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Category — stealing money
Tyupkin Malware Hacking ATM Machines Worldwide

Tyupkin Malware Hacking ATM Machines Worldwide

Oct 08, 2014
Money is always a perfect motivation for cyber criminals who tries different tricks to solely target users with card skimmers that steal debit card numbers, but now the criminals are using specialized malware that targets ATM (Automated Teller Machine) systems to withdraw cash even without the need of a card. The new backdoor program, dubbed as " Tyupkin ," requires physical access to the ATM system running 32-bit Windows platforms and booting it off of a CD in order to install the malware. According to the researchers, the threat has continued to evolve in recent months, infecting ATMs in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. There are no details relating to the criminal gang behind the attacks, but they have already stolen "millions of dollars" from ATMs worldwide using the sophisticated malware, security firms Kaspersky and Interpol, who are working together in an attempt to foil the criminal gang, said in a joint statement released on Tuesday. " Over t...
Hacker stole $100,000 from Users of California based ISP using SQL Injection

Hacker stole $100,000 from Users of California based ISP using SQL Injection

Oct 22, 2013
In 2013 we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of hack attacks attempted against banks, credit unions and utility companies using various techniques including  DDoS attack , SQL injection, DNS Hijacking and Zero-Day Flaws. SQL Injection is one of the most common security vulnerabilities on the web and is successful only when the web application is not sufficiently secured. Recently a hacking Group named ' TeamBerserk ' claimed on Twitter that, they have stolen $100,000 by leveraging user names and passwords taken from a California ISP Sebastian (Sebastiancorp.com)to access victims' bank accounts. A video proof was uploaded on the Internet, shows that how hackers used a SQL injection attack against the California ISP Sebastian to access their customers' database includes  e-mail addresses, user names and clear text passwords and then using the same data to steal money from those customers. Let's see what SQL Injection is and how ser...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
19-year-old Argentine Hacker arrested for stealing $50,000 monthly

19-year-old Argentine Hacker arrested for stealing $50,000 monthly

Sep 14, 2013
Argentinian police have arrested a 19-year-old " superhacker " who was making $50,000 a month,  working from his bedroom in Buenos Aires, by targeting international money transfer and gambling websites. Police say it took them a year to close in on the teenager, who was part of a six-strong gang which planted viruses on a gaming site which infected the computers of website visitors. Police raiding his Buenos Aires residence and identified six more people who were involved in the criminal network. The criminal  is reportedly the son of an IT engineer and officials found high-capacity computers from his room. The hackers used malware to run a Botnet network of thousands of zombie computers, which were then used to illegally divert money from accounts leaving virtually no trace behind. Police seized electronic equipment, including cables, routers and over 14 hard drives. The police department dubbed it Operation Zombie began in 2012. His activities wer...
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Russian Hackers charged for stealing 160 million Credit Cards

Russian Hackers charged for stealing 160 million Credit Cards

Jul 25, 2013
A Group of Hackers, Four Russians and a Ukrainian allegedly broke computer networks of more than a dozen major American and international corporations and stole 160 million credit card numbers over the course of seven years, the largest data theft case ever prosecuted in the U.S.  They are accused of stealing usernames and passwords, personal identification information, and credit and debit card numbers. After stealing data, they sold it to resellers, who then sold it through online forums or to individuals and organizations. Since at least 2007, officials said the hackers have been infiltrating computer networks across the globe, including firms in New Jersey, where the first breach was detected. The group would then allegedly install " sniffers " within the networks to automatically obtain electronic data from tens of thousands of credit cards. The network allegedly charged $10 for American credit card information, $50 for European information and $15 for Ca...
Liberty Reserve founder arrested for money laundering, service closed down

Liberty Reserve founder arrested for money laundering, service closed down

May 26, 2013
Liberty Reserve , a payment processor similar to Paypal was down on Saturday after the founder of Liberty Reserve, Arthur Budovsky Belanchuk , 39, on Friday was reportedly arrested in Spain by Costa Rican authorities after his they raided suspect´s home and offices in San José and Heredia. Mr. Belanchuk, a Costa Rican citizen of Ukrainian origin, was under investigation since 2011 after authorities flagged his firm for money laundering . Investigators say that Budovsky's businesses in Costa Rica , including Liberty Reserve , were used to launder money for child pornography websites and drug trafficking. Liberty Reserve is a largely unregulated money transfer business that allows customers to open accounts using little more than a valid email address, and this relative anonymity has attracted a huge number of customers from underground economies, particularly cyber crime . It allowing users to nearly anonymously open accounts with limited documentation of identity. Dep...
The Pirate Bay co-founder charged for hacking and stealing money

The Pirate Bay co-founder charged for hacking and stealing money

Apr 17, 2013
The Pirate Bay co-founder  Gottfrid Svartholm Warg (Anakata)  charged with hacking the IBM mainframe of Logica, a Swedish IT firm that provided tax services to the Swedish government, and the IBM mainframe of the Swedish Nordea bank. Svartholm has been charged with several hacking related offenses including serious fraud , attempted aggravated fraud, and aiding attempted aggravated fraud. Three other defendants received similar charges. He was arrested in Cambodia in September 2012 and deported to Sweden where he was arrested for his alleged involvement in the Logica hack. 28-year-old computer specialist Svartholm and other founders of The Pirate Bay were found guilty by the Swedish government in 2009 for facilitating the illegal downloading of copyrighted materials. He has served a one-year prison sentence in Sweden since September 2012, and will likely remain in prison while facing these new charges. Swedish prosecutor Henrik Olin said in a statement, " ...
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