Mandiant revealed Chinese APT1 Cyber Espionage campaign
Feb 19, 2013
Few weeks after the discovery of the sophisticated cyber espionage campaign against principal US media The Mandiant® Intelligence Center ™ released an shocking report that reveals an enterprise-scale computer espionage campaign dubbed APT1. The term APT1 is referred to one of the numerous cyber espionage campaign that stolen the major quantity of information all over the world. The evidences collected by the security experts link APT1 to China's 2nd Bureau of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Staff Department's (GSD) 3rd Department (Military Cover Designator 61398) but what is really impressive is that the operation have been started in the distant 2006 targeting 141 victims across multiple industries. During the attacks the attackers have took over APT1 malware families and has revealed by the report APT1′s modus operandi (tools, tactics, procedures) including a compilation of videos showing actual APT1 activity. The Mandiant has also identified more than ...