SteelFox and Rhadamanthys Malware Use Copyright Scams, Driver Exploits to Target Victims
Nov 07, 2024
Cryptocurrency / Malware
An ongoing phishing campaign is employing copyright infringement-related themes to trick victims into downloading a newer version of the Rhadamanthys information stealer since July 2024. Cybersecurity firm Check Point is tracking the large-scale campaign under the name CopyRh(ight)adamantys . Targeted regions include the United States, Europe, East Asia, and South America. "The campaign impersonates dozens of companies, while each email is sent to a specific targeted entity from a different Gmail account, adapting the impersonated company and the language per targeted entity," the company said in a technical analysis. "Almost 70% of the impersonated companies are from the Entertainment /Media and Technology/Software sectors." The attacks are notable for the deployment of version 0.7 of the Rhadamanthys stealer, which, as detailed by Recorded Future's Insikt Group early last month, incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) for optical character recognition ...