Microsoft 'Accidentally' pushed 'Test patch' Update to All Windows 7 Users
Oct 01, 2015
A highly mysterious update that was pushed out to Windows machines globally was the result of a test that was not correctly implemented. Yes, Microsoft accidentally released a test patch (KB3877432) to consumer machines running Windows 7, making users believe that the Windows Update service got hacked, and they are infected with malware. However, several hours later, a Microsoft spokesperson clear the air by confirming that the company had " incorrectly published a test update " and that they are "in the process of removing it." Windows users started raising concerns on social media, Microsoft community forums, and news-sharing sites that the Update service has been compromised in some way. The rogue patch, 4.3MB in size , advertised itself as a Windows Language Pack and flagged as an " Important " update, but featured strange and inaccessible URLs and lacked any detailed information. Is My Windows PC Being Compromised? A Wi...