You can Hack into a Linux Computer just by pressing 'Backspace' 28 times
Dec 17, 2015
So what would anyone need to bypass password protection on your computer? It just needs to hit the backspace key 28 times , for at least the computer running Linux operating system. Wait, what? A pair of security researchers from the University of Valencia have uncovered a bizarre bug in several distributions of Linux that could allow anyone to bypass any kind of authentication during boot-up just by pressing backspace key 28 times. This time, the issue is neither in a kernel nor in an operating system itself, but rather the vulnerability actually resides in Grub2 , the popular Grand Unified Bootloader , which is used by most Linux systems to boot the operating system when the PC starts. Also Read: GPU-based Linux Rootkit and Keylogger . The source of the vulnerability is nothing but an integer underflow fault that was introduced with single commit in Grub version 1.98 (December 2009) – b391bdb2f2c5ccf29da66cecdbfb7566656a704d – affecting the grub_password