Top 3 Focus Areas that can help you in Data Loss Prevention
Oct 13, 2013
One of the most intimidating issues that gives nightmares to IT teams across organizations is data breaches or data loss. Typically, data loss happens when security is compromised and corporate sensitive data is accessed. It might fall under any of these categories: Unauthorized, intentional or unintentional exfiltration of confidential information Data spill or data leak This can happen due to external security attacks like malware, hacking or sometimes even from an internal source such as a disgruntled employee. This calls for a data loss prevention (DLP) system in place that would help you contain and avoid the loss of data. Data loss happens in many stages and can be broadly categorized into three categories: Data in Motion: Data that moves through the network to the outside, in most cases using the Internet Data at Rest: Data that rests in your database and other provisions for storage Data at the Endpoints: Data at the endpoints of your network, say, data on USB and oth...