Hackers abusing online Nmap Port Scanning service
Dec 28, 2012
Most of you knows the power of Nmap, When used properly, Nmap helps protect your network from invaders. One of the best tool for hackers, penetration testers and Security researchers. Officially Nmap a desktop tool, can be used as web version but should be under some limitations. When someone does Nmap scan against a target to find out the open ports, enumerating system details and installed services versions, most obvious if used improperly, Nmap can get you sued, fired, expelled, jailed, or banned by your ISP for scanning a target under hacking attempt. Hacker can be tracked back via the IP address from where one perform the scanning, but what if a web version of Nmap available on a website, where one just need to enter the target IP/website address and that website will do a free scan against your target ? Seems easy and one can use Proxy to access that website and which will do a simple and fast scan for you ! Yes, a service called " ScanPlanner " (htt