Apple to build Fuel Cell Battery that Could Power iPhones and Macbooks for Weeks
Sep 05, 2015
Nothing could be scarier than that little battery icon in our smart hits the red. All our focus shifts towards searching the nearest charging outlet – and it happens all too often. Yes, the short battery life is the worst thing about our smartphones. It forces us to always carry chargers and battery banks, as well as continually chase plugs walls. But don't worry; Apple is looking to fix this problem soon. The technology giant is working on batteries that could Power its MacBooks and iPhones for 7 Days , according to a new patent filed by Apple. Batteries that Last for 7 Days Apple has filed a new patent for a ' fuel cell system ' that would replace the existing toxic batteries resided in its Macbooks with cells that could last " for days or even weeks without refuelling ". The patent, ' Fuel Cell System to Power a Portable Computing Device ', describes: A fuel cell system that converts fuel to electrical power A controller...