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Category — movie download
HBO Hacked — 'Game of Thrones' Scripts & Other Episodes Leaked Online

HBO Hacked — 'Game of Thrones' Scripts & Other Episodes Leaked Online

Jul 31, 2017
If you are a die heart fan of 'Game of Thrones' series, there's good news for you, but obviously bad for HBO. Hackers claim to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from HBO, including episodes of HBO shows yet to release online and information on the current season of Game of Thrones. What's more? The hackers have already leaked upcoming episodes of the shows "Ballers" and "Room 104" on the Internet. Additionally, the hackers have also released a script that is reportedly for the upcoming fourth episode of "Game of Thrones" Season 7 . According to Entertainment Weekly , hackers claim to have obtained 1.5 terabytes of data from the entertainment giant and informed several reporters about the hack via anonymous email sent on Sunday. Though HBO has confirmed the cyber attack on its network and released a statement, the company did not confirm what the hackers have stolen more information, and whether or not upcoming episodes of the ...
Beware! Subtitle Files Can Hack Your Computer While You're Enjoying Movies

Beware! Subtitle Files Can Hack Your Computer While You're Enjoying Movies

May 23, 2017
Do you watch movies with subtitles? Just last night, I wanted to watch a French movie, so I searched for English subtitles and downloaded it to my computer. Though that film was excellent, this morning a new research from Checkpoint scared me. I was unaware that a little subtitle file could hand over full control of my computer to hackers, while I was enjoying the movie. Yes, you heard that right. A team of researchers at Check Point has discovered vulnerabilities in four of the most popular media player applications, which can be exploited by hackers to hijack " any type of device via vulnerabilities; whether it is a PC, a smart TV, or a mobile device " with malicious codes inserted into the subtitle files. " We have now discovered malicious subtitles could be created and delivered to millions of devices automatically, bypassing security software and giving the attacker full control of the infected device and the data it holds, " he added. These ...
4 Ways to Keep MFA From Becoming too Much of a Good Thing

4 Ways to Keep MFA From Becoming too Much of a Good Thing

Feb 11, 2025IT Security / Threat Protection
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has quickly become the standard for securing business accounts. Once a niche security measure, adoption is on the rise across industries. But while it's undeniably effective at keeping bad actors out, the implementation of MFA solutions can be a tangled mess of competing designs and ideas. For businesses and employees, the reality is that MFA sometimes feels like too much of a good thing. Here are a few reasons why MFA isn't implemented more universally. 1. Businesses see MFA as a cost center MFA for businesses isn't free, and the costs of MFA can add up over time. Third-party MFA solutions come with subscription costs, typically charged per user. Even built-in options like Microsoft 365's MFA features can cost extra depending on your Microsoft Entra license. Plus, there's the cost of training employees to use MFA and the time IT takes to enroll them. If MFA increases help desk calls, support costs go up too. While these expenses are far less t...
How Google Is Tracking Your Movie and Event Activities

How Google Is Tracking Your Movie and Event Activities

Jun 23, 2015
No doubt, You must be aware that Google tracks you, but what you probably did not realize is how precisely and till what extent it tracks you. Well, Google knows which movies I watched where, when, at what time and with how many of my friends , and knows it so well — even my eyebrows raised slightly in surprise! Yes, you heard right. If you are using your Gmail account like I do, receiving all movie booking and tickets, Google can easily track your movie flavors and frequent hangout places without access to GPS. GOOGLE READ MY EMAILS FOR EVENT INFORMATION I was feeling bored last night, so I decided to watch a movie and moved towards Google to search newly released films. As I googled " Movies 2015 "... Holy Crap! What I saw on the monitor was unbelievable. In Google search results, I was able to see the list of all my past movie booking event activities and even my future bookings ( shown below ), and it was so, so accurate. If you have Google acc...
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BitTorrent Invites Sony to Release 'The Interview' Movie On Its Paid Service

BitTorrent Invites Sony to Release 'The Interview' Movie On Its Paid Service

Dec 23, 2014
Sony was forced to pull the cinema release of " The Interview ," scheduled for Christmas day, after hacker group Guardians of Peace (GOP) threatened to attack any theater that decided to show the film. But the studio will release the controversial North Korean-baiting film via different alternatives. HACKERS WARNED OF TERROR ATTACK The massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment is getting worst day by day. The hack has yet exposed about 200 gigabytes of confidential data belonging to the company from upcoming movie scripts to sensitive employees data, celebrities phone numbers and their travel aliases, and also the high-quality versions of 5 newest films leak , marking it as the most severe hack in the History. Week back, the hacker group GOP, who has claimed responsibility for the damaging Sony cyber-attack, demanded Sony to cancel the release of " The Interview " — the Seth Rogen and James Franco-starring comedy centered around a T...
Sony Pictures Hack — 5 Things You Need To Know

Sony Pictures Hack — 5 Things You Need To Know

Dec 02, 2014
What a horrible start the holiday season in U.S. Over Thanksgiving weekend, Sony Pictures Entertainment suffered a massive data breach as "Guardians of Peace" hacked-into Sony Pictures' computer system that brought the studio's network to a screeching halt. Following the hack, hackers leaked five unreleased Sony movies to Torrent file-sharing website during Black Friday. It's still not clear whether both the incident back to back with Sony Pictures belongs to same group of hackers or not, but here's what you need to know about the breach: 1. FBI MALWARE WARNING AFTER SONY PICTURES HACK The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned businesses that cyber criminals have used malicious software to launch destructive cyber-attacks in the United States, following the last week's massive data breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment, in which four unreleased films were stolen and pirate-shared. In a five-page confidential 'flash...
Movie Review: The Internet’s Own Boy - The story of Aaron Swartz

Movie Review: The Internet's Own Boy - The story of Aaron Swartz

Jun 30, 2014
Death is always painful, but its pains compounded considerably if its cause is suicide. When a suicide occurs, we aren't just left with the loss of a person, but we're also left with a legacy of anger, second-guessing, and fearful anxiety. Like in the case of the great Internet Activist Aaron Swartz. Aaron Hillel Swartz , an eclectic persona, was a self-taught programmer, Internet activist, co-founder of the popular social news website Reddit, founder of the organization Demand Progress and an activist who helped create the RSS feed format. In Fact, this isn't enough to define The Internet's Own Boy Aaron Swartz , who crafted the Internet we know today. Aaron Swartz committed suicide last year (when he was just a 26-year-old) after being threatened with the possibility of at least 35-year prison sentence and $4 million in fines by the Court for downloading millions of academic journal articles illegally over the digital library Jstor from MIT, with no bad intention ot...
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