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Category — drone malware
You Can Hijack Nearly Any Drone Mid-flight Using This Tiny Gadget

You Can Hijack Nearly Any Drone Mid-flight Using This Tiny Gadget

Oct 27, 2016
Now you can hijack nearly any drone mid-flight just by using a tiny gadget. Security researcher Jonathan Andersson has devised a small hardware, dubbed Icarus, that can hijack a variety of popular drones mid-flight, allowing attackers to lock the owner out and give them complete control over the device. Andersson, who is the manager of Trend Micro's TippingPoint DVLab division, demonstrated this new hack at this year's PacSec security conference in Tokyo, Japan on Wednesday. Besides Drones, the new gadget has the capability of fully hijacking a wide variety of radio-controlled devices, including helicopters, cars, boats and other remote control gears that run over the most popular wireless transmission control protocol called DSMx. DSMx is a protocol used to facilitate communication between radio controllers and devices, including drones, helicopters, and cars. This is not the first hardware that can hijack drones mid-flight . There are jamming devices available in...
Google Wants to Fly Drones Over Your Head to Deliver High Speed 5G Internet

Google Wants to Fly Drones Over Your Head to Deliver High Speed 5G Internet

Jan 30, 2016
Would you enjoy If Drones hovering outside your window or above your head, just because it is offering High-Speed Internet Service? Most Americans may simply prefer to "Shoot Down" unwelcome items. Well, Google is working on a similar secret project, codenamed Project Skybender , to beam faster internet service, as fast as 5G , from the air. Google is currently testing multiple prototypes of Solar-powered Internet Drones in the New Mexico desert, as per some documents obtained by the Guardian under public records laws. To ensure security, Google is also said to have installed its own dedicated flight control centre near Spaceflight Operations Center at the Spaceport America facility in the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Google's Project SkyBender Drones are equipped with millimetre-wave radio transmissions to deliver next generation 5G wireless Internet, up to 40 times faster than 4G LTE systems. Drones  —  Privacy Nightmare ...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
Design Flaws Make Drones Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks

Design Flaws Make Drones Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks

Oct 04, 2015
In the past, The Hacker News (THN) reported about various activities surrounding Drones. Whether it was the development of the first backdoor for drones ( MalDrone ), or Weaponized drones getting legal , or Drones hacking smartphones . And now the reports depict... Security Researcher has showcased a method that can be used to hack and hijack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) , more commonly known as DRONES . Senior AV researcher at HP Security Research Oleg Petrovsky demonstrated scenarios of cyber attacks targeting the flight controller of drones with analysis explaining how drones could become victims of cyber attacks. Petrovsky has analyzed configurations and controllers for various popular multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to discover the weaknesses present in the already implemented cyber attacks. The research focuses on the flight controllers which is a microprocessor and comprises of: Input/Output Pins Multiple sensors onboard An acceler...
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Hacking Team: We're Victim of a Criminal Cyber Attack

Hacking Team: We're Victim of a Criminal Cyber Attack

Jul 22, 2015
Hacking Team , the Italy-based spyware company that sells spying software to law enforcement agencies worldwide, says the company has always operated with the law and regulation in an ethical manner. However, there was only one Violation of Law in this entire event, and that is – " the massive cyber attack on the Hacking Team. " company stated. The recent hack on Hacking Team exposed nearly 500GB of massive internal documents including internal emails, hacking tools, zero-day exploits , surveillance tools, source code for Spyware and a spreadsheet listing every government client with date of purchase and amount paid. Hacking Team Hack and Media Reports: The attack on Hacking Team was really huge in every sense. The team finally shows its disappointment with media on its hacking incident saying, the company that helps government fight crimes is being treated as the culprits, and the criminals who attacked the company are not. " Had a media company ...
MalDrone —  First Ever Backdoor Malware for Drones

MalDrone — First Ever Backdoor Malware for Drones

Jan 27, 2015
The use of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) called Drones is rapidly transforming the way we go to war. Drones were once used for land surveillance, Delivering Pizza's, then equipped with bombs that changed the way nations conduct war and last year, these hovering drones were also used to hack Smartphones. Recently, a security researcher has found a backdoor in the Parrot AR Drones manufactured by a French-based company, that could allow a malicious hacker to remotely hijacked the radio controlled flying quadcopter helicopter. The Parrot AR Drone, revealed at the International CES 2010 in Las Vegas, is a quadricopter helicopter which you can control with your smartphone or tablet. It features two built-in cameras, is easy to fly, and can be controlled without too much danger of it flipping over or smashing into things. FIRST EVER MALWARE FOR DRONES Security researcher, Rahul Sasi claimed to have developed the first ever backdoor malware for AR drone ARM L...
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