Comodo's so-called 'Secure Internet Browser' Comes with Disabled Security Features
Feb 03, 2016
Beware Comodo Users! Have you Safeguarded your PC with a Comodo Antivirus? Then you need to inspect your system for privacy and security concerns. First of all, make sure whether your default browser had been changed to " Chromodo " -- a free browser offered by Comodo Antivirus. If your head nod is " Yes ," then you could be at risk! Chromodo browser, which is supplied along with the installation of Comodo Anti-Virus Software and marketed as 'Private Internet Browser' for better security and privacy, automatically overrides system settings to set itself as your 'Default Browser.' And secondly, the main security concern about Comodo Antivirus is that the Chromodo browser has 'Same Origin Policy' (SOP) disabled by default. Google's security researcher Tavis Ormandy , recently shouted at Comodo for disabling SOP by default in its browser settings that violates one of the strongest browser security policy. Orm...