Automated Security Validation: One (Very Important) Part of a Complete CTEM Framework
Aug 08, 2024
Cyber Threat Management
The last few years have seen more than a few new categories of security solutions arise in hopes of stemming a never-ending tidal wave of risks. One of these categories is Automated Security Validation (ASV), which provides the attacker's perspective of exposures and equips security teams to continuously validate exposures, security measures, and remediation at scale. ASV is an important element of any cybersecurity strategy and by providing a clearer picture of potential vulnerabilities and exposures in the organization, security teams can identify weaknesses before they can be exploited. However, relying solely on ASV can be limiting. In this article, we'll take a look into how combining the detailed vulnerability insights from ASV with the broader threat landscape analysis provided by the Continuous Threat Exposure Management Framework (CTEM) can empower your security teams to make more informed decisions and allocate resources effectively. (Want to learn more about CTEM? Check