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Category — cyber resilience
The Value of AI-Powered Identity

The Value of AI-Powered Identity

Oct 08, 2024 Machine Learning / Data Security
Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) deepfakes and misinformation may cause worry in the world of technology and investment, but this powerful, foundational technology has the potential to benefit organizations of all kinds when harnessed appropriately. In the world of cybersecurity, one of the most important areas of application of AI is augmenting and enhancing identity management systems. AI-powered identity lifecycle management is at the vanguard of digital identity and is used to enhance security, streamline governance and improve the UX of an identity system. Benefits of an AI-powered identity AI is a technology that crosses barriers between traditionally opposing business area drivers, bringing previously conflicting areas together: AI enables better operational efficiency by reducing risk and improving security AI enables businesses to achieve goals by securing cyber-resilience AI facilitates agile and secure access by ensuring regulatory compliance AI and unifi
(Cyber) Risk = Probability of Occurrence x Damage

(Cyber) Risk = Probability of Occurrence x Damage

May 15, 2024 Threat Detection / Cybersecurity
Here's How to Enhance Your Cyber Resilience with CVSS In late 2023, the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) v4.0 was unveiled, succeeding the eight-year-old CVSS v3.0, with the aim to enhance vulnerability assessment for both industry and the public. This latest version introduces additional metrics like safety and automation to address criticism of lacking granularity while presenting a revised scoring system for a more comprehensive evaluation. It further emphasizes the importance of considering environmental and threat metrics alongside the base score to assess vulnerabilities accurately. Why Does It Matter? The primary purpose of the CVSS is to evaluate the risk associated with a vulnerability. Some vulnerabilities, particularly those found in network products, present a clear and significant risk as unauthenticated attackers can easily exploit them to gain remote control over affected systems. These vulnerabilities have frequently been exploited over the years, often ser
Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Oct 09, 2024SaaS Security / Identity Security
Social media accounts help shape a brand's identity and reputation. These public forums engage directly with customers as they are a hub to connect, share content and answer questions. However, despite the high profile role these accounts have, many organizations overlook social media account security. Many lack the safeguards to prevent unauthorized access — a situation no organization wants as it can quickly spiral to include reputational damage and financial losses.  With the impact this high, the need for deep understanding of social media risks as well as how to protect an organization's social media account are more crucial than ever. This article dives into the details of social media accounts, how social media can be misused and how to protect oneself. Understanding the Layers of Social Media Access Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn typically have two layers of access.  The Public Facing Page : where brands post content and engage with users.  The Advertis
It Costs How Much?!? The Financial Pitfalls of Cyberattacks on SMBs

It Costs How Much?!? The Financial Pitfalls of Cyberattacks on SMBs

May 06, 2024 Security Operations Center
Cybercriminals are vipers. They're like snakes in the grass, hiding behind their keyboards, waiting to strike. And if you're a small- and medium-sized business (SMB), your organization is the ideal lair for these serpents to slither into.  With cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated, SMBs like you must do more to protect themselves. But at what price? That's the daunting question many SMBs are forced to ask. Amidst your everyday challenges, the answer seems obvious: forgo investing in a robust cybersecurity solution for the time being. However, the alternative is to cross your fingers and hope hackers don't find you. That, of course, isn't the most prudent strategy, as the uncomfortable truth is threat actors now see your organization as a quick path to profit. Therefore, if your defenses are weak—or just not there—these digital crooks are likely to disrupt your operations, access sensitive data, and extort a heavy ransom. In this article, we'll explore the financial burdens
cyber security

What to look for in an AI Security Solution

websiteWIZAI Security Posture Management
Get a full breakdown of features, capabilities, and requirements that your AI-SPM tool must have to secure your AI systems.
Webinar: Learn Proactive Supply Chain Threat Hunting Techniques

Webinar: Learn Proactive Supply Chain Threat Hunting Techniques

Apr 23, 2024 Threat Hunting / Software Security
In the high-stakes world of cybersecurity, the battleground has shifted. Supply chain attacks have emerged as a potent threat, exploiting the intricate web of interconnected systems and third-party dependencies to breach even the most formidable defenses. But what if you could turn the tables and proactively hunt these threats before they wreak havoc? We invite you to join us for an exclusive webinar that will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to stay ahead of the curve: " Supply Chain Under Siege: Unveiling Hidden Threats ." This comprehensive session, led by industry experts Rhys Arkins (VP of Product) and Jeffrey Martin (VP of Product Marketing), promises an in-depth exploration of the supply chain threat landscape. Brace yourself for a revelatory journey through: The Anatomy of Supply Chain Threats:  Gain a deep understanding of these insidious attacks, their far-reaching consequences, and the vulnerabilities they exploit. Proactive Threat Hunting Methodol
Recover from Ransomware in 5 Minutes—We will Teach You How!

Recover from Ransomware in 5 Minutes—We will Teach You How!

Apr 18, 2024 Cyber Resilience / Data Protection
Super Low RPO with Continuous Data Protection: Dial Back to Just Seconds Before an Attack Zerto , a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, can help you detect and recover from ransomware in near real-time. This solution leverages continuous data protection (CDP) to ensure all workloads have the lowest recovery point objective (RPO) possible. The most valuable thing about CDP is that it does not use snapshots, agents, or any other periodic data protection methodology. Zerto has no impact on production workloads and can achieve RPOs in the region of 5-15 seconds across thousands of virtual machines simultaneously. For example, the environment in the image below has nearly 1,000 VMs being protected with an average RPO of just six seconds! Application-Centric Protection: Group Your VMs to Gain Application-Level Control   You can protect your VMs with the Zerto application-centric approach using Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs). This logical grouping of VMs ensures that your whole applica
The Drop in Ransomware Attacks in 2024 and What it Means

The Drop in Ransomware Attacks in 2024 and What it Means

Apr 08, 2024 Ransomware / Cybercrime
The  ransomware industry surged in 2023  as it saw an alarming 55.5% increase in victims worldwide, reaching a staggering 5,070.  But 2024 is starting off showing a very different picture.  While the numbers skyrocketed in Q4 2023 with 1309 cases, in Q1 2024, the ransomware industry was down to 1,048 cases. This is a 22% decrease in ransomware attacks compared to Q4 2023. Figure 1: Victims per quarter There could be several reasons for this significant drop.  Reason 1: The Law Enforcement Intervention Firstly, law enforcement has upped the ante in 2024 with actions against both LockBit and ALPHV. The LockBit Arrests In February, an international operation named "Operation Cronos" culminated in the arrest of at least three associates of the infamous LockBit ransomware syndicate in Poland and Ukraine.  Law enforcement from multiple countries collaborated to take down LockBit's infrastructure. This included seizing their dark web domains and gaining access to their backend sys
TheMoon Botnet Resurfaces, Exploiting EoL Devices to Power Criminal Proxy

TheMoon Botnet Resurfaces, Exploiting EoL Devices to Power Criminal Proxy

Mar 29, 2024 Network Security / IoT Security
A botnet previously considered to be rendered inert has been observed enslaving end-of-life (EoL) small home/small office (SOHO) routers and IoT devices to fuel a criminal proxy service called Faceless. " TheMoon , which  emerged  in  2014 , has been operating quietly while growing to over 40,000 bots from 88 countries in January and February of 2024," the Black Lotus Labs team at Lumen Technologies  said . Faceless,  detailed  by security journalist Brian Krebs in April 2023, is a malicious residential proxy service that's offered its anonymity services to other threat actors for a negligible fee that costs less than a dollar per day. In doing so, it allows the customers to route their malicious traffic through tens of thousands of compromised systems advertised on the service, effectively concealing their true origins. The Faceless-backed infrastructure has been assessed to be used by operators of malware such as  SolarMarker  and  IcedID  to connect to their comm
Why Are Compromised Identities the Nightmare to IR Speed and Efficiency?

Why Are Compromised Identities the Nightmare to IR Speed and Efficiency?

Feb 12, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cyber Resilience
Incident response (IR) is a race against time. You engage your internal or external team because there's enough evidence that something bad is happening, but you're still blind to the scope, the impact, and the root cause. The common set of IR tools and practices provides IR teams with the ability to discover malicious files and outbound network connections. However, the identity aspect - namely the pinpointing of compromised user accounts that were used to spread in your network - unfortunately remains unattended. This task proves to be the most time-consuming for IR teams and has become a challenging uphill battle that enables attackers to earn precious time in which they can still inflict damage.  In this article, we analyze the root cause of the identity of IR blind spots and provide sample IR scenarios in which it acts as an inhibitor to a rapid and efficient process. We then introduce Silverfort's Unified Identity Protection Platform and show how its real-time MFA and ident
QakBot Malware Resurfaces with New Tactics, Targeting the Hospitality Industry

QakBot Malware Resurfaces with New Tactics, Targeting the Hospitality Industry

Dec 18, 2023 Malware / Cybersecurity
A new wave of phishing messages distributing the  QakBot  malware has been observed, more than three months after a law enforcement effort saw its infrastructure dismantled by infiltrating its command-and-control (C2) network. Microsoft, which made the discovery, described it as a low-volume campaign that began on December 11, 2023, and targeted the hospitality industry. "Targets received a PDF from a user masquerading as an IRS employee," the tech giant  said  in a series of posts shared on X (formerly Twitter). "The PDF contained a URL that downloads a digitally signed Windows Installer (.msi). Executing the MSI led to Qakbot being invoked using export 'hvsi' execution of an embedded DLL." Microsoft said that the payload was generated the same day the campaign started and that it's configured with the previously unseen version 0x500. Zscaler ThreatLabz, in a post shared on X, described the resurfaced QakBot as a 64-bit binary that utilizes AES
Why Defenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset

Why Defenders Should Embrace a Hacker Mindset

Nov 20, 2023 Threat Management / Red Team
Today's security leaders must manage a constantly evolving attack surface and a dynamic threat environment due to interconnected devices, cloud services, IoT technologies, and hybrid work environments. Adversaries are constantly introducing new attack techniques, and not all companies have internal Red Teams or unlimited security resources to stay on top of the latest threats. On top of that, today's attackers are indiscriminate and every business - big or small - needs to be prepared. It is no longer enough for security teams to  detect and respond ; we must now also  predict and prevent . To handle today's security environment, defenders need to be agile and innovative. In short, we need to start thinking like a hacker.  Taking the mindset of an opportunistic threat actor allows you to not only gain a better understanding of potentially exploitable pathways, but also to more effectively prioritize your remediation efforts. It also helps you move past potentially harmful biases, su
Continuous Security Validation with Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS)

Continuous Security Validation with Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS)

Aug 09, 2023 Penetration Testing / DevSecOps
Validate security continuously across your full stack with Pen Testing as a Service. In today's modern security operations center (SOC), it's a battle between the defenders and the cybercriminals. Both are using tools and expertise – however, the cybercriminals have the element of surprise on their side, and a host of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that have evolved. These external threat actors have now been further emboldened in the era of AI with open-source tools like ChatGPT. With the potential of an attack leading to a breach within minutes, CISOs now are looking to prepare all systems and assets for cyber resilience and rapid response when needed. With tools and capabilities to validate security continuously – including penetration testing as a service – DevSecOps teams can remediate critical vulnerabilities fast due to the easy access to tactical support to the teams that need it the most. This gives the SOC and DevOps teams tools to that remove false po
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