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AirDroid vulnerability allows hackers to perform Dos attack from your Android device

AirDroid vulnerability allows hackers to perform Dos attack from your Android device

Apr 09, 2013
A vulnerability in AirDroid application  which provides wireless management of your Android phone or tablet from any browser on the same Wi-Fi network allow hackers  to perform Dos attack from your Android device. Cross Site scripting or  XSS vulnerability in the browser version of AirDroid allows an attacker is able to send a malicious text message to the browser associated with the account when attacker is able to get access to a phone with AirDroid installed. According to advisory posted by US-Cert , When this message is viewed on the AirDroid web interface an attacker can conduct a cross-site scripting attack, which may be used to result in information leakage, privilege escalation, and/or denial of service on the host computer. Vulnerability is currently not patched and also AirDroid team didn't annouce any update regarding fix. As a general good security practice, only allow connections from trusted hosts and networks. Flaw registered as  CVE-2013-0134
Official Debian and Python Wiki Servers Compromised

Official Debian and Python Wiki Servers Compromised

Jan 09, 2013
Administration from Debian and Python project official websites confirmed that their WIKI servers were compromised by some unknown hackers recently. Hackers was able to hack because of several vulnerabilities in " moin " package. According to  Brian Curtin at Python Project , Hacker user some unknown remote code exploit on Python Wiki server (https://wiki.python.org/) and was able to get shell access. The shell was restricted to "moin" user permissions, where but no other services were affected. Attacker deleted all files owned by the "moin" user, including all instance data for both the Python and Jython wikis. Python Software Foundation encourages all wiki users to change their password on other sites if the same one is in use elsewhere. For now, Python Wiki is down and team is investigating more about breach. Where as in Debian Wiki (https://wiki.debian.org/) security breach, user use some known vulnerabilities Directory traversal ( CVE-20
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Dec 28, 2012
Thamatam Deepak (Mr.47™) reported a Cross site scripting (XSS) Vulnerability and cookie handling in HTC website, that allow an attacker to HTC website hijack accounts. Mr. Deepak is a 16 years old whitehat hacker, listed in Apple Hall of Fame with 'The Hacker News' researcher Mohit Kumar this month. Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites. The malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser. This vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross site scripting is very common web application vulnerability, Yesterday our security researcher, Christy Philip Mathew reported about multiple xss in official latest versions of cPanel and WHM . As reported by Whitehat hacker Deepak, there are multiple xss in HTC website, that allow an attacker
cyber security

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OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
cPanel and WHM Multiple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

cPanel and WHM Multiple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Dec 27, 2012
cPanel is a Unix based  fully featured popular web based hosting account control panel that helps webmasters to manage their domains through a web browser. The latest version of  cPanel & WHM is 11.34, which is  v ulnerable  to multiple cross site scripting. During my bug hunting process, today I ( Christy Philip Mathew )  discovered some serious XSS v ulnerabilities in  official cPanel, WHM. It also impact on the  latest version of software. This week, Rafay Baloch (Pakistani white hat hacker) also discovered another reflective cross site scripting vulnerability in  cPanel at manage.html . The interesting part would be the whole demonstration I done with the Official cPanel Demo located at https://cpanel.net/demo/ location, can be accessed via demo user & password provided by cPanel website itself i.e.  https://demo.cpanel.net:2086/login/?user=demo&pass=demo These  vulnerabilities actually affect the logged in users. Proof of Concept and screenshots are as shown below:
Yahoo data leak by Virus_Hima, Why do we need a proactive security?

Yahoo data leak by Virus_Hima, Why do we need a proactive security?

Dec 17, 2012
In November I was contacted for first time by the Egyptian Hacker named ViruS_HimA who announced me to have hacked into Adobe servers and leaked private data. The hacker violated Adobe servers gaining full access and dumping the entire database with more of 150,000 emails and hashed passwords of Adobe employees and customers/partner of the firm such as US Military, USAF, Google, Nasa DHL and many other companies. ViruS_HimA specifically addressed the inefficient and slow patch management process that leaves exposed for long period "big companies".  " When someone report vulnerability to them, It take 5-7 days for the notification that they've received your report!! It even takes 3-4 months to patch the vulnerabilities! Such big companies should really respond very fast and fix the security issues as fast as they can ." Like , we reported two days before that one month old reported critical vulnerability of account hijacking in Outlook and Hotmail  is still wo
Exclusive : Hacking Hotmail and Outlook accounts using Cookie reuse vulnerability

Exclusive : Hacking Hotmail and Outlook accounts using Cookie reuse vulnerability

Dec 14, 2012
This Friday I was working with my co-security researcher " Christy Philip Mathew " in +The Hacker News  Lab for testing the Cookie Handling Vulnerabilities in the most famous email services i.e Hotmail and Outlook. Well, both are merged now and part of the same parent company - Microsoft, the software giant.  Vulnerability allows an attacker to Hijack accounts in a very simple way, by just exporting & importing cookies of an user account from one system to attacker's system, and our results shows that even after logout by victim, the attacker is still able to reuse cookies at his end. There are different way of stealing cookies, that we will discuss below. In May 2012, another Indian security researcher Rishi Narang claimed similar vulnerability in Linkedin website. Vulnerability Details Many websites including Microsoft services uses cookies to store the session information in the user's web browser. Cookies are responsible for maintainin
$36,000 USD reward for wanted hacker

$36,000 USD reward for wanted hacker

Dec 13, 2012
Japan's National Police Agency has offered a monetary reward for a wanted hacker, use programming languages like C# to create a virus called " iesys.exe " and Hijack systems of innocent people to post aggressive messages on Internet on behalf of Users.  Method called a " Syberian Post Office " to post messages to popular Japanese bulletin board. Hacker use cross-site request forgery exploit, that allow hackers to making online postings via innocent users automatically. The messages included warnings of plans for mass killings at an elementary school posted to a city website. It is the first time that Japan's National Police Agency has offered a monetary reward for a wanted hacker  and will pay up to 3 million yen (US$36,000). The case is an embarrassing one for the police, in which earlier this year four individuals were wrongly arrested after their PCs were hacked and used to post  such messages on public bulletin boards. " Up until now th
XSS vulnerability in 4shared and NATO Multimedia Library Exposed

XSS vulnerability in 4shared and NATO Multimedia Library Exposed

Nov 28, 2012
Inj3ct0r Team found cross site scripting vulnerability in  4shared , a file sharing site. Vulnerability link is exposed in a note  available at their website.  In general, cross-site scripting refers to that hacking technique that leverages vulnerabilities in the code of a web application to allow an attacker to send malicious content from an end-user and collect some type of data from the victim. Also same hackers claiming to get access over a private server of NATO Library and expose the links online. Website titled " NATO Multimedia Library Online Catalog ". Inj3ct0r member told The Hacker News , " We found another secret NATO server. We received a root on the server and gave the world the hidden database to NATO personnel. Now everyone can look for a secret document ." These three servers are available online without authorization, but its not confirm that servers got hacked or not.
Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Nov 14, 2012
A particular class of attacks commonly referred to as "code insertion" and often " Cross-Site Scripting " has become increasingly popular. Yesterday we reported about Cross site scripting bug Paypal and Apple . Hacker from Inj3ct0r Team reported a XSS Cross site scripting Vulnerability on MSN.com website. Vulnerability exist of a subdomain of MSN at https://news.de.msn.com/. Details posted in an advisory . Cross site scripting occurs when a web application gathers malicious data from a user. Hackers said that, " The goal is to close the capabilities gap between the cyber-criminals and white hats, by enabling defenders to perform more comprehensive testing of their defenses ." According to report, this XSS is working perfectly with Internet Explorer and Opera web browser, Proof of Concept URL's are posted in advisory and Image as shown.
PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

Nov 13, 2012
Bug Bounty program, where white hat hackers and researchers hunt for serious security vulnerabilities and disclosing them only to the vendor for a patch , In return vendors rewards them with money. Various famous websites like Facebook , Google , Paypal , Mozilla, Barracuda Networks and more other giving away bug bounties in thousands of Dollars to hackers for finding vulnerabilities. Most common vulnerabilities reported maximum time on various sites is Cross site scripting and each month hackers submit lots of such vulnerabilities to companies. In case  your report is duplicate, i.e. Someone else before you submit the same vulnerability - company will reject you from the bug bounty program. But there is no proof or an open Panel where hacker can verify that is someone already reported for same bug before or not. If company reply you - " The bug was already discovered by another researcher" , can you do anything  even after knowing that you are very first per
XSS Vulnerability in Apple website

XSS Vulnerability in Apple website

Nov 13, 2012
A 16 years old Spanish Whitehat hacker going by name " The Pr0ph3t " found XSS Vulnerability on Apple website. The Vulnerability reported in Apple subdomain -  https://locate.apple.com , where users can choose a service center location. About Cross site scripting : Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites. The malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser. This vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. After capturing HTTP headers, hacker found that there is a parameter called "location" which is actually not filtered for malicious inputs. Hacker. For proof of concept , he inject a JavaScript code - as shown in image.  Vulnerability existence verified by The Hacker News team and its still vulnerable.
Airline, Myspace, Banks, Government websites vulnerable to Hackers

Airline, Myspace, Banks, Government websites vulnerable to Hackers

Nov 04, 2012
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is currently the most common vulnerability in the world. This is vulnerability of some host which allows anyone to inject code/scripts into the page. The injected scripts could be html tags, javascript script, vbscript scripts. A Hacker with virtual name ' Human mind cracker ' expose similar v ulnerabilities in some big and Important sites, like  Israel airline, Myspace, MTV website, Sweden government, Bangladesh bank, Nasa subdomain, Brown University, Afghanistan government website and Rome government website. In a pastebin note , hacker disclose the vulnerabilities and exact working links. These Cross Site Scripting existence is because of the lack of filtering engines to user inputs at websites, forms and web servers. Most of the time readers thinks that XSS is a very minor bug and having very less impact. But if implemented in a better way, that can harm all the visitors who will visit infected site. One of the biggest risk h
Firefox 16.0.2 available, Cross site scripting attack patched

Firefox 16.0.2 available, Cross site scripting attack patched

Oct 29, 2012
16.0.2 Firefox is now available for anyone who wants to try before anyone else. Mozilla address one serious vulnerability. According to the information security of Mozilla, they has fixed a number of issues related to the Location object in order to enhance overall security. The Location object is supported by all major browsers and contains information about the URL being requested. Security researcher Mariusz Mlynski reported that the true value of window.location could be shadowed by user content through the use of the valueOf method, which can be combined with some plugins to perform a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack on users. Another issue centers on the CheckURL function, which if exploited could be used during an XSS attack or to execute malicious code. On Oct. 9, Mozilla released Firefox 16, but quickly pulled it back after a serious vulnerability was discovered. It was quickly addressed, but not before exploit code was made available. Generally Firefox offers 16 power
How to Minimize Web Application Security Risk !

How to Minimize Web Application Security Risk !

Oct 19, 2012
With Web applications remaining a popular target for attackers, Web app security sometimes seems like a digital version of the " Good, the Bad and the Ugly ." Vulnerabilities in web applications are now the largest vector of enterprise security attacks. Web application security is much more challenging than infrastructure. The top Web application vulnerabilities occur and re-occur time and again. Items such as Cross Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection (SQLi) and file inclusion are common vulnerabilities and show up frequently. In his view, the majority of Web application security problems can be solved by applying well known security technology approaches. According to survey results, only 51 percent of organizations currently have coders conduct security testing, and only 40 percent of organizations report they test during development. Vulnerabilities like these fall often outside the traditional expertise of network security managers. To help you understand h
Universal Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Opera browser

Universal Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Opera browser

Oct 05, 2012
A Universal Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Opera browser was disclosed today on a Russian forum rdot.org . The flaw has the ability to be triggered by exploiting flaws inside browsers, instead of leveraging the vulnerabilities against insecure web sites. " Vulnerable versions Opera for Windows, Mac and Linux to 2.12 inclusive (the latest version as of today). On versions prior to 9.50 check is not performed. advise after referring to the following opera when redirecting to a site on data: URL via HTTP -header Location property document.domain has a value in the last redirecting site " The vulnerability actually use the Data URI Scheme in combination with another flaw called " Open Redirection " which happens when an attacker can use the webpage to redirect the user to any URI of his choice. Even one don't have "Open Redirection" flaw in his site, still this XSS can be triggered using various short url services like bit.ly and tinyurl.com.  Here 's a p
WhatsApp vulnerability can be misused for Spreading Malware

WhatsApp vulnerability can be misused for Spreading Malware

Sep 13, 2012
A Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WhatsApp website reported to The Hacker News by Edgard Chammas. WhatsApp is one of the most famous cross-platform mobile messaging app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia used to send text, video, images, audio b/w Whatsapp users. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications, such as web browsers through breaches of browser security, that enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. Reported vulnerability exist on payment procedure page as shown in above picture. The Sample code given below to demonstrate the vulnerability. Recently, there has been an increase in web malware and spam activities and such vulnerabilities can be misused by attackers to spread Malwares and rogue applications. Edgard also demonstrate that How this can be used to trick users to download a fake application (Malware - WhatsApp.apk) from o
PayPal will Pay Security Researchers for finding Vulnerabilities

PayPal will Pay Security Researchers for finding Vulnerabilities

Jun 26, 2012
PayPal will Pay Security Researchers for finding Vulnerabilities Payment services provider PayPal will reward security researchers who discover vulnerabilities in its website with money, if they report their findings to the company in a responsible manner. If you manage to find a security flaw in any of PayPal's products, you may be entitled to a cash reward. " I'm pleased to announce that we have updated our original bug reporting process into a paid 'bug bounty' program, " PayPal's Chief Information Security Officer Michael Barrett said in a  blog post  on Thursday. While Barrett disclosed vulnerability categories, he did not say how much cash the firm will be offering. PayPal plans to categorize reported bugs into one of four categories: XSS (Cross Site Scripting), CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery), SQL Injection or Authentication Bypass  Researchers need to have a verified PayPal account in order to receive the monetary rewards. " I original
BitCoin hacked, More than 18,000 Bitcoins Stolen

BitCoin hacked, More than 18,000 Bitcoins Stolen

May 12, 2012
Bitcoinica , a Bitcoin exchange started by a 17-year old teenager Zhou Tong, has been shut down for security investigations. It's believed that at least 18,000 BTC ($90,000 or 68,000 EUR) have been stolen. News of the hack was posted this morning by Bitcoinica's founder, Zhou Tong: " Today, we have discovered a suspicious Bitcoin transaction that doesn't seem to be initiated by any one of the company owners. Some of them are not online at the moment so this is not conclusive. Suspicious transaction: { "account" : "", " address " : "182tGyiczhXSSCTciVujNRkkMw1zQxUVhp", " category " : "send", " amount " : -18547.66867623, " fee " : 0.00000000, " blockhash " : "00000000000003f6bfd3e2fcbf76091853b28be234b5473a67f89b9d5bee019c", " blockindex " : 1, " txid " : "7a22917744aa9ed740faf3068a2f895424ed816ed1a04012b47df7a493f056e8", " time " : 13
WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

Apr 28, 2012
WebSploit Is An Open Source Project For Scan And Analysis Remote System From Vulnerability Description : [+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service [+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin [+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format [+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page [+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF [+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver) [+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist [+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target [+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks [+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack [+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack [+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector [+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows Download WebSploit Toolkit V.1.6
Penetration Testers Get Ready - BackBox Linux 2.05 released !

Penetration Testers Get Ready - BackBox Linux 2.05 released !

Apr 26, 2012
The BackBox team has announce the release 2.05 of BackBox Linux. The new release include features such as Ubuntu 11.04, Linux Kernel 2.6.38 and Xfce 4.8.0. BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools. What's new System upgrade Bug corrections Performance boost Improved start menu Improved WiFi driver (compat-wireless aircrack patched) New Hacking tools: creepy, fern-wifi-cracker, joomscan, pyrit, reaver, xplico, etc. Updated tools: crunch, fimap, hydra, magictree, metasploit, set, sipvicious, skipfish, w3af, weevely, wireshark, wirouterkeyrec, wpscan, zaproxy, theharvester, xsser, etc. Download Backbox 2.05
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