What is the Essential Eight (And Why Non-Aussies Should Care)
Jun 14, 2022
In 2017, The Australian Cyber Security Center (ACSC) published a set of mitigation strategies that were designed to help organizations to protect themselves against cyber security incidents. These strategies, which became known as the Essential Eight , are designed specifically for use on Windows networks, although variations of these strategies are commonly applied to other platforms. What is the Essential Eight? The Essential Eight is essentially a cyber security framework that is made up of objectives and controls (with each objective including multiple controls). Initially, the Australian government only mandated that companies adhere to four of the security controls that were included in the first objective. Starting in June of 2022 however, all 98 non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCCEs) are going to be required to comply with the entire framework . Non-Australians take note Although the Essential Eight is specific to Australia, organizations outsid...