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Category — hacking twitter account
Oil Producer Saudi Aramco twitter account hacked

Oil Producer Saudi Aramco twitter account hacked

Mar 06, 2013
Twitter continues to implement new security features. But really, who thinks social media will ever be unhackable? The official twitter account of Saudi Aramco , the world's biggest oil producer hacked by hacker with name ' Mister Rero '. The background on Saudi Aramco's official Twitter page and the name has been changed by hacker. So far, no tweets posted by hacker. Last year in August about 30,000 workstations inside internal computer networks of Saudi Aramco was infected by a virus. Last month Burger King's and Jeep's official Twitter accounts was compromised.
Art of twitter account hacking, now or never !

Art of twitter account hacking, now or never !

Nov 09, 2012
Phishing is most commonly perpetrated through the mass distribution of e-mail messages directing users to a fraud web site or services. These professional criminals daily find new ways to commit old crimes, treating cyber crime like a business and forming global criminal communities. Another latest scam has been notified by GFI that, where cyber criminals are offering the art of hacking Twitter accounts with a web-based exploit. Phishers are sending scam emails and offering fake twitter account hacking service, which in actual will hack their own twitter accounts. Email from phishers have text, " Do you want to learn how to hack twitter? Are you looking for a way to hack your friends twitter account without them finding out? Interested in finding out ways to hack someone's profile? Maybe you want to take a quick peek at their direct message inbox, steal their username or find a glitch to use a hacking script, ". Hackers try to convince readers by showing a exploi...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
United Socialist Party of Venezuela's twitter account hacked

United Socialist Party of Venezuela's twitter account hacked

Nov 09, 2012
LulzSec Peru hack the official twitter account ( @partidopsuv ) of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in the evening hours of Thursday. Hackers start twitting from hacked account, " No to communism. Corrupt Chavez get out. " In a blog post Party people announce that their twitter account is compromised and " Unfortunately this type of attacks, which are part of the fourth generation war that we face today, promoted by the fascist right. " Now account credentials are recovered by party but the tweets posted by hackers are still online. The pastebin link posted by hackers contain more Emails and Documents dumps .
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Scam Alert : You are Twitter ‘User For The Month’

Scam Alert : You are Twitter 'User For The Month'

Nov 03, 2012
The growing popularity of microblogging sites like Twitter has sparked a corresponding rise in social networking scams. If you receive an email or direct message (DM) on Twitter with text " Hello, You have been selected to be the Twitter user for the month! We've got a reward for you text this word ITweet to the following number 6 8 3 9 8 " , don't bother replying the mail. Mary C. Long actually notice this scam and write a quick warming on his blog .  Those who send messages to the number provided by the scammers are actually handing over their phone numbers to the crooks. They can use the information for smishing attacks and all sorts of other malicious plots , Eduard Kovacs from Softpedia explains . Here a small list of most common Twitter-Facebook Scam messages , If any of this phishing scheme sounds familiar, ignore the message. i got mine yesterday you even see them taping u him what on earth you're doing on this mov...
Rock band 'Garbage' twitter account Hacked to spam monetized link

Rock band 'Garbage' twitter account Hacked to spam monetized link

Oct 17, 2012
Official Twitter account of Rock band ' Garbage ' has been compromised and hacker is posting Spam tweets and links using adf.ly, which is a url shortener service that pays on clicks. Hacked twitter account hack around 55,563 Followers. Hacker can post malicious links also, but in this case we can see that purpose is not to infect other, instead hacker want to make some money by spreading links. Even he has mention this in a tweet, " All you people saying I'm dumb. I've made over 19 dollars by spamming ad.fly links. I hack twitters and spam them great money ," How hacker got access to twitter account is not yet clear, may be phishing, social engineering or can be a  password guess, but once readers should learn the importance of strong password. Yesterday we have posted another Exclusive report that, how 15000 wordpress blogs hacked and hacker is making money from referral system by posting spam articles on each...
Twitter warning, Do not click DM saying "My profile was viewed..times..today"

Twitter warning, Do not click DM saying "My profile was viewed..times..today"

Oct 14, 2012
A very quick and urgent warning for Twitter users, If you receive a direct message (DM) on Twitter saying " My profile was viewed..times..today " with a link then please don't click it. If you do, you will run the risk of having your Twitter account hijacked, your account turned into a spam-spewing tweet factory and all of your Twitter followers will be sent a personal copy of the same DM saying " My profile was viewed..times..today ". The direct message is a Scam aimed at stealing your twitter account. Or If any of this phishing scheme sounds familiar, it's because this scam and others like it have been going around for quite some time now. Reason being, they're all highly effective. Sure, the verbiage in the Twitter DMs may change periodically, but the goal of stealing your Twitter username and password stays the same. We recommend you to: DO  not click the link. DELETE  that message ONCE REVIEW  all the application you have ...
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