A privilege escalation vulnerability in Windows Task Scheduler (Patched by Microsoft in November 2024) RomCom , also known as Storm-0978, Tropical Scorpius, UAC-0180, UNC2596, and...