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Category — Java malware
Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Jan 25, 2018
Are you using Linux or Mac OS? If you think your system is not prone to viruses, then you should read this. Wide-range of cybercriminals are now using a new piece of 'undetectable' spying malware that targets Windows, macOS, Solaris and Linux systems. Just last week we published a detailed article on the report from EFF/Lookout that revealed a new advanced persistent threat (APT) group, called Dark Caracal , engaged in global mobile espionage campaigns. Although the report revealed about the group's successful large-scale hacking operations against mobile phones rather than computers, it also shed light on a new piece of cross-platform malware called CrossRAT (version 0.1), which is believed to be developed by, or for, the Dark Caracal group. CrossRAT is a cross-platform remote access Trojan that can target all four popular desktop operating systems, Windows, Solaris, Linux, and macOS, enabling remote attackers to manipulate the file system, take screenshots, ru...
Oracle Ordered to Publicly Admit Misleading Java Security Updates

Oracle Ordered to Publicly Admit Misleading Java Security Updates

Dec 22, 2015
Security issues have long tantalized over 850 Million users that have Oracle's Java software installed on their computers. The worst thing is that the software was not fully updated or secure for years, exposing millions of PCs to attack. And for this reason, Oracle is now paying the price. Oracle has been accused by the US government of misleading consumers about the security of its Java software. Oracle is settling with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over charges that it " deceived " its customers by failing to warn them about the security upgrades. Java is a software that comes pre-installed on many computers and helps them run web applications, including online calculators, chatrooms, games, and even 3D image viewing. Oracle Left Over 850 Million PCs at Risk The FTC has issued a press release that says it has won concessions in a settlement with Oracle over its failure to uninstall older and insecure Java SE software from customer PCs u...
RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

Feb 28, 2025Network Security / Endpoint Security
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is an amazing technology developed by Microsoft that lets you access and control another computer over a network. It's like having your office computer with you wherever you go. For businesses, this means IT staff can manage systems remotely, and employees can work from home or anywhere, making RDP a true game-changer in today's work environment. But here's the catch: because RDP is accessible over the internet, it's also a prime target for unethical hackers. If someone gains unauthorized access, they could potentially take over your system. That's why it's so important to secure RDP properly. Why IT Teams Depend on RDP, Despite the Risks More than 50 percent of Kaseya's small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) customers use RDP for daily operations due to its efficiency and flexibility: Reduces Costs and Downtime – IT teams can resolve technical issues remotely, eliminating travel expenses and delays. Supports B...
Malicious Advertisements Found on Java.com, Other High-Profile Sites

Malicious Advertisements Found on Java.com, Other High-Profile Sites

Aug 29, 2014
A New York-based online ad network company AppNexus, that provides a platform specializing in real-time online advertising, has again been spotted as the origin of a recent "malvertising" campaign that makes use of the Angler Exploit Kit to redirect visitors to malicious websites hosting the Asprox malware. AppNexus servers process 16 billion ad buys per day, making it the biggest reach on the open web after Google. Back in May, AppNexus was serving malicious ads targeting Microsoft's Silverlight platform. The world's largest Internet Video Subscription service Netflix runs on Silverlight, and because of its popularity, hackers have been loading exploit kits with Silverlight. As part of this campaign, users of several high-profile websites including Java.com, Deviantart.com, TMZ.com, Photobucket.com, IBTimes.com, eBay.ie, Kapaza.be and TVgids.nl , last week were redirected to websites serving malicious advertisements that infected visitors by installing botnet ma...
cyber security

Red Report 2025: Analyzing the Top ATT&CK Techniques Used by 93% of Malware

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Discover the Top 10 MITRE ATT&CK® techniques behind 93% of attacks and learn how to defend against them.
LOL, Jar File Malware Just Goes Viral Through Facebook Messages

LOL, Jar File Malware Just Goes Viral Through Facebook Messages

May 14, 2014
If you came across any suspicious Facebook message with ' LOL ' text or a fake Image file send by any of your Facebook friend, avoid clicking it. A Trojan horse is currently circulating in wild through the Facebook social network that could steal your Facebook account data and Credentials. Security researchers spotted  this malware campaign first in the beginning of March this year, where the Trojan spreads itself through the Facebook's Messenger service (inbox) by messaging a victim pretending to be one of their friends saying "LOL" with a zip file attached, which appears to be a photo, named " IMG_xxxx.zip ". In Past two weeks, many of our readers informed us that they received similar ZIP files from their trusted Facebook friends. The Hacker News team also noticed that despite after several warnings in media, once again the malware campaign just goes viral like any other video scam , but this time directly through users' inbox-to-inbox. HOW DOES...
Java-Bot, a Cross-platform malware launching DDoS attacks from infected computers

Java-Bot, a Cross-platform malware launching DDoS attacks from infected computers

Jan 29, 2014
These days botnets are all over the news. In simple terms, a botnet is a group of computers networked together, running a piece of malicious software that allows them to be controlled by a remote attacker. A major target for most of the malware is still Windows, but the growing market of Mac OS X, Linux and Smartphones, is also giving a solid reason to cyber criminals to focus. Recently, Kaspersky Lab has detected another cross-platform Java-Bot , capable of infecting computers running Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that has Java Runtime Environment installed. Last year, Zoltan Balazs - CTO at MRG Effitas submitted the samples of malicious Java application for analysis to Kaspersky Lab and they identified it as HEUR : Backdoor.Java.Agent.a . According to researchers, to compromise computers, Java-Bot is exploiting a previously known critical Java vulnerability CVE-2013-2465 that was patched in last June. The vulnerability persists in Java 7 u21 and earlier vers...
Java based Cross platform malware targeting Apache Tomcat servers in the wild

Java based Cross platform malware targeting Apache Tomcat servers in the wild

Nov 21, 2013
Takashi Katsuki, a researcher at Antivirus firm Symantec has discovered a new cyber attack ongoing in the wild, targeting an open-source Web server application server Apache Tomcat with a cross platform Java based backdoor that can be used to attack other machines. The malware, dubbed as " Java.Tomdep " differs from other server malware and is not written in the PHP scripting language. It is basically a Java based backdoor act as Java Servlet that gives Apache Tomcat platforms malicious capabilities. Because Java is a cross platform language, the affected platforms include Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and most supported versions of Windows. The malware was detected less than a month ago and so far the number of infected machines appears to be low. You may think that this type of attack only targets personal computers, such as desktops and laptops, but unfortunately that isn't true. Servers can also be attacked. They are quite valuable targets, since they are usu...
Malware attack on Apple employees by hackers who targeted Facebook

Malware attack on Apple employees by hackers who targeted Facebook

Feb 20, 2013
The same ring of hackers that are responsible for hacking into at least 40 companies including Facebook and Twitter are reportedly also infected the computers of some Apple employees, the company acknowledged Tuesday. The purpose of hack considered an effort to steal company secrets, research and intellectual property that they can sell. Investigators tracked at least one server being used by the hacker ring to a hosting company in the Ukraine. " Apple has identified malware which infected a limited number of Mac systems through a vulnerability in the Java plug-in for browsers, " the company said in its statement. " The malware was employed in an attack against Apple and other companies, and was spread through a website for software developers. We identified a small number of systems within Apple that were infected and isolated them from our network ." Apple isolated the infected systems from its network and said there was no indication that...
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