Hey, Poker Face — This Wi-Fi Router Can Read Your Emotions
Sep 21, 2016
Are you good at hiding your feelings? No issues, your Wi-Fi router may soon be able to tell how you feel, even if you have a good poker face. A team of researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed a device that can measure human inner emotional states using wireless signals. Dubbed EQ-Radio , the new device measures heartbeat, and breath to determine whether a person is happy, excited, sad, or angry. Using EQ-Radio, which emits and captures reflected radio frequency (RF) waves, the team bounced waves off a person's body to measure subtle changes in breathing patterns and heart rates. This data was then run through a bunch of algorithms and a machine-learning process programmed to match a person's behavior to how they acted previously, categorizing the person's emotion as one of the four emotional states: Pleasure, Joy, Anger and Sadness. The impressive part about the technique: EQ-Radio doesn't r...