Angler Exploit Kit Uses Domain Shadowing technique to Evade Detection
Mar 05, 2015
The world's infamous Angler Exploit Kit has become the most advanced, much more powerful and the best exploit kit available in the market, beating the infamous BlackHole exploit kit , with a host of exploits including zero-days and a new technique added to it. Angler Exploit Kit's newest technique is dubbed "Domain Shadowing" which is considered to be the next evolution of online crime. Domain Shadowing, first appeared in 2011, is the process of using users domain registration logins to create subdomains. WHAT IS DOMAIN SHADOWING ? With the help of Domain Shadowing technique used in a recent Angler campaign, attackers are stealing domain registrant credentials to create tens of thousands of sub-domains that are used in hit-and-run style attacks in order to either redirect victims to the attack sites, or serve them malicious payloads. Security researcher Nick Biasini of Cisco's Talos intelligence team analysed the campaign and said the "massive&qu