Windows 10 Preview Has A Keylogger to Watch Your Every Move
Oct 04, 2014
This week Microsoft announced the next version of its Operating system, dubbed WIndows 10, providing Windows 10 Technical Preview release under its " Insider Program " in order to collect feedback from users and help shape the final version of the operating system, but something really went WRONG! " Inside Microsoft's Insider Program you'll get all the latest Windows preview builds as soon as they're available. In return, we want to know what you think. You'll get an easy-to-use app to give us your feedback, which will help guide us along the way ." Microsoft website reads . Well, how many of you actually read the " Terms of Service " and " Privacy Policy " documents before downloading the Preview release of Windows 10? I guess none of you, because most computer users have habit of ignoring that lengthy paragraphs and simply click " I Agree " and then " next ", which is not at all a good practise. Also Read: Deep Web Search Engines .